RAHLO2 ;HIRMFO/GJC-File rpt (data from bridge program) ;10/30/97 09:02 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**55,80,84**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 13 ; ;Integration Agreements ;---------------------- ;$$FIND1^DIC(2051); UPDATE^DIE(2053); $$DT^XLFDT(10103); $$UP^XLFSTR(10104) ; ADENDUM ; This functions store new lines of text at the end of the existing ;impression and report text. If this report is being amended through the ;teleradiology service, add the addendum text to the IMPRESSION TEXT (#300) ;field only. Note: Only ADENDUM was edited for RA*5.0*84 gjc/09.18.07 N A,COUNTER,I,J,NODE,ROOT,SUB,X,Y ;NODE = ^RARPT(RARPT,"I" -or- "R" -> where the data is to be stored... ;ROOT = ^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB -> where the addendum data resides... F A="I","R" D K I,J .S SUB=$S(A="I":"RAIMP",1:"RATXT"),ROOT=$NA(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,SUB)) Q:'$O(@ROOT@(0)) .S NODE=$NA(^RARPT(RARPT,A)) .S COUNTER=+$O(@NODE@($C(32)),-1) ;last record # .; .;if there is existing text, add a null line for space. .I '($D(I)#2),(COUNTER>0) S COUNTER=COUNTER+1,@NODE@(COUNTER,0)=$C(32),I="" .; .S Y=0 F S Y=$O(@ROOT@(Y)) Q:'Y D ..S X=@ROOT@(Y) ..;if addendum text is to be the original text no spacer is needed ('Addendum:' tag applied) ..;if prior report or impression text exist, insert a blank as a spacer ..;^RARPT(RARPT,"I",1,0)="original impression" ..;^RARPT(RARPT,"I",2,0)="" <- insert a null line as a spacer ..;^RARPT(RARPT,"I",3,0)="Addendum: first line of addendum" ** NOTE 'Addendum:' tag ** ..;^RARPT(RARPT,"I",4,0)="second line of addendum" ..;... ..;^RARPT(RARPT,"I",N,0)="Nth and last line of addendum" ..S COUNTER=COUNTER+1 ..;set the first line of the addendum w/header: 'Addendum: ' ..I '($D(J)#2) S X="Addendum: "_X,J="" ..S @NODE@(COUNTER,0)=X ..Q .S @NODE@(0)="^^"_COUNTER_"^"_COUNTER_"^"_$$DT^XLFDT() .Q Q ; ERR(A) ; Invalid impression/report text message. ; Input: 'A' - either "I" for impression, or "R" for report ; Output: the appropriate error message Q "Invalid "_$S(A="I":"Impression",1:"Report")_" Text" ; DIAG ; Check if the Diagnostic Codes passed are valid. Set RADX equal ; to primary Dx code pntr value. Set RASECDX(x) to the secondary ; Dx code(s) if any. N RAXFIRST S I=0,RAXFIRST=1 K RASECDX F S I=$O(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RADX",I)) Q:I'>0 D Q:$D(RAERR) . S RADIAG=$G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RADX",I)) . ;S:RADIAG']"" RAERR="Missing Diagnostic Code" Q:$D(RAERR) . Q:RADIAG']"" ;Missing Diagnostic Code Patch 80 . ; If RADXIEN is a number, set RADXIEN to what is assumed to be a . ; valid pointer (ien) for file 78.3 . I +RADIAG=RADIAG S RADXIEN=RADIAG . ; If RADIAG is in a free text format, convert the external value . ; into the ien for file 78.3 . I +RADIAG'=RADIAG S RADXIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(78.3,"","X",RADIAG) . I '$D(^RA(78.3,RADXIEN,0)) S RAERR="Invalid Diagnostic Code" Q . IF RAXFIRST S RADX=RADXIEN,RAXFIRST=0 Q ; RADX=pri. Dx Code . ; are any of the sec. Dx codes equal to our pri. Dx code? . ;S:RADXIEN=RADX RAERR="Secondary Dx codes must differ from the primary Dx code." Q:$D(RAERR) . Q:RADXIEN=RADX ;Secondary Dx codes must differ from the primary Dx code Patch 80 . ;S:$D(RASECDX(RADXIEN))#2 RAERR="Duplicate secondary Dx codes." Q:$D(RAERR) . Q:$D(RASECDX(RADXIEN))#2 ;Duplicate secondary Dx codes. Patch 80 . S RASECDX(RADXIEN)="" ; set the sec. Dx array . Q K I,RADIAG,RADXIEN Q SECDX ; Kill old sec. Dx nodes, and add the new ones into the 70.14 multiple ; called from RAHLO. Needs RADFN,RADTI & RACNI to function. Q:'$D(RADFN)!('$D(RADTI))!('$D(RACNI)) I $O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"DX",0)) D KILSECDG^RAHLO4 ;K RAFDA N RAX S RAX=0,RAFDA(70,"?1,",.01)=RADFN ;S RAFDA(70.02,"?2,?1,",.01)=(9999999.9999-RADTI) ;S RAFDA(70.03,"?3,?2,?1,",.01)=$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),"^") ;F S RAX=$O(RASECDX(RAX)) Q:RAX'>0 D ;. S RAFDA(70.14,"?"_RAX_"9,?3,?2,?1,",.01)=RAX ;. Q ;D UPDATE^DIE("","RAFDA",,"RAERR") ;I $D(RAERR) M ^TMP("ERR")=RAERR ; N RAX S RAX=0 N RAFDA,RA2 K RAFDA ; K ^TMP("RAERR",$J) S RA2=RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN F S RAX=$O(RASECDX(RAX)) Q:RAX'>0 D . S RAFDA(70.14,"?+"_RAX_"9,"_RA2_",",.01)=RAX D UPDATE^DIE("","RAFDA",,"RAERR") ; I $D(RAERR) M ^TMP("RAERR",$J)=RAERR ; Q IMPTXT ; Check if the impression text consists only of the string ; 'impression:". If 'impression:' is the only set of characters, ; (spaces are excluded) then delete the "RAIMP" node. N RA1 S RA1=$O(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",0)) Q:'RA1 N RAIMP S RAIMP=$G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",RA1)) I $$UP^XLFSTR($E(RAIMP,1,11))="IMPRESSION:" D . S $E(RAIMP,1,11)="" ; strip out 'impression:' if it is the first . ; eleven chars of the impression text . ; now strip off leading spaces from the remaining . ; text that led with 'impression:' if present . F I1=1:1 S:$E(RAIMP,I1)'=" " RAIMP=$E(RAIMP,I1,99999) Q:$E(RAIMP)'=" " . S ^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",RA1)=RAIMP . Q Q:$O(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",RA1)) ; more imp. text follows K:$G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",RA1))="" ^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RAIMP",RA1) ; if only "RAIMP" node null, delete "RAIMP" node Q