RABAR ;HISC/GJC-Procedure & CPT Code barcode output (part 1 of 2) ;7/31/96 08:57 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 EN1 ; Entry point for RA BARPROCPRINT (Barcoded Procedure List) ; variable list: ; 'RADIC' : namespaced DIC input variables passed to EN1^RASELCT ; 'RAPRNT': data elements to print i.e, CPT Code, Procedure or both ; 'RASORT': data elements to sort by i.e, CPT Code or Procedure ; '^TMP($J,"RA I-TYPE")': Imaging Type(s) selected by the user ; '^TMP($J,"RA PROC")' : Procedure(s) selected by the user ; K ^TMP($J,"RA BARDEV"),^TMP($J,"RA I-TYPE"),^TMP($J,"RA PROC") N RADIC,RADT,RADX,RADY,RAPRNT,RASORT,RAVHI,RAXIT S RADT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DT,"1D"),RAXIT=0 S RATEST=$$TEST^RABAR1() I RATEST<0 D KILL Q I RATEST D DEV ; obtain proc test print K RATEST S RAVHI=$$HI() ; vertical height (in lines) of the barcode I RAVHI<0 D KILL Q D KILLDIR S DIR(0)="SO^C:CPT barcode;P:Procedure barcode;B:Both barcodes" S DIR("A")="Which of the above would you like to print?" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'B' to print both the Procedure and CPT Code in a" S DIR("?",2)="barcode format. 'C' to print only the CPT Code barcode," S DIR("?")="or 'P' to print only the procedure in a barcode format." D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) RAXIT=1 D KILLDIR G:RAXIT KILL S RAPRNT=Y(0) I $E(RAPRNT,1)="B" D BOTH G:RAXIT KILL ; sort by CPT or Procedure? S RAXIT=$$ITYPE() G:RAXIT KILL S RAXIT=$$PROC^RABAR1() G:RAXIT KILL I '$D(^TMP($J,"RA PROC")) D KILL Q DEV ; Device selection W ! S %ZIS="QM",%ZIS("A")="Select a printer with barcode setup: " S %ZIS("B")=$S($D(^TMP($J,"RA BARDEV"))\10:$O(^("RA BARDEV","")),1:"") S %ZIS("S")="I $$DSCR^RABAR(+Y)" D ^%ZIS I POP D KILL Q I $D(RATEST) S ^TMP($J,"RA BARDEV",ION)="" I $D(IO("Q")) D G KILL . S ZTRTN="START^RABAR" . S ZTDESC="Rad Nuc/Med Print procedure/CPT code in a barcode format." . D ZTSAVE^RABAR1,^%ZTLOAD . I +$G(ZTSK("D"))>0 W !?5,"Request Queued, Task #: ",$G(ZTSK) . D HOME^%ZIS . K %X,%XX,%Y,%YY,IO("Q"),X,Y . Q START ; Start processing data & printing to the device here S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" U IO I '$D(RATEST) D . S RAHD1="Barcode print of Imaging " . S:$E(RAPRNT,1)="B" RAHD1=RAHD1_"Procedures & CPT Codes" . S:$E(RAPRNT,1)="C" RAHD1=RAHD1_"CPT Codes" . S:$E(RAPRNT,1)="P" RAHD1=RAHD1_"Procedures" . Q S:$D(RATEST) RAHD1="Barcode test print" S RAHD2="Printed on: "_RADT,RAPG=0 S $P(RALINE,"-",(IOM+1))="",RA1="" I $D(RATEST) D . D HDR Q:RAXIT D PRINT1^RABAR1 . Q E D . N RAEOS S RAEOS=$S($D(RAVHI):RAVHI,1:6) D HDR Q:RAXIT . F S RA1=$O(^TMP($J,"RA PROC",RA1)) Q:RA1="" D Q:RAXIT .. S RA2=0 F S RA2=$O(^TMP($J,"RA PROC",RA1,RA2)) Q:RA2'>0 D Q:RAXIT ... D PRINT^RABAR1 ... Q .. Q . Q W ! D ^%ZISC D KILL Q BOTH ; Ask the user which to sort by i.e, CPT Code -or- Procedure W ! D KILLDIR S DIR(0)="SOA^C:CPT Code;P:Procedure" S DIR("A")="Select the data element you wish to sort by: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'C' to sort by the CPT Code, or 'P' to sort by the" S DIR("?")