RA84PRE ;Hines OI/GJC - Pre-init Driver, patch 84 ;01/05/06 06:32 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**84**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 13 ; EN ; entry point for the pre-install logic ; ;Integration Agreements ;---------------------- ;CREIXN^DDMOD(2916); DELIX^DDMOD(2916); $$FIND1^DIC(2051); UPDATE^DIE(2053); ^DIK(10013) ;$$GET1^DIQ(2056); GETS^DIQ(2056); $$FMADD^XLFDT(10103); XMD(10070); BMES^XPDUTL(10141) ;$$KSP^XUPARAM(2541); $$CREATE^XUSAP(4677) ; ;check to see if the following condition: RA*5.0*56 is not installed & BEFORE DELETION REPORT ;STATUS (DD:74.01; Fld: 4) exists is true. If so, delete the BEFORE DELETION REPORT STATUS ;field from the ACTIVITY LOG sub-file (exported accidentally; no data to be concerned with) I '($$PATCH^XPDUTL("RA*5.0*56")),($D(^DD(74.01,4,0)))#2 D .N %,DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y .S DIK="^DD(74.01,",DA(1)=74.01,DA=4 .D ^DIK Q ; N DIERR,RAAPU,RAERR,RAFAC,RAFDA,RAFLD,RAFLG,RAFMC,RAIEN,RAOPT,RARY,RATXT,RAX,RAY,RAZ S RAAPU="RADIOLOGY,OUTSIDE SERVICE",RAFMC="",RAOPT="RA OVERALL" ; ;I RAY>0 then the APU record was created; RAY will be the IEN of the new record. ;I RAY=0 then the proxy user record existed prior to calling $$CREATE^XUSAP. ;I RAY=-1 then the function failed to create the proxy user record. S RAY=+$$CREATE^XUSAP(RAAPU,RAFMC,RAOPT) ; I RAY>0 S RAIEN=RAY,RATXT(1)="'"_RAAPU_"' has been created as an Application Proxy User." ; ;RAY=-1: The function failed to create the proxy user record; abort the install. I RAY=-1 S XPDABORT=1 D .S RATXT(1)="Error: '"_RAAPU_"' has not been created as an Application" .S RATXT(2)="Proxy User. '"_RAAPU_"' must be unique" .S RATXT(3)="and used within the scope of the VistA Radiology teleradiology" .S RATXT(4)="initiative. Installation of RA*5.0*84 has been aborted until this" .S RATXT(5)="Application Proxy User record can be created." .Q ; ;RAY=0: The proxy user record existed prior to the function call. Is the proxy record ;secure? If the proxy record is not secure abort the install. I RAY=0 D .;determine the IEN of 'RADIOLOGY,OUTSIDE SERVICE' in file 200... .S RAIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(200,"","X","RADIOLOGY,OUTSIDE SERVICE","B") Q:RAIEN=0 .D GETS^DIQ(200,RAIEN_",","2;3;11;201","I","RARY") S RAFLD="" .;Are there any NEW PERSON fields defined that jeopardize the security of this record? .F S RAFLD=$O(RARY(200,RAIEN,RAFLD)) Q:RAFLD="" I $L($G(RARY(200,RAIEN,RAFLD,"I"))) S XPDABORT=1 Q .I $G(XPDABORT)=1 D ..S RATXT(1)="Error: '"_RAAPU_"' is not a secure application proxy user" ..S RATXT(2)="record. Please revisit the definition of this type of user record." ..S RATXT(3)="" ..S RATXT(4)="Installation of RA*5.0*84 has been aborted until this Application Proxy" ..S RATXT(5)="User record can be created." ..Q .Q D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) Q:$G(XPDABORT)=1 K RATXT ; ;Add 'S' as a RAD/NUC MED CLASSIFICATION to the 'RADIOLOGY,OUTSIDE SERVICE' NEW PERSON file ;record. Assign 'RADIOLOGY,OUTSIDE SERVICE' a PERSON CLASS. ;permitted by IA 5077 I RAY'<0,(RAIEN>0) D .K RARY S RAZ=RAIEN .D GETS^DIQ(200,RAIEN_",","72*","I","RARY") .I ($D(RARY)\10)=0 D ;'S' not added in the past; add now (missing "B" xref makes this tricky) ..K DIERR,RAERR,RAFDA,RARY ..S RAIEN="?