RA45PST ;Hines OI/GJC - Post-init Driver, patch 45 ;10/10/03 06:32 VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**45**;Mar 16, 1998 ; EN ;Need to convert the data in the old 'BARIUM USED?' (#5) field in ;the 70.03 data dictionary to the CONTRAST MEDIA (#225) multiple ;70.3225. If 'Yes' to 'BARIUM USED?' then 'Barium' will be added ;as a record to the new CONTRAST MEDIA field. The 'BARIUM USED?' ;field will be deleted. This will be a background process queued ;to run by the RA*5*45 post-init. I '$D(^DD(70.03,5,0))#2 D .S RATXT(1)="'BARIUM USED?' (sub-dd: 70.03, fld: 5) field has been deleted in the" .S RATXT(2)="past; no further action taken regarding this data dictionary." .D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT .Q E D .N RATXT,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN .S ZTIO="",ZTRTN="ENQ1^RA45PST1" .S ZTDESC="RA*5.0*45: 'BARIUM USED?' (dd: 70.03;fld: 5) field cleanup" .S ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),0,0,2,0) ;add 2 minutes to 'now' .D ^%ZTLOAD S RATXT(1)=" " .S RATXT(2)="RA*5.0*45: delete 'BARIUM USED?' field, convert data to CONTRAST MEDIA (70.3225) multiple" .S:$G(ZTSK)>0 RATXT(3)="Task: "_ZTSK_"." .S RATXT(4)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) .Q ; SEED71 ;The second process must be tasked off that will identify all the ;Rad/Nuc Med orderable items (OI) in file 101.43 checking them to ;see if barium, oral cholecystogram or unspecified contrast media ;happen to be associated contrasts. ; ;If no associations move onto the next OI and check for CMs ; ;If yes, update the procedure in file 71; add barium, oral ;cholecystografic or unspecified contrast media to the CONTRAST MEDIA ;(#125) multiple in file 71. All successful and unsuccessful updates ;will be presented to the user in the form of an email message. ;(Failure to update occurs when a record cannot be locked) ; ;Finally, the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure (71) file will be synchronized with ;the Orderable Items (101.43) file. ; N RATXT,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN S ZTIO="",ZTRTN="ENQ2^RA45PST2" S ZTDESC="RA*5.0*45: seed new CONTRAST MEDIA (#125) field in file 71" S ZTDTH=$$FMADD^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT(),0,0,2,0) ;add 2 minutes to 'now' D ^%ZTLOAD S RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="RA*5.0*45: seed new CONTRAST MEDIA (#125) field in file 71" S:$G(ZTSK)>0 RATXT(3)="Task: "_ZTSK_"." S RATXT(4)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) Q ; MAILQ2(FORMAT,SUBJECT) ;Update users via email; let the user(s) know which ;Rad/NM Procedures have been updated according to their Orderable Item ;equivalents. ;input: FORMAT='1' for Orderable Item CM definitions applied to Rad/Nuc ; Med procedure, '2' for sychronization between Rad/Nuc Med ; Procedure and the Orderable Items file (Rad/Nuc Med ; function) ; SUBJECT=subject of the email ; Q:FORMAT'=1&(FORMAT'=2) Q:$G(SUBJECT)="" NEW RAX S:FORMAT=1 $P(RAX," ",81)="",$E(RAX,1,6)="Status",$E(RAX,10,18)="Procedure",$E(RAX,52,55)="CPT",$E(RAX,60,67)="Contrast" S:FORMAT=2 $P(RAX," ",81)="",$E(RAX,1,6)="Status",$E(RAX,10,18)="Procedure",$E(RAX,55,58)="CPT",$E(RAX,65,72)="Contrast" S ^TMP("RA PROC UPDATE 45",$J,.3)=RAX S $P(^TMP("RA PROC UPDATE 45",$J,.6),"-",81)="" ;80 dashes N XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY S XMDUZ=.5 S XMTEXT="^TMP(""RA PROC UPDATE 45"",$J,",XMSUB=SUBJECT I '$$GOTLOCAL^XMXAPIG("G.RAD PERFORMANCE INDICATOR") D .S XMY(DUZ)="" E S XMY("G.RAD PERFORMANCE INDICATOR")="" D ^XMD Q ;