RA64PST ;Hines OI/GJC - Post-init Driver, patch 64 ;01/05/06 06:32 VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**64**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 5 ; EN ; entry point for the post-install logic N RACHK S RACHK=$$NEWCP^XPDUTL("POST1","EN1^RA64PST") ; Add the correct calendar year scaling factors to the correct ; imaging type records in the IMAGING TYPE (#79.2) file. Q ; EN1 ; Add the scaling facors to the correct IMAGING TYPE file records. N RAI,RAX K RAMSG F RAI=1:1 S RAX=$T(FACTORS+RAI) Q:RAX="" D .S RAIEN=+$O(^RA(79.2,"B",$P(RAX,";",3),0)) .I 'RAIEN D Q ..S RATXT(1)="'"_$P(RAX,";",3)_"' not found as an imaging type record," ..S RATXT(2)="wRVU scaling factors not filed." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT ..Q .I '$D(^RA(79.2,"C",$P(RAX,";",4),RAIEN))#2 D Q ..S RATXT(1)="'"_$P(RAX,";",4)_"' not found as the abbreviation for imaging type record:" ..S RATXT(2)="'"_$P(RAX,";",3)_"'." ..S RATXT(3)="wRVU scaling factors not filed." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT ..Q .Q:$D(^RA(79.2,RAIEN,"CY","B",$P(RAX,";",5)))\10 ;been there, done that .S RAFDA(79.22,"+812,"_RAIEN_",",.01)=$P(RAX,";",5) .S RAFDA(79.22,"+812,"_RAIEN_",",2)=$P(RAX,";",6) .S RATXT(1)="Filing scaling wRVU factors for: '"_$P(RAX,";",3)_"'" .D UPDATE^DIE("E","RAFDA","","RAMSG(1)") K RAFDA .S RATXT(2)="The filing of data was "_$S($D(RAMSG(1,"DIERR"))#2:"un",1:"")_"successful." .S RATXT(3)=" " D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RAMSG,RATXT .Q XIT ;clean up symbol table; exit K RAIEN Q ; FACTORS ;I-type name;I-type abbreviation;calendar year;scaled wRVU value ;;ANGIO/NEURO/INTERVENTIONAL;ANI;2006;0.61 ;;CT SCAN;CT;2006;0.70 ;;GENERAL RADIOLOGY;RAD;2006;1.21 ;;MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING;MRI;2006;0.70 ;;NUCLEAR MEDICINE;NM;2006;1.57