+1,"_RAIEN_"," ..S RAFDA(200.072,RAIEN,.01)="S" ..D UPDATE^DIE("","RAFDA","","RAERR") ..; ..;if error inform the user, proceed with filing PERSON CLASS ..I ($D(RAERR("DIERR"))#2) S RAX="RAD/NUC MED CLASSIFICATION" D ERR ..Q .; .;find the DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY record in the PERSON CLASS (#8932.1) file. .K DIERR,RAERR,RAFDA .S RAPCLASS=$$PCLKUP() ;note workload encounter errors if the lookup fails .I +RAPCLASS'>0 D Q ..;cannot find desired record; inform the user & do not execute the PERSON CLASS update ..S:+RAPCLASS=0 RATXT(1)="PERSON CLASS value DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY' not found." ..S:+RAPCLASS=-1 RATXT(1)="PERSON CLASS lookup error: "_$P(RAPCLASS,U,2) ..S RATXT(2)="Encounter based workload calculations will fail until a PERSON CLASS is assigned." ..D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT ..Q .; .;file the PERSON CLASS value into PERSON CLASS sub-file: 200.05 IA 5077 .K DIERR,RAERR,RAFDA,RAY S RAIEN=RAZ .S RAIEN="?+1,"_RAIEN_"," .S RAFDA(200.05,RAIEN,.01)=RAPCLASS .S RAFDA(200.05,RAIEN,2)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-1,0,0,0) ;T-1 to make sure we work today! .D UPDATE^DIE("","RAFDA","","RAERR") .; .;if error inform the user, proceed with install .I ($D(RAERR("DIERR"))#2) S RAX="PERSON CLASS" D ERR .Q K DIERR,RAERR,RAFDA,RAY ; ;check to see if the facility has records within the 999-1003 IEN range within the ;DIAGNOSTIC CODES (#78.3) file. If there are records with these IENs proceed with ;the install but: ;1) DO NOT alter (change pointers) the data in the DIAGNOSTIC CODES file at the facility ;2) Send an email to an Outlook mail group identifying the facility where the ; conflict occur. ;If the IENs in this range are record free add them to the facilities' local DIAGNOSTIC CODES ;file. RAFLG=1 when there is an existing record in the the IEN range of 999-1003 S RAFLG=0 F RAIEN=999:1:1003 I ($D(^RA(78.3,RAIEN,0))#2) S RAFLG=1 Q ; ;if RAFLG=1 send the email to the Outlook mail group I RAFLG=1 D .S RAFAC=$$GET1^DIQ(4,+$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST"),.01) .N XMDUN,XMDUZ,XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMY,XMZ S XMDUZ=.5 .S RATXT(1)=RAFAC_" has a conflict with national teleradiology codes" .S RATXT(2)="diagnostic codes occupying IENS: 999-1003 in file 78.3." .S XMSUB="DIAGNOSTIC CODES file IEN issue @ "_RAFAC,XMTEXT="RATXT(" .S XMY("VAOITVHITRadiologyFacilityLevelApplicationIssues@va.gov")="" .NEW DIFROM .D ^XMD,BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) .Q ;If no IEN conflict, add the nationally defined teleradiology diagnostic codes... E D ;do-if RAFLG=0 .K RARY S RARY(999)="TELERADIOLOGY, NOT YET DICTATED^^N^n" .S RARY(1000)="NO ALERT REQUIRED^^N^n" .S RARY(1001)="SIGNIFICANT ABNORMALITY, ATTN NEEDED^^Y^y" .S RARY(1002)="CRITICAL ABNORMALITY^^Y^y" .S RARY(1003)="POSSIBLE MALIGNANCY^^Y^y",RAIEN="" .F S RAIEN=$O(RARY(RAIEN)) Q:RAIEN="" D ..S RAFDA(78.3,"+1,",.01)=$P(RARY(RAIEN),U,1) ..S RAFDA(78.3,"+1,",3)=$P(RARY(RAIEN),U,3) ..S RAFDA(78.3,"+1,",4)=$P(RARY(RAIEN),U,4) ..S RAIEN(1)=RAIEN D UPDATE^DIE("","RAFDA","RAIEN","RAERR") ..I $D(RAERR)#2 D ...S