RABTCH2 ;HISC/GJC-Batch Report Option, delete by date ;2/6/97 09:34 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 DELDT ; Delete a batch within a specified date range. ;*** Variable List *** ; ^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT",ien)--> ien's of the records to be deleted ; N DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,RA,RADUZ,RAUPRT,RAXIT,X,Y S RADUZ=+$G(DUZ) I '$D(^XUSEC("RA MGR",RADUZ)) D Q . W !?5,"This option can only be used by those Radiology/Nuclear" . W " Medicine users that" . W !?5,"have access to the Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Manager's" . W " (RA MGR) key.",$C(7) . Q S (RA("%"),RA("DT"),RAUPRT)=0 F D Q:RA("%")!(RAUPRT<0) . K ^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT"),RA("CNT") S RAXIT=0 . K %DT S %DT="PEA",%DT(0)="-NOW" . S %DT("A")="Purge report batches printed before: " . S Y=$S('$D(DT):($$NOW^XLFDT()\1),1:DT) X ^DD("DD") . S %DT("B")=Y . W !!?5,"All batches up to the date you enter will be purged" . W !?5,"from the Report Batches file #74.2.",$C(7),! . D ^%DT K %DT . S:Y=-1 RA("%")=1,RA("DT")=Y . Q:RA("%") S RA("DTI")=Y_".9999" . X ^DD("DD") S RA("DTX")=Y . W ! S RAUPRT=$$YN(RA("DTX")) Q:RAUPRT<0 . D SETMP . I '+$G(RA("CNT")) D Q .. W !!?5,"No "_$S(RAUPRT=1:"unprinted or ",1:"")_"printed batches exist before: ",RA("DTX"),"!" .. Q . D DISPLAY Q:RAXIT . W !!?5,"'",RA("DTX"),"', are you sure?",! . K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" . S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Y' if this date is acceptable," . S DIR("?")="or 'N' if you wish to select another date." . D ^DIR K DIR . S:$D(DIRUT) RA("DT")=-1 . S:$D(DIRUT)!(+Y) RA("%")=1 . Q I RA("DT")=-1!(RAUPRT<0) D KILL1 Q W !!?5,"There"_$S(+$G(RA("CNT"))>1:" are ",1:" is ") W +$G(RA("CNT"))," batch" W $S(+$G(RA("CNT"))>1:"es ",1:" ") W "selected to be deleted." W !?5,"Do you wish to task this job off to be completed" W !?5,"at a later time?",! K DIR S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Y' to task off the job and delete these batches at" S DIR("?")="a later date, or 'N' to delete these batches immediately." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) D KILL1 Q I +Y D . S ZTRTN="DEL^RABTCH2",ZTIO="" . S ZTDESC="Rad/Nuc Med Delete entries in the Report Batches (74.2) file up to " . S ZTDESC=ZTDESC_RA("DTX") . S ZTSAVE("^TMP($J,""RA BTCHDEL DT"",")="" . D ^%ZTLOAD . Q E D . W !?5,$C(7),"Beginning the interactive deletion process.",! . D DEL . W !?5,"The deletion process has successfully completed!" . Q KILL ; Kill and quit K ZTIO,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK KILL1 K ^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT") K DDH,I,POP Q DEL ; $O through the ^TMP global to delete entries in 74.2! N DA,DIC,DIK S DIK="^RABTCH(74.2,",DA=0 F S DA=$O(^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT",DA)) Q:DA'>0 D ^DIK Q DISPLAY ; Display selected Report Batches data N I,RA,RABTCH,RADTC,RADTP,RATXT,RAUSER S RA=0 S RATXT="W !!?5,""The following Report Batches have been selected to be purged:"",!" W:$Y @IOF X RATXT F S RA=$O(^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT",RA)) Q:RA'>0 D Q:RAXIT . S RA(0)=$G(^RABTCH(74.2,RA,0)) Q:RA(0)']"" . F I=1:1:4 S RA(I)=$P(RA(0),"^",I) . S RADTC=$$XTERNAL^RAUTL5(RA(2),$P($G(^DD(74.2,2,0)),"^",2)) . S RAUSER=$$XTERNAL^RAUTL5(RA(3),$P($G(^DD(74.2,3,0)),"^",2)) . S RADTP=$$XTERNAL^RAUTL5(RA(4),$P($G(^DD(74.2,4,0)),"^",2)) . I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT W @IOF X RATXT . W !?3,"Batch: ",$P(RA(0),"^") . W ?39,"Date Created: ",$S(RADTC]"":RADTC,1:"Unknown") . W !?3,"User: ",$S(RAUSER]"":RAUSER,1:"Unknown") . W ?39,"Date Printed: ",$S(RADTP]"":RADTP,1:""),! . Q Q SETMP ; Set ^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT"). If only printed batches are selected, ; (RAUPRT=0) then just hit the 'E' xref. If both printed and unprinted ; batches are selected (RAUPRT=1) hit the Date/Time Batch Created 'F' ; xref. N RAXREF S RAXREF=$S(RAUPRT:"F",1:"E") S RA=0 F S RA=$O(^RABTCH(74.2,RAXREF,RA)) Q:RA'>0!(RA'0 D .. S RA("CNT")=+$G(RA("CNT"))+1 .. S ^TMP($J,"RA BTCHDEL DT",RA(1))="" .. Q . Q Q YN(RADT) ; Yes/No prompt asking the user if unprinted batches are to be ; included as criteria for our batch deletion. ; Returns: 1 if yes, 0 if no, -1 if '^' or timeout N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="No" S DIR("A")="Want to include unprinted batches created before "_RADT S DIR("?",1)="Enter 'Yes' to delete printed and unprinted batches prior to "_RADT_"." S DIR("?")="Enter 'No' to delete only printed batches prior to "_RADT_"." D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) Y=-1 Q Y