RAKRDIT ;Hines OI/GJC-pass exam info within a date range, to PCE ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**31**;Mar 16, 1998 Q EN1 ;DBIA 3445 read from file 42 ;Supported entry point used to credit examinations that have failed ;to be credited in the past. The user will be asked to supply the ;following required information: ;* Imaging Location (active, receives regular credit, & has a DSS ID) ;* Date Range ; ;From this, we look at the exam records and determine if the exam ;has been credited and whether or not the patients are outpatients. ; ;The software needs to check if these exams are single exams or ;exam-sets (linked to a single report, known as a print-set, or ;linked to unique reports) and send to PCE only those exams that ;have an Exam Status of 'Complete'. ; ;Intergration Agreements (IAs) used within this software ;#3445-$$GET1^DIQ(42,ien_file_42,.03,"I") ;the SERVICE of the ward ; IMGLOC W !!,?2,"Select an Imaging Location from the IMAGING LOCATIONS (#79.1)" W !?2,"file that is active, receives regular credit, and has a valid" W !?2,"DSS ID.",! K DIC S RATDY=$$DT^XLFDT(),DIC="^RA(79.1," S DIC("S")="N RAI S RAI=$G(^(0)) I '$P(RAI,""^"",19),($P(RAI,""^"",21)=0),($P(RAI,""^"",22)]"""")" S DIC("A")="Enter the Imaging Location that you wish to credit: " S DIC(0)="QEANZ" D ^DIC K DIC I Y=-1 D D KILL Q .W !!?2,$C(7),"Imaging Location selection invalid, exiting." .Q S RAILOC=Y_"^"_Y(0,0) ;ien file 79.1^ien file 44^.01 value file 44 ; DATE1 K DIR S DIR(0)="D^2110101:"_RATDY_":EA" S DIR("?",1)="Enter the date to begin searching for exams that have not been credited." S DIR("A")="Enter the starting date: ",DIR("?")="Time is not allowed." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) D D KILL Q .W !!?2,$C(7),"Starting date not selected, exiting." .Q S (RASTRT,RADTE)=Y ; DATE2 K DIR S DIR(0)="D^"_RASTRT_":"_RATDY_":EA" S DIR("A")="Enter the ending date: " S DIR("?",1)="Enter the date to end the search for exams that have not been credited." S DIR("?")="Dates cannot preceed: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(RASTRT,"1P")_"; time is not allowed." D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) D D KILL Q .W !!?2,$C(7),"Ending date not selected, exiting." .Q S RAEND=$$FMADD^XLFDT(Y,0,24,0,0) ;to include all data, set to midnight ; S ZTIO="",ZTRTN="QUEUED^RAKRDIT",ZTDESC="Rad/Nuc Med attempt to credit exams for a specific imaging location and date range" F I="RAEND","RADTE","RASTRT","RAILOC" S ZTSAVE(I)="" W ! D ^%ZTLOAD I $D(ZTSK) D .W !!?2,"Request queued: "_ZTSK_" @ "_$$HTE^XLFDT($G(ZTSK("D"),"error")) .Q K ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTSK D KILL Q ; QUEUED ;begin checking for uncredited exams... S:$G(U)'="^" U="^" S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" S RAXIT=0 EXAMS F S RADTE=$O(^RADPT("AR",RADTE)) Q:RADTE'>0!(RADTE>RAEND) D .;^RADPT("AR",date/time of exam,patient dfn,inverse exam date/time)="" .S RADFN=0 .F S RADFN=$O(^RADPT("AR",RADTE,RADFN)) Q:RADFN'>0 D Q:RAXIT ..S RADTI=0 ..F S RADTI=$O(^RADPT("AR",RADTE,RADFN,RADTI)) Q:RADTI'>0 D Q:RAXIT ...S RAY2=$G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,0)),RAXSET=0 ...Q:$P(RAY2,"^",4)'=+RAILOC ;not the specified I-Loc ...S RACNI=0 ...;check the exam to see if it is part of an exam set. If it is, ...;the call to RAPCE performs checking logic on all the descendents. ...I $P(RAY2,"^",5) S RAXSET=1 D Q ;we have an exam set... ....S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI)) Q:RACNI'>0 ....S RAY3=$G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)) ....Q:+$$EN1^RASETU($P(RAY3,U,11),RADFN)'=9 ; check all descendents ....;for a minimum order number of nine (9). This indicates that all ....;descendents are in the COMPLETE examination status. Status info ....;about exam set passed back from EN1^RASETU in the following ....;format: min status_"^"_max status_"^"_$S(All_Statuses=0:1,1:0) ....Q:$$ELIG(RAY3) ;must be an outpatient ....D COMPLETE^RAPCE(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ....D XAMSET(RADFN,RADTI) ;CREDIT METHOD of Reg. Credit on descendents ....I $$S^%ZTLOAD() S (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=1 ....Q ...;we do not have an exam set, proceed as usual... ...F S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI)) Q:RACNI'>0 D Q:RAXIT ....S RAY3=$G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)) ....Q:$$ELIG(RAY3) ;must be an outpatient ....D COMPLETE^RAPCE(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ....D:$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),U,24)="Y" CREDITM(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ;update CREDIT METHOD fld from No Credit to Regular Credit ....I $$S^%ZTLOAD() S (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=1 ....Q ...I $$S^%ZTLOAD() S (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=1 ...Q ..I $$S^%ZTLOAD() S (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=1 ..Q .I $$S^%ZTLOAD() S (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=1 .Q Q KILL ; kill local variables, clean up partition K DIC,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,I,RADFN,RADTE,RADTI,RAEND,RAILOC,RASTRT,RATDY K RAXIT,RAXSET,RAY2,RAY3,X,Y Q ELIG(RAY3) ;Is this record eligible to be credited? If so, the CLINIC ;STOP RECORDED? (#23) cannot be set to yes, the patient must not be ;located on a ward (outpatient), & the exam must be in a complete ;status (order_number = 9) ;Input: RAY3 set to - ^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0) I 'RAXSET,($P($G(^RA(72,+$P(RAY3,"^",3),0)),U,3)='9) Q 1 ;check single ;exam records for an order number of nine (9). This means the exam is ;in a status of COMPLETE. Note: the order numbers of the descendent ;exams within an exam-set is checked with $$EN1^RASETU... Q:$P(RAY3,"^",24)="Y" 1 ;clinic stop credited, skip this exam I $P(RAY3,"^",6)]"",($$GET1^DIQ(42,$P(RAY3,"^",6),.03,"I")'="D") Q 1 ;Note: if a ward, then it must have a SERVICE of DOMICILIARY to be ;consider an outpatient Q 0 ; CREDITM(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ;Change the CREDIT METHOD (DD: 70.03, fld: 26) ;from "No Credit" (2) to "Regular Credit" (0) ;Note: Crediting was skipped because the Imaging Location (I-Loc) was ;marked as 'NO CREDIT'. To credit at this time, the I-Loc must have ;CREDIT METHOD set to 'REGULAR CREDIT'. All exam records must be ;updated accordingly. ;Input=RADFN: patient dfn, RADTI: inv. exam date/time, RACNI: case ien N RAFDA S RAFDA(70.03,RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_",",26)=0 ; zero D FILE^DIE("K","RAFDA") Q ; XAMSET(RADFN,RADTI) ; change CREDIT METHOD from No Credit to Regular Credit ;Input=RADFN: patient dfn, RADTI: inv. exam date/time N RACNI S RACNI=0 F S RACNI=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI)) Q:RACNI'>0 D .D:$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),U,24)="Y" CREDITM(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ;update CREDIT METHOD fld from No Credit to Regular Credit Q