RAIPST1 ;HISC/SWM - Post-init number one; 12/4/95 ;6/4/97 09:34 VERSION ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 ; EN1 ; install signon-alert into XU Menu N DA,DIC,DLAYGO,D0,TXT,X S DA(1)=$O(^DIC(19,"B","XU USER SIGN-ON",0)) G:'DA(1) OUT1B G:$D(^DIC(19,DA(1),"B",$O(^DIC(19,"B","RA SIGN-ON MSG",0)))) OUT1C S DIC="^DIC(19,"_DA(1)_",10,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=19,X="RA SIGN-ON MSG",D0=DA(1) D ^DIC S TXT(1)="Option 'RA SIGN-ON MSG' IS NOW UNDER option 'XU USER SIGN-ON'" MES1 D MES^XPDUTL(.TXT) Q OUT1B S TXT(1)="Option 'XU USER SIGN-ON' is missing on your system !" S TXT(2)="Option 'RA SIGN-ON MSG' cannot be put under XU USER SIGN-ON'" G MES1 OUT1C S TXT(1)="You already have 'RA SIGN-ON MSG' put under 'XU USER SIGN-ON'" G MES1 EN2 ; delete obsolete *CREDIT CLINIC STOP data dictionary & descriptor nodes ; from the Rad/Nuc Med Amis Codes file (71.1) Q:'$D(^DD(71.13,0)) ; already deleted N DIU,TXT S DIU=71.13 ; subfile data dictionary number S DIU(0)="SD" ; S=del dict. of subfile, D=del data also D EN^DIU2 S TXT(1)="Deleting obsolete *CREDIT CLINIC STOP data dictionary and" S TXT(2)="Descriptor nodes from Major Rad/Nuc Med AMIS Codes file" D MES^XPDUTL(.TXT) Q EN3 ; Convert free-text Device file pointer data to conventional pointer ; data. The following fields are impacted: '^DD(71,3,' '^DD(79.1,3,' ; '^DD(79.1,5,' '^DD(79.1,10,' & '^DD(79.1,16,' Q:'($D(^DD(79,.115,0))#2) ; We've done this code in the past. N RACNVRT,RAERR,RAI,RAII,RALOCK,RAROOT,RATXT S RAI=+$$PARCP^XPDUTL("POST31") S (RAERR,RALOCK)="",RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="Converting free-text pointer data in the REQUIRED FLASH CARD PRINTER" S RATXT(3)="field of the Rad/Nuc Med Procedures file to regular pointers to the" S RATXT(4)="Device file." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) F S RAI=$O(^RAMIS(71,RAI)) Q:RAI'>0 D . S RAI(0)=$G(^RAMIS(71,RAI,0)) Q:RAI(0)']"" . S RAI(3)=$P(RAI(0),"^",3) Q:RAI(3)']"" . S RACNVRT=$$CVRT(RAI(3),71,3,RAI) Q:RACNVRT="" ; converted in past . S RAROOT(71,+RAI_",",3)=RACNVRT . D FILE^DIE(RALOCK,"RAROOT",RAERR) . K RAROOT(71,+RAI_",",3) . S RAII=+$$UPCP^XPDUTL("POST31",RAI) . Q K RACNVRT,RAROOT S RAI=+$$PARCP^XPDUTL("POST311") S (RAERR,RALOCK)="",RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="Converting free-text pointer data for fields:" S RATXT(3)="FLASH CARD PRINTER NAME, JACKET LABEL PRINTER NAME," S RATXT(4)="REPORT PRINTER NAME and REQUEST PRINTER NAME" S RATXT(5)="in the Imaging Locations file to regular pointers to the Device file." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) F S RAI=$O(^RA(79.1,RAI)) Q:RAI'>0 D . S RAI(0)=$G(^RA(79.1,RAI,0)) Q:RAI(0)']"" . S RAI(3)=$P(RAI(0),"^",3),RAI(5)=$P(RAI(0),"^",5) . S RAI(10)=$P(RAI(0),"^",10),RAI(16)=$P(RAI(0),"^",16) . S RACNVRT(3)=$$CVRT(RAI(3),79.1,3,RAI) . S RACNVRT(5)=$$CVRT(RAI(5),79.1,5,RAI) . S RACNVRT(10)=$$CVRT(RAI(10),79.1,10,RAI) . S RACNVRT(16)=$$CVRT(RAI(16),79.1,16,RAI) . S:RACNVRT(3)]"" RAROOT(79.1,+RAI_",",3)=RACNVRT(3) . S:RACNVRT(5)]"" RAROOT(79.1,+RAI_",",5)=RACNVRT(5) . S:RACNVRT(10)]"" RAROOT(79.1,+RAI_",",10)=RACNVRT(10) . S:RACNVRT(16)]"" RAROOT(79.1,+RAI_",",16)=RACNVRT(16) . D FILE^DIE(RALOCK,"RAROOT",RAERR) . K RAROOT(79.1,+RAI_","),RACNVRT . S RAII=+$$UPCP^XPDUTL("POST311",RAI) Q CVRT(X,Y,Z,Z1) ; Convert free-text pointer to its corresponding ien in ; the Device file. ; ; INPUT: 'X' is the external value (.01) of the device file ; 'Y' is the Rad/Nuc Med file which has a field to be converted ; 'Z' is the field in file 'Y' being converted ; 'Z1' is the ien on the entry in our file (file #='Y') ; Q:X=""!