="procedure." D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) RAXIT=1 D KILLDIR Q:RAXIT S RASORT=Y(0) Q DOLLARY ; Caculate the new value of $Y for formatting purposes. S RADX=$X,RADY=($Y+RAVHI) D ZOSF^RABAR1(RADX,RADY) Q DSCR(Y) ; Device screen logic, select only barcode capable devices. N RABAR0,RABAR1,RATERMTY S RATERMTY=+$G(^%ZIS(1,+Y,"SUBTYPE")) Q:'RATERMTY 0 ; missing pointer to Terminal Type file! S RABAR0=$G(^%ZIS(2,RATERMTY,"BAR0")) ; barcode off node S RABAR1=$G(^%ZIS(2,RATERMTY,"BAR1")) ; barcode on node Q:(RABAR0]"")&(RABAR1]"") 1 ; barcoding capability Q 0 HDR ; Header W:$Y @IOF S RAPG=RAPG+1 W !?(IOM-$L(RAHD1)\2),RAHD1 W !?(IOM-$L(RAHD2)\2),RAHD2 W ?$S(IOM=132:116,1:64),"Page: ",RAPG W !,RALINE ; Check if user stops the task. I $D(ZTQUEUED) D STOPCHK^RAUTL9 S:$G(ZTSTOP)=1 RAXIT=1 Q HELP ; Help message for barcode height prompt W !,"If you don't know how to answer this prompt, first determine which printer",!,"you are going to use. Then exit this option and re-select it from your menu." W !,"When you are asked if you want to print a sample barcode, enter 'Yes'." W !,"Enter your printer selection at the 'DEVICE' prompt, then retrieve your",!,"sample printout. If no barcode has printed, contact your IRM and ask them" W !,"to set up the printer for barcode printing. If a barcode has printed, use",!,"the line counts printed above and below the barcode to determine how many" W !,"vertical lines the barcode occupies (include the procedure name line printed",!,"below the barcode)." Q HI() ; user input of height (in lines) of the barcode ; returns the height (in lines) of the barcode, OR -1 if user chooses ; to exit without inputting a number. N RALOW,RAHI S RALOW=1,RAHI=10 W ! D KILLDIR S DIR(0)="NA^"_RALOW_":"_RAHI S DIR("A")="Enter the height of the barcode: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the height of the barcode in terms of vertical text lines ("_RALOW_" to "_RAHI_")" S DIR("?")="for your printer, or '^' to exit." S DIR("??")="^D HELP^RABAR" D ^DIR S Y=$S($D(DIRUT):-1,1:+Y) D KILLDIR Q Y INA(Y) ; Determines if the procedure is inactive ; Input : IEN of file 71 ; Output: 1 if active, 0 if inactive Q:+$G(^RAMIS(71,+Y,"I"))=0 1 Q $S(+$G(^RAMIS(71,+Y,"I"))>DT:1,1:0) ; ITYPE() ; Select the Imaging Type(s) N RADIC,RAINPUT,RAQUIT,RAUTIL S RADIC="^RA(79.2,",RADIC(0)="QEAMZ",RADIC("A")="Select Imaging Type: " S RAUTIL="RA I-TYPE",RAINPUT=1 D EN1^RASELCT(.RADIC,RAUTIL,"",RAINPUT) Q RAQUIT KILL ; Kill all other variables [ includes ^TMP($J) ] K:'$D(RATEST) ^TMP($J,"RA BARDEV") K ^TMP($J,"RA I-TYPE"),^TMP($J,"RA PROC") K %X,%XX,%Y,%YY,RA1,RA2,RAHD1,RAHD2,RALINE,RAPG,RAPG1,RATEST,X,Y K ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE K DDH,I,POP Q KILLDIR ; Kill off variables from DIR call K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT Q LINE ; Print ten lines of text N I F I=1:1:10 W !,"LINE ",I Q