RAHLQ ;HISC/CAH,GJC AISC/SAW-Process Query Message (QRY) Type ;10/2/97 13:32 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**7**;Mar 16, 1998 ; Check the validity of the following data globals: ; Example: '^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,' (RASUB is an ien in file 772) ; **************** validates if data present ************************** ; ^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,"RAEXAM")=case number, if case no. entered ; ^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,"RANUMREC")=max # of records to retrieve ; ^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,"RASSN")=SSN of the patient, if ssn entered ; ^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,"RAVERF")=ien of user doing the query ; note: ^TMP("RARPT-QRY" should only have 3 of 4 ; of these nodes; RAEXAM and RASSN are mutually exclusive ; ********************************************************************* EN1 S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP("RARPT-QRY",$J,RASUB,I)) Q:I="" S @I=$G(^(I)) ; this should set the variables: RAEXAM/RASSN, RANUMREC, RAVERF I '$G(RAVERF) S RAERR="Invalid Access Code" Q QRD ;Analyze data from the 'QRY' Message from Non-DHCP System I '$D(RASSN),'$D(RAEXAM) S RAERR="Missing both the Patient & Exam ID" Q I $D(RASSN) I '$S(RASSN?9N:1,RASSN?9N1A:1,RASSN?1A4N:1,1:0) S RAERR="Invalid Patient ID" Q I $D(RAEXAM) I '$S(RAEXAM?6N1"-".N:1,RAEXAM?.N:1,1:0) S RAERR="Invalid Exam ID" Q D:$D(RASSN) SSN D:$D(RAEXAM) EXAM K RARPT Q ;Look Up Query Subject by SSN or BS5 X-refs SSN S:$E(RASSN)?1L RASSN=$C($A($E(RASSN))-32)_$E(RASSN,2,5) S RAI=$S(RASSN?1U4N:"BS5",1:"SSN") S:$L(RASSN)=10&($E(RASSN,10)?1L) RASSN=$E(RASSN,1,9)_$C($A($E(RASSN,10))-32) S RADFN=$O(^DPT(RAI,RASSN,0)) I 'RADFN S RAERR="Invalid Patient Identifier" Q I $O(^DPT(RAI,RASSN,RADFN)) S RAERR="Ambiguous Patient Identifier" Q I '$D(^RADPT(RADFN)) S RAERR="No Exams on File for This Patient" Q K VADM,VAERR S DFN=RADFN D DEM^VADPT I VADM(1)']"" S RAERR="Invalid Patient Identifier" Q S (RARECNT,RADTI)=0 F S RADTI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI)) Q:RADTI'>0!(RARECNT>RANUMREC) D . S RACNI=0 . F S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI)) Q:RACNI'>0!(RARECNT>RANUMREC) D .. I $D(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)) S RACN0=^(0) D ... D EDTCHK Q:RARPT ... S RARPT=+$P(RACN0,"^",17) Q:'RARPT S RARPT=$G(^RARPT(RARPT,0)),RARPT=$S("PD"[$P(RARPT,"^",5):0,1:1) .. I 'RARPT S RARECNT=RARECNT+1 Q:RARECNT>RANUMREC D EN1^RAHLQ1 .. Q . Q I 'RARECNT S RAERR="No Exams on File for This Patient" Q EXAM ;Look Up Query Subject by Exam/Case Number S RAI=$S(RAEXAM["-":"ADC",1:"AE") S RADFN=$O(^RADPT(RAI,RAEXAM,0)) I 'RADFN S RAERR="Invalid Exam Number or Exam Already Complete" Q I $O(^RADPT(RAI,RAEXAM,RADFN)) S RAERR="Ambiguous Exam Number" Q S RADTI=$O(^RADPT(RAI,RAEXAM,RADFN,0)) I 'RADTI S RAERR="Invalid Exam Number" Q S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RAI,RAEXAM,RADFN,RADTI,0)) I 'RACNI S RAERR="Invalid Exam Number" Q S RACN0=$S($D(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)):^(0),1:"") I 'RACN0 S RAERR="Invalid Case Number" Q D EDTCHK I RARPT=1 S RAERR="STATUS is CANCELLED. User is not permitted to edit report." Q I RARPT=2 S RAERR="Case is cancelled AND belongs to a printset -- please use DHCP to edit this case." Q I $P(RACN0,"^",17) S RARPT=$G(^RARPT($P(RACN0,"^",17),0)),RARPT=$S("PD"[$P(RARPT,"^",5):0,1:1) I RARPT S RAERR="Report Already On File" Q K VA,VADM,VAERR S DFN=RADFN D DEM^VADPT I VADM(1)']"" S RAERR="Invalid Patient Identifier" Q S RARECNT=1 ; exactly one case is being queried D EN1^RAHLQ1 Q CHKPRV ;Check for active interpreting staff/resident ; Examine the following two (2) conditions ; 1) Does this person have a resident or staff classification? ; 2) Is this person an active Rad/Nuc Med user? ; If 'No' to any of the above questions, set the variable RAERR to ; the appropriate error message. I '$D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",RAVERF)),('$D(^VA(200,"ARC","S",RAVERF))) D Q . ; neither a resident or staff . S RAERR="Provider not classified as resident or staff." . Q I $P($G(^VA(200,RAVERF,"RA")),"^",3),($P(^("RA"),"^",3)'>$$DT^XLFDT()) D . ; Rad/Nuc Med user has been inactivated. . K RAESIG S RAERR="Inactive Rad/Nuc Med Classification for Interpreting Physician." . Q I '$D(^XUSEC("RA VERIFY",RAVERF)) S RAERR="Provider does not hold the appropriate Rad/Nuc Med security key." Q EDTCHK ; is user permitted to edit report of a cancelled case ? ; Sets RARPT to indicate if report is allowed ; RARPT=1 if case cancelled, no report allowed ; RARPT=2 if cancelled printset, no report allowed ; RARPT=0 if case not cancelled, or user has key, or div params ; allow rpt on cancelled cases, report entry allowed S RARPT=0 S RASTATUS=+$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),"^",3) I $P($G(^RA(72,RASTATUS,0)),"^",3)>0 K RASTATUS Q K RASTATUS I +$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),"^",25)>1 S RARPT=2 Q ;don't allow edit if printset I $D(^XUSEC("RA MGR",+$G(RAVERF))) Q ;user has proper key I $D(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,0)) S RAMDIV=^(0),RAMLC=+$P(RAMDIV,"^",4),RAMDIV=+$P(RAMDIV,"^",3),RAMDV=$S($D(^RA(79,RAMDIV,.1)):^(.1),1:""),RAMDV=$S(RAMDV="":RAMDV,1:$TR(RAMDV,"YyNn",1100)) I $P(RAMDV,"^",22)=1 Q ;allow rpts on cancelled cases S RARPT=1 ; Q