RADD2 ;HISC/GJC/CAH-Radiology Data Dictionary Utility Routine ;5/14/97 10:31 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**84**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 13 ; ;Integration Agreements ;---------------------- ;EN^DDIOL(10142); FILE^DIE(2053);NOTE^ORX3(868);MES^XPDUTL(10141) ; EN1(RAX,RAY) ; Input transform for the .01 field (Procedure) for the Rad/Nuc ; Med Common Procedure file i.e, ^RAMIS(71.3 ; Procedure must not have an inactive date before today in file 71 ; Procedure in file 71 must have same imaging type as the one ; selected before editing this record in file 71.3 ; If 'Parent' type procedure, it must have at least 1 descendent ; 'RAX' is the value of the .01 field in ^RAMIS(71.3, ; 'RAY' are ien's of entries in ^RAMIS(71, I '$G(RAIMGTYI) Q 0 I $S('$D(^("I")):1,'^("I"):1,DT'>^("I"):1,1:0),$S(RAIMGTYI=$P($G(^RAMIS(71,+RAY,0)),"^",12):1,1:0),$S($P(^RAMIS(71,+RAY,0),U,6)'="P":1,$O(^RAMIS(71,+RAY,4,0)):1,1:0) Q $T ; CH(RAY,RAX) ; This subroutine will fire off the 'Radiology Request Cancel ; /Hold' notification as defined in the 'OE/RR NOTIFICATIONS' file. ; Only if request is either cancelled or held. Called from the set ; logic of the 'ACHN' xref in ^DD(75.1,5) field definition. ; ; Input variables: ; 'RAX'=Request status of the order, $S(X=1:'discontinued',X=3:'hold') ; 'RAY'=ien of the order in the RAD/NUC MED ORDERS file. ; Q:(RAY'=+RAY) Q:(RAX'=1)&(RAX'=3) N %,C,D,D0,DA,DC,DDER,DE,DG,DH,DI,DIC,DIE,DIEDA,DIEL,DIFLD,DIP,DIW,DIWT N DK,DL,DM,DN,DP,DQ,DR,DU,DV,DW,I,J,N,ORBPMSG,ORBXDATA,ORIFN,ORNOTE,ORVP N RA751,RADFN,RANME,RAOIFN,RAOLP,RAOPTN,RAORDS,RAOREA,RAOSTS,RAPARENT N RAPRC,RAXIT,X,Y S RA751=$G(^RAO(75.1,RAY,0)) Q:RA751']"" S RAOIFN=RAY,RADFN=+$P(RA751,"^") S RAPRC=$P($G(^RAMIS(71,+$P(RA751,"^",2),0)),"^"),ORVP=RADFN_";DPT(" S ORBPMSG=$S(RAX=1:"Discontinued - ",1:"On hold - ")_$E(RAPRC,1,17) S ORBXDATA=RAOIFN_","_RADFN,ORIFN=+$P(RA751,"^",7),ORNOTE(26)=1 D NOTE^ORX3 Q INACOM(RAD0) ; Check inactive date on the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure file (71) ; for the Common Procedure before setting our inactive procedure to ; active. Called from the 'RA COMMON PROCEDURE EDIT' input template. ; Option: Common Procedure Enter/Edit (13^RAMAIN2) ; Input : RAD0-ien of Rad/Nuc Med Common Procedure ; Output: if Common cannot be re-activated, reset the 'Inactive' field ; to 'yes'. N RAINA S RAINA=$P($G(^RAMIS(71,+$P($G(^RAMIS(71.3,RAD0,0)),"^"),"I")),"^") Q:RAINA=""!(RAINA>DT) "@15" ; we can inactivate the common N RAFDA,RAMSG S RAFDA(71.3,RAD0_",",4)="Y" D FILE^DIE("","RAFDA","") S RAMSG(1)=$C(7) S RAMSG(2)="You cannot add this procedure to the common procedure list" S RAMSG(3)="because it is inactivated in the Rad/Nuc Med Procedures file." S RAMSG(4)="You must first re-activate the procedure through the 'Procedure" S RAMSG(5)="Enter/Edit' option.",RAMSG(6)="" D MES^XPDUTL(.RAMSG) Q "@10" ; reset 'Inactive' to 'yes', re-edit field. ; EN2() ; called from ^DD(74,0,"ID","WRITE") ; display long case #'s in the same print set as current record N RA1,RA2 S RA1=0,RA2="" F S RA1=$O(^RARPT(Y,1,"B",RA1)) Q:'RA1 S RA2=RA2_$S(RA2="":"-",1:",-")_$P(RA1,"-",2) Q RA2 USUAL(RADA,RAX) ; To insure that the USUAL DOSE value falls between the ; HIGH ADULT DOSE and the LOW ADULT DOSE. ; Input Variables: ; RADA -> top level/sub-file level IEN's ; RAX -> value input by the user ; Output Variable: $S(1: value is accepted, 0: value not accepted) ; Q:RAX="" 0 ; X does not exist N RA7108,RAH,RAL S RA7108=$G(^RAMIS(71,RADA(1),"NUC",RADA,0)) S RAH=$P(RA7108,"^",5),RAL=$P(RA7108,"^",6) S RAH=$S(RAH="":99999.9999,1:RAH),RAL=$S(RAL="":.0001,1:RAL) I (+RAXRAH) D Q 0 ; value is not accepted . N RARRY S RARRY(1)="The 'USUAL DOSE' must fall within the range of: " . S RARRY(1)=RARRY(1)_RAL_" - "_RAH_" " . D EN^DDIOL(.RARRY) . Q E Q 1 ; value accepted ; RANGE(RADA) ; Determine the range in which the 'USUAL DOSE' must fall ; Input Variables: ; RADA -> top level/sub-file level IEN's ; Output Variable: ; RANGE -> the range in which the 'USUAL DOSE' must fall N RA7108,RAH,RAL S RA7108=$G(^RAMIS(71,RADA(1),"NUC",RADA,0)) S RAH=$P(RA7108,"^",5),RAL=$P(RA7108,"^",6) S RAH=$S(RAH="":99999.9999,1:RAH),RAL=$S(RAL="":.0001,1:RAL) Q RAL_"-"_RAH MEDOSE(RAY,RADT) ; Determine if this individual (RAY) is authorized to ; administer medications. Called from ^DD(70.15,4,12.1) ; Input : RAY (pnt to 200) - the individual being checked at the moment ; RADT - Date of the examination ; Output: '1' - user is authorized to administer medications, else '0' ; Q:$D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",RAY)) 1 ; Rad/Nuc Med Class: Resident Q:$D(^VA(200,"ARC","S",RAY)) 1 ; Rad/Nuc Med Class: Staff Q:$D(^VA(200,"ARC","T",RAY)) 1 ; Rad/Nuc Med Class: Technologist Q:$D(^XUSEC("ORES",RAY)) 1 Q:$D(^XUSEC("ORELSE",RAY)) 1 N RAUTH S RAUTH=$G(^VA(200,RAY,"PS")) ; If authorized to write med orders ($P(RAUTH,"^")=1) and inactivation ; date null -OR- inactivation date greater than or equal to the exam ; date individual is authorized. Q:+$P(RAUTH,"^")&($S('$P(RAUTH,"^",4):1,$P(RAUTH,"^",4)'