RA75PST ;Hines OI/GJC - Post-init Driver, patch 75 ;01/05/06 06:32 VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**75**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 4 ; Q ; EN ; entry point for the post-install logic ; make sure the [RA ORDER EXAM] (RACTOE*) & [RA QUICK EXAM ORDER] (RACTQE*) ; input templates are re-compiled so user workflow is not interrupted. ; ; Integration Agreements utilized in this software ; ; tag routine number usage custodian ; -------------------------------------------------- ; EN DIEZ 10002 supported VA FileMan ; BMES XPDUTL 10141 supported KERNEL ; FIND DIC 2051 supported VA FileMan ; ROUSIZE DILF 2649 supported VA FileMan ; ; RADMAX=maximum routine size (bytes) for this system ; RACTNAM=compiled input template name (fixed to input template) ; RAINPERR=error flag - default value is zero (no error condition) ; a value of one if: the input template lookup failed or ; expected compiled input template name is not associated ; with the proper input template ; RAINP751=local array where input template specific data is stored ; RAINPNME=input template name ; N X,Y,DMAX K RACTNAM,RADMAX,RAINPERR,RAINPNME S RADMAX=$$ROUSIZE^DILF F RAINPNME="RA ORDER EXAM","RA QUICK EXAM ORDER" D .K RAINP751 S RAINPERR=0 .; .;input template RA ORDER EXAM compiles routines in the namespace: RACTOE* .;input template RA QUICK EXAM ORDER compiles routines in the namespace: RACTQE* .; .S RACTNAM=$S(RAINPNME="RA ORDER EXAM":"RACTOE",1:"RACTQE") .; .D FIND^DIC(.402,"","","O",RAINPNME,"","","","","RAINP751","") .; .;If the input template record is missing quit but check the other input template. .; .I $G(RAINP751("DILIST",2,1))'>0 S RAINPERR=$$ERROR(RAINPNME) Q .; .;compile the input templates... .; .K DMAX,X,Y .;DMAX: maximum routine size .; X: the name of the routine for the compiled input template; i.e. RACTOE .; Y: the IEN of the input template to be compiled .S DMAX=RADMAX,X=RACTNAM,Y=$G(RAINP751("DILIST",2,1)) .D EN^DIEZ .Q XIT K RACTNAM,RADMAX,RAINP751,RAINPERR,RAINPNME Q ; ERROR(N) ;This function set the error flag & records the error K RATXT S RATXT(1)="'"_N_"' was not found in the INPUT TEMPLATE (#.402) file." S RATXT(2)=" " D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT Q 1 ;