(Y="")!(Z="") "" ; all needed for the conversion N X1 S X1=$O(^%ZIS(1,"B",X,"")) ; DBIA# 10114 (supported) I 'X1 D . N RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)="'"_X_"' could not be found in the ""B"" cross-reference" . S RATXT(3)="of the Device File (3.5)! Deleting '"_X_"' from the" . S RATXT(4)="'"_$P($G(^DD(Y,Z,0)),"^")_"' field of "_$S(Y=71:"Rad/Nuc Med Procedure",1:"Imaging Location") . S RATXT(5)=$$GET1^DIQ($S(Y=71:71,1:79.1),Z1,.01) . S X1="@" D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) . Q Q X1 EN4 ; Convert the "Allow 'Released/Unverified'" data from the Rad/Nuc Med ; Division '^RA(79,' file to the new field, "Allow 'Released ; /Unverified'" in the Imaging Locations '^RA(79.1,' file. When the ; data conversion is finished, delete the "Allow 'Released/Unverified'" ; field from the Rad/Nuc Med Division '^RA(79,' file. ; Q:'($D(^DD(79,.115,0))#2) ; quit if previously converted. ; ; Convert the data from the old field to the new field. K RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="Converting ALLOW 'RELEASED/UNVERIFIED' data from the Rad/" S RATXT(3)="Nuc Med Division file to the new ALLOW 'RELEASED/UNVERIFIED'." S RATXT(4)="field on the Imaging Locations file. " S RATXT(5)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) N RA79,RADBS,RADFN,RADIV,RAERR,RAILOC,RATXT S (RADIV,RAERR)=0 F S RADIV=$O(^RA(79,RADIV)) Q:RADIV'>0 D . S RA79(.1)=$G(^RA(79,RADIV,.1)) . S RA79(.115)=$P(RA79(.1),"^",15) Q:RA79(.115)']"" . S RAILOC=0 . F S RAILOC=$O(^RA(79,RADIV,"L","B",RAILOC)) Q:RAILOC'>0 D .. S RADFN(79.1,RAILOC_",",17)=RA79(.115) .. Q . Q D FILE^DIE("","RADFN","RADBS(""ERROR"")") ; move the data into 79.1! S RAERR=$S($D(RADBS("ERROR","DIERR"))#2:1,1:0) I RAERR D Q:RAERR . K RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)="Data conversion between the Rad/Nuc Med Division file" . S RATXT(3)="and the Imaging Locations file for the ALLOW 'RELEASED/" . S RATXT(3)="UNVERIFIED field has failed. IRM and the Rad/Nuc Med" . S RATXT(4)="ADPAC should investigate!" . S RATXT(5)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) . Q ; Remove data & any crossreferences on field .115 in file 79! ; Delete field .115 (Allow 'Released/Unverified') from ^DD(79. K RA79 S RADIV=0 F S RADIV=$O(^RA(79,RADIV)) Q:RADIV'>0 D . S RA79=$P($G(^RA(79,RADIV,.1)),"^",15) Q:RA79']"" . D ENKILL^RAXREF(79,.115,RA79,.RADIV) . S $P(^RA(79,RADIV,.1),"^",15)="" . Q K RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)="Deleting obsolete ALLOW 'RELEASED/UNVERIFIED' field from" S RATXT(3)="Rad/Nuc Med Division file.",RATXT(4)=" " D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) N DA,DIC,DIK,X,Y S DA(1)=79,DA=.115,DIK="^DD(79," D ^DIK Q