RATXT(1)="",RATXT(2)="Error adding "_$P(RARY(RAIEN),U,1)_" to the" ...S RATXT(3)="local DIAGNOSTIC CODES file #78.3." D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) ...Q ..Q .Q ; D XREF Q ; XREF ;REGARDLESS OF WHETHER FILE 78.3 HAS BEEN UPDATED, delete the traditional cross-reference ;definition on the PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03,13) field. Params: sub-DD, field #, ;cross-reference number, flag ('K' kills "AD"), array containing information about recompiled ;templates &/or xrefs, error array dialog (if any) ; ;First check if the 'New Style' cross-reference is in place. If it is, quit this function now! ;If in error, make sure the error is documented and proceed with the install of RA*5.0*84. ; N RAERR,RAVALUE,RAY S RAVALUE(1)=70,RAVALUE(2)="AD" ;Note: "BB" (5th subscript) is the FILE & NAME cross-reference index in the INDEX (#.11) file. S RAY=$$FIND1^DIC(.11,"","O",.RAVALUE,"BB","","RAERR") I ($D(RAERR("DIERR")))#2 K RATXT D Q .S RATXT(1)=$G(RAERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1),"Error finding the 'New Style' ""AD"" cross-reference.") .D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT Q ; I RAY K RATXT D Q .S RATXT(1)="The 'New Style' PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03, #13) ""AD"" cross-reference" .S RATXT(2)="is currently in existence." D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT Q ; K DIERR,RAERR,RAFDA,RAIEN,RATXT N I,RAI,RAMOWIC,RAX S RAY=0 ;find the old cross-reference to delete; set RAY to the record number of the cross-reference F S RAY=$O(^DD(70.03,13,1,RAY)) Q:'RAY Q:$G(^DD(70.03,13,1,RAY,0))="70^AD^MUMPS" ;RAY="" if there is no traditional "AD" cross-reference to delete, BUT make sure the ;new style "AD" cross-reference is created ('D NS'). I RAY="" D NS Q D DELIX^DDMOD(70.03,13,RAY,"K","RAMOWIC","RAERR") S I=0 F RAX="DDAUD","DIEZ","DIKZ" D .I ($D(RAMOWIC(RAX)))#2 D ..S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="" ..S:RAX="DDAUD" RATXT(I)="DD AUDIT (#.6) updated" ..S:RAX="DIKZ" RATXT(I)="Cross-references re-compiled in namespace: "_$G(RAMOWIC(RAX)) QUIT ..I RAX="DIEZ" S RAI=0 F S RAI=$O(RAMOWIC(RAX,RAI)) Q:'RAI D ...S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="Input Template re-compiled: "_$G(RAMOWIC(RAX,RAI)) ...Q ..Q .Q ; ;Note: RAERR("DIERR") will only be defined if an error occurred... I ($D(RAERR("DIERR")))#2 D S XPDABORT=1 .S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="",I=I+1 .S RATXT(I)="Error deleting the PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03,13) cross-reference." .S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="Contact the national VistA Radiology development team." .Q D:$O(RATXT(0)) BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) ; ;if there is an error in deleting the old cross-reference stop the install of the patch. Q:$G(XPDABORT)=1 ; NS ;Create the new-style cross-reference on the PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03,13) field. ;This cross-reference will be named the same as the prior cross-reference, "AD", but ;the SET & KILL logic will change. This new style cross-reference will be stored in the ;INDEX (#.11) file. N I,J,RAMOWIC,RARSLT,RAXREF K DIERR,RAERR,RATXT S