RABUL ;HISC/FPT,GJC AISC/DMK-Generate 'RAD/NUC MED REQUEST CANCELLED' or 'RAD/NUC MED REQUEST HELD' Bulletin ;9/9/94 09:53 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**2,15,75**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 4 ; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; The variables DA and RAOSTS must be defined. ; The variable DA must be greater than 0, and RAOSTS must ; equal 1 (cancelled) or 3 (held) for the RAD/NUC MED REQUEST CANCELLED ; or the RAD/NUC MED REQUEST HELD bulletin to execute. ; Called from: ^DD(75.1,5,0) fifth piece ; ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ; ***** Variable List ***** ; 'RADFN' -> IEN of the patient in the PATIENT file (2) ; 'RAFN1' -> internal format of a FM date/time data element ; 'RAFN2' -> FM data definition for RAFN1, used in XTERNAL^RAUTL5 ; 'Z' -> Zero node of the RADIOLOGY/NUCLEAR MEDICINE ORDERS ; file (75.1) ; Format: Data to be fired;local var name;XMB array representation ; Patient ; RANAME ; XMB(1) <---> Req. Physician ; RARPHY ; XMB(5) ; Patient SSN ; RASSN ; XMB(2) <---> Req. Location ; RARLOC ; XMB(6) ; Procedure ; RAPNAM ; XMB(3) <---> Reason ; RARCR ; XMB(7) ; Date Desired ; RADTDS ; XMB(4) <---> Current User ; RAUSER ; XMB(8) ; EN(RAX) ; Pass in the request status (RAX) ; also called during request status edit. Q:+$G(DA)'>0 Q:+$G(RAOSTS)'=1&(+$G(RAOSTS)'=3) N RADFN,RADTDS,RAFN1,RAFN2,RASSN,RAUSER,RAXMB,Z S RAXMB="RAD/NUC MED REQUEST",Z=$G(^RAO(75.1,DA,0)) S (RADFN,RANAME)=+$P(Z,U) S RANAME=$S($D(^DPT(RANAME,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") S RASSN=$$SSN^RAUTL(),RAPNAM=+$P(Z,U,2) S RAPNAM=$S($D(^RAMIS(71,RAPNAM,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") S RARLOC=+$P(Z,U,22) S RARLOC=$S($D(^SC(RARLOC,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") S RAFN1=$P(Z,U,21),RAFN2=$P($G(^DD(75.1,21,0)),U,2) S RADTDS=$$XTERNAL^RAUTL5(RAFN1,RAFN2) S:RADTDS']"" RADTDS="Unknown" S RARPHY=+$P(Z,U,14) S RARPHY=$S($D(^VA(200,RARPHY,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") S RARCR=+$P(Z,U,10) S RARCR=$S($D(^RA(75.2,RARCR,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") S:RARCR="Unknown" RARCR=$S($P(Z,U,27)]"":$P(Z,U,27),1:"Unknown") S RAUSER=$S($D(^VA(200,DUZ,0)):$P(^(0),U),1:"Unknown") ; --- P75 define the REASON FOR STUDY --- S RASTYREA=$P($G(^RAO(75.1,DA,.1)),U) S:RASTYREA="" RASTYREA="Unknown" ;req'd if missing error ; S XMB(1)=RANAME,XMB(2)=RASSN,XMB(3)=RAPNAM,XMB(4)=RASTYREA,XMB(5)=RADTDS S XMB(6)=RARPHY,XMB(7)=RARLOC,XMB(8)=RARCR,XMB(9)=RAUSER S XMB=RAXMB_$S(RAX=1:" CANCELLED",1:" HELD") D ^XMB:$D(^XMB(3.6,"B",XMB)) K RANAME,RAPNAM,RARLOC,RARPHY,RARCR,RASTYREA,XMB,XMB0,XMC0,XMDT,XMM,XMMG Q OE3(DA) ; Trigger the Rad/Nuc Med Request Cancelled bulletin when ; the order is discontinued through CPRS (frontdoor). ; Input: DA-ien of the Rad/Nuc Med order record S RAOSTS=$P($G(^RAO(75.1,DA,0)),"^",5) I RAOSTS'=1 K RAOSTS Q ; status must be discontinued D EN(RAOSTS) K RAOSTS Q