RAHLO3 ;HIRMFO/GJC-Process data set from the bridge program ;11/18/97 12:13 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**4,81,84**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 13 ; ;Integration Agreements ;----------------------- ;$$GET1^DIQ(2056); $$DT^XLFDT(10103) ; RPTSTAT ; Determine the status to set this report to. K RARPTSTS S:$D(RAESIG) RARPTSTS="V" Q:$D(RARPTSTS) ; $D(RAESIG)=0 now figure out report status N RASTAT S RASTAT=$E($G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RASTAT"))) I RASTAT="A" S RARPTSTS="V" Q I RASTAT]"",("FR"[RASTAT) D . S:RASTAT="F" RARPTSTS="V" Q:$D(RARPTSTS) . I $G(RATELE) S RARPTSTS="R" Q ;Always allow 'Released/Unverified' reports for teleradiology . ; do we allow 'Released/Unverified' reports for this location? . S RARPTSTS=$S($P($G(^RA(79.1,RAMLC,0)),"^",17)="Y":"R",1:"D") . Q ; if no status, & there's physician data (verifier/primary),set status I '$D(RARPTSTS),($G(RAVERF)!$G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,"RASTAFF"))!$G(^("RARESIDENT"))) S RARPTSTS=$S($P($G(^RA(79.1,RAMLC,0)),"^",17)="Y":"R",1:"D") ; if still no status, default to draft S:'$D(RARPTSTS) RARPTSTS="D" Q TEXT(X) ; Check if the Impression Text and the Report Text contain ; valid characters. ; Input : X = "I" if Impr Text is being checked, "R" if Rpt Text ; Output: 0=invalid, 1=valid N CNT,DATA,FLAG,I,I1,J,Y S (FLAG,I)=0 F S I=$O(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,$S(X="I":"RAIMP",1:"RATXT"),I)) Q:I'>0 D Q:FLAG . S CNT=0,DATA=$G(^TMP("RARPT-REC",$J,RASUB,$S(X="I":"RAIMP",1:"RATXT"),I)) Q:DATA']"" . F J=1:1:$L(DATA) D Q:FLAG .. S:$E(DATA,J)?1AN CNT=CNT+1 .. S:$E(DATA,J)'?1AN&(CNT>0) CNT=0 .. S:CNT=2 FLAG=1 .. Q . Q Q FLAG ; VERCHK ; Check if our provider can verify reports. ; Examine the following four (4) conditions if $D(RAESIG) ; 1) Does this person have a resident or staff classification? ; 2) If a resident, does the division parameter allow resident ; verification? ; 3) Does this person hold the "RA VERIFY" key? ; 4) Is this person an activate Rad/Nuc Med user? ; 5) Can this person verify reports without staff review? ; If 'No' to any of the above questions, kill RAESIG & set the variable ; RAERR to the appropriate error message. I '$D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",+$G(RAVERF))),('$D(^VA(200,"ARC","S",+$G(RAVERF)))),'$G(RATELE) D Q . ; neither a resident or staff . K RAESIG S RAERR="Provider not classified as resident or staff." . Q I $D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",+$G(RAVERF))),('$P(RAMDV,"^",18)),'$G(RATELE) D Q . ; residents can't verify reports linked to this division . K RAESIG S RAERR="Residents are not permitted to verify reports." . Q I '$D(^XUSEC("RA VERIFY",+$G(RAVERF))),'$G(RATELE) D Q . ; verifier MUST have the RA VERIFY key. . K RAESIG S RAERR="Provider does not meet security requirements to verify report." . Q I '$G(RATELE),$P($G(^VA(200,+$G(RAVERF),"RA")),"^",3),($P(^("RA"),"^",3)'>$$DT^XLFDT()) D . ; Rad/Nuc Med user has been inactivated. . K RAESIG S RAERR="Inactive Rad/Nuc Med Classification for Interpreting Physician." . Q I '$G(RATELE),'$S('$D(^VA(200,+$G(RAVERF),"RA")):1,$P(^("RA"),"^")'="Y":1,1:0) D . K RAESIG S RAERR="Staff review required to verify report." . Q Q VFIER ; Check if the RAVERF string is a partial match to an entry in file ; 200. If if is, check to see that is a partial match to only ONE ; active provider entry in file 200. I '$L(RAVERF) S RAERR="Missing Provider information" Q N RAVCNT,RAVIEN,RAVLGTH,RAVPS S RAVLGTH=$L(RAVERF) ; length of the RAVERF string S RAVCNT=0,RAVS1=RAVERF,RAVIEN="" F S RAVS1=$O(^VA(200,"B",RAVS1)) Q:RAVS1=""!($E(RAVS1,1,RAVLGTH)'=RAVERF) D Q:RAVCNT>1 . ; return subscripts that have the RAVERF string as the first . ; 1 - RAVLGTH chars of RAVS1 . S RAVIEN=0 . F S RAVIEN=$O(^VA(200,"B",RAVS1,RAVIEN)) Q:RAVIEN'>0 D Q:RAVCNT>1 .. S RAVPS=$G(^VA(200,RAVIEN,"PS")) .. S:'$P(RAVPS,"^",4)!($P(RAVPS,"^",4)>DT) RAVCNT=RAVCNT+1 .. I RAVCNT=1,('$D(RAVIEN(RAVCNT))#2) S RAVIEN(RAVCNT)=RAVIEN ; when .. ; we find the first active provider save the provider ien off .. ; in a local array. .. Q . Q ; Added for PowerScribe I RAVIEN']"" D . ;S RAVIEN=$P(RAVERF,$E(HL("ECH"),4)) . S RAVIEN=+RAVERF . S RAVPS=$G(^VA(200,RAVIEN,"PS")) . S:'$P(RAVPS,"^",4)!($P(RAVPS,"^",4)>DT) RAVCNT=RAVCNT+1 . I RAVCNT=1,('$D(RAVIEN(RAVCNT))#2) S RAVIEN(RAVCNT)=RAVIEN . Q I RAVCNT=0 S RAERR="Invalid Provider Name: "_RAVERF Q ; partial match not found I RAVCNT>1 S RAERR="Non-Unique Provider Name: "_RAVERF Q ; >1 partial match ;S RAVERF=$G(RAVIEN(1)) S:'RAVERF RAERR="Provider Name Entry Error" S:'$G(RAVIEN(1)) RAERR="Provider Name Entry Error: "_RAVERF S RAVERF=$G(RAVIEN(1)) Q ESIG ; Added for COTS E-Sig capability ; Q:"FA"'[^TMP(RARRR,$J,RASUB,"RASTAT")!('$D(^("RAVERF")))!($D(^("RAESIG"))) S RADFN=+$G(^TMP(RARRR,$J,RASUB,"RADFN")) S RADTI=+$G(^TMP(RARRR,$J,RASUB,"RADTI")) S RADIV=$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,0)),"^",3) Q:RADIV="" ; exam has been deleted - will be rejected ; Check division parameters for ALLOW E-SIG ON COTS REPORT in file 79 ; for the division that ordered this procedure. I $P(^RA(79,RADIV,.1),"^",27)["Y" D . S RAESIG=$$GET1^DIQ(200,RAVERF,20.2) . S:RAESIG]"" ^TMP(RARRR,$J,RASUB,"RAESIG")=RAESIG . Q Q