RAXREF("FILE")=70,RAXREF("TYPE")="MU",RAXREF("NAME")="AD" S RAXREF("EXECUTION")="F",RAXREF("ROOT FILE")=70.03,RAXREF("USE")="S" S RAXREF("ACTIVITY")="IR" S RAXREF("SHORT DESCR")="The 'AD' is used to mark cases eligible for the Abnormal Report option." S RAXREF("DESCR",1)="If the diagnostic code record in the radiology DIAGNOSTIC CODES (#78.3)" S RAXREF("DESCR",2)="has the data attribute for field: PRINT ON ABNORMAL REPORT (#3) set to" S RAXREF("DESCR",3)="'Y' (yes) then the ""AD"" cross-reference will be set for this exam record" S RAXREF("DESCR",4)="to indicate that this case should be identified on the Abnormal Report." S RAXREF("DESCR",5)="" S RAXREF("DESCR",6)="NOTE: When this field is edited the DIAGNOSTIC PRINT DATE (#20) field is" S RAXREF("DESCR",7)="deleted!",RAXREF("VAL",1)=13 S RAXREF("KILL CONDITION")="S:X1(1)'="""" X=1" S RAXREF("KILL")="D:($D(X1(1))#2) PRIDXIXK^RADD2(.DA,X1(1))" S RAXREF("SET CONDITION")="S:X2(1)'="""" X=1" S RAXREF("SET")="S:$P($G(^RA(78.3,X2(1),0)),U,3)=""Y"" ^RADPT(""AD"",X2(1),DA(2),DA(1),DA)=""""" S RAXREF("WHOLE KILL")="K ^RADPT(""AD"")" ; D CREIXN^DDMOD(.RAXREF,"",.RARSLT,"RAMOWIC","RAERR") S I=1,RATXT(I)="",I=I+1 ; S RATXT(I)="The '"_$P(RARSLT,U,2)_"' cross-reference was"_$S(RARSLT="":" not",1:"")_" successfully created." ; F J="DIEZ","DIKZ" D .I J="DIEZ",($O(RAMOWIC("DIEZ",0))) D ..N J1 S J1=0 ..F S J1=$O(RAMOWIC("DIEZ",J1)) Q:'J1 D ...S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="Input template: "_$P($G(RAMOWIC("DIEZ",J1)),U)_" was re-compiled." ...Q ..Q .; .I J="DIKZ",$G(RAMOWIC("DIKZ"))'="" D ..S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="Cross-reference re-compiled in namespace: "_$G(RAMOWIC("DIKZ")) ..Q .Q ; I ($D(RAERR("DIERR")))#2 D S XPDABORT=1 .S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="",I=I+1 .S RATXT(I)="Error deleting the PRIMARY DIAGNOSTIC CODE (70.03,13) cross-reference." .S I=I+1,RATXT(I)="Contact the national VistA Radiology development team." .Q D:$O(RATXT(0)) BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) Q ; PCLKUP() ;PERSON CLASS lookup screened by INACTIVATED field on file 8932.1 ;If successful return the IEN. ;If the lookup fails (without error) the function returns 0 ;If the lookup fails (with error) the function returns null w/error dialog ; Ex: RAERR("DIERR","1","TEXT",1)="The input value contains control characters." ; If error I'll return: -1^error dialog N RAXEC S RAXEC="N RADT S RADT=$P(^(0),U,5) I $S('RADT:1,RADT>DT:1,1:0)" S RASULT=$$FIND1^DIC(8932.1,"","X","V183002","F","X RAXEC","RAERR") ;"V183002" Q $S(($D(RAERR("DIERR"))#2):"-1^"_$G(RAERR("DIERR","1","TEXT",1)),1:RASULT) ; ERR ;display the error text associated with our failed event ;input: RAX exists globally the attribute that was not filed Ex: RAD/NUC MED CLASSIFICATION ; RAERR("DIERR") exists globally K RATXT N RACNT,RAI,RAJ S RATXT(1)="APU record error when filing "_RAX_" data" S RAI=0,RACNT=1 F S RAI=$O(RAERR("DIERR",RAI)) Q:RAI'>0 S RACNT=RACNT+1,RATXT(RACNT)="" D .S RAJ=0 F S RAJ=$O(RAERR("DIERR",RAI,"TEXT",RAJ)) Q:RAJ'>0 D ..Q:$G(RAERR("DIERR",RAI,"TEXT",RAJ))="" ..S RACNT=RACNT+1,RATXT(RACNT)=$G(RAERR("DIERR",RAI,"TEXT",RAJ)) ..Q .Q D BMES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) K RATXT Q ;