RAMAINU ;HISC/GJC-Radiology Utility File Maintenance (utility) ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**45**;Mar 16, 1998 ;Note: new routine with the release of RA*5*45 ; CPT(DA,RAX) ;Ask for CPT Code when the 'Procedure Enter/Edit' option ;is exercised. Called from input template: RA PROCEDURE EDIT ;Input: DA=ien of new record being edited & RAX=procedure name N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,RAFDA,RAYN,X,Y S RAYN=0 F D Q:+RAYN!($D(DIRUT)#2) .K X,Y S DIR(0)="71,9" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT)#2 .;Y=N^S where N=record ien & S=.01 value of the record .W !!,"Note: If an erroneous CPT Code is accepted it cannot be changed; the",!,"procedure must be inactivated." .W !!,"Are you adding '"_$P(Y,U,2)_"' as the CPT Code for the new Rad/Nuc Med Procedure",!,"'"_RAX_"'? NO// " .R RAYN:DTIME .I '$T!(RAYN["^") S RAYN=-1 Q .S RAYN=$E(RAYN) S:RAYN="" RAYN="N" .I "YyNn"'[RAYN W !?3,"Enter 'Y' to accept the CPT Code, or 'N' to reject the CPT Code or '^' to",!?3,"exit without selecting a CPT Code." .I W !?5,"Note: If an erroneous CPT Code is accepted it cannot be changed; the",!?5,"procedure must be inactivated." .S:"Yy"[RAYN RAYN="1^Y" .S:"Nn"[RAYN RAYN=0 .Q I $P(RAYN,U,2)="Y" S RAFDA(71,DA_",",9)=$P(Y,U) D FILE^DIE("","RAFDA") Q ; TRKCMB(DA,RACMB4) ;Contrast Medium/Media is used with this procedure. ;Track the editing of this data. This subroutine saves off the 'before' ;values in a local variable. The 'before' and 'after' values will be ;compared. If they differ, then the 'before' value will be filed in ;the audit log. ; input: DA=IEN of the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure record ;output: RACMB4=CM definitions for this procedure before edit N I S I=0,RACMB4="" F S I=$O(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",I)) Q:'I D .S RACMB4=RACMB4_$P($G(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",I,0)),U) .Q Q ; TRK70CMB(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RACMB4) ;Contrast Medium/Media is used with ;this procedure. Track the editing of this data. This subroutine saves ;off the 'before' values in a local variable. The 'before' and 'after' ;values will be compared. If they differ, then the 'before' value will ;be filed in the audit log. ;input: RADFN=DFN of the Rad/Nuc Med patient (file 2) ; RADTI=exam date/time (inverse) ; RACNI=ien of exam record (examinations sub-file 70.03) ;output: RACMB4=CM definitions for this procedure before edit N I S I=0,RACMB4="" F S I=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"CM",I)) Q:'I D .S RACMB4=RACMB4_$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"CM",I,0)),U) .Q Q ; TRKCMA(DA,RATRKCMB,RATRKCMA,RACMDIF) ;Contrast Medium/Media is used with this ;procedure. Tracks the editing of this data. This subroutine saves ;off the 'before' values. ; input: DA=IEN of the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure record ; RATRKCMB=CM definitions for this procedure before edit ;return: RATRKCMA=CM definitions for this procedure after edit ; RACMDIF=if before & after CM values differ, set to 1 else 0 N I,J S (I,RACMDIF)=0,RATRKCMA="" F S I=$O(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",I)) Q:'I D .S RATRKCMA=RATRKCMA_$P($G(^RAMIS(71,DA,"CM",I,0)),U) .Q ; ;If the before & after values are null, no CM definitions exist. I $L(RATRKCMB)=0,$L(RATRKCMA)=0 S RACMDIF=0 Q ; ;If the before value is null and the after value is not null file ;the after value I $L(RATRKCMB)=0,($L(RATRKCMA)>0) D Q .S RACMDIF=1 D FILEAU^RAMAINU1(DA,RATRKCMA) .Q ; ;If the before value is not null and the after value is null file ;the after value (indicates that CM data has been deleted) I $L(RATRKCMB)>0,($L(RATRKCMA)=0) D Q .S RACMDIF=1 D FILEAU^RAMAINU1(DA,RATRKCMA) .Q ; ;If the before and after values are non-null and the number of ;characters differ between strings, store the after value and exit. I $L(RATRKCMB)'=$L(RATRKCMA) S RACMDIF=1 D FILEAU^RAMAINU1(DA,RATRKCMA) Q ; ;If the before and after values have definition (non-null) and are of ;the same length, check to see if they have the same characters in ;their respective strings (character position not important). Only if ;characters differ between the two strings do we file the after data. F I=1:1:$L(RATRKCMB) D Q:RACMDIF .S J=$E(RATRKCMB,I) S:RATRKCMA'[J RACMDIF=1 .Q D:RACMDIF FILEAU^RAMAINU1(DA,RATRKCMA) Q ; TRK70CMA(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMB) ;Contrast Medium/Media is used with ;this exam. ;Tracks the editing of this data. This subroutine saves off the ;'before' values. ;input: RADFN=DFN of the Rad/Nuc Med patient (file 2) ; RADTI=exam date/time (inverse) ; RACNI=ien of exam record (examinations sub-file 70.03) ; RATRKCMB=the before contrast media definition N I,J,K S (I,K)=0,RATRKCMA="" F S I=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"CM",I)) Q:'I D .S RATRKCMA=RATRKCMA_$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"CM",I,0)),U) .Q ; ;If the before & after values are null, no CM definitions exist. I $L(RATRKCMB)=0,$L(RATRKCMA)=0 Q ; ;If the before value is null and the after value is not null file ;the after value I $L(RATRKCMB)=0,($L(RATRKCMA)>0) D AUD70^RAMAINU1(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMA) Q ; ;If the before value is not null and the after value is null file ;the after value (indicates that CM data has been deleted) I $L(RATRKCMB)>0,($L(RATRKCMA)=0) D AUD70^RAMAINU1(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMA) Q ; ;If the before and after values are non-null and the number of ;characters differ between strings, store the after value and exit. I $L(RATRKCMB)'=$L(RATRKCMA) D AUD70^RAMAINU1(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMA) Q ; ;If the before and after values have definition (non-null) and are of ;the same length, check to see if they have the same characters in ;their respective strings (character position not important). Only if ;characters differ between the two strings do we file the after data. F I=1:1:$L(RATRKCMB) D Q:K .S J=$E(RATRKCMB,I) S:RATRKCMA'[J K=1 .Q D:K AUD70^RAMAINU1(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RATRKCMA) Q ; PRGCM(DA) ;Purge contrast media data related to an exam when the user ;answers 'No' to the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED?' field (#10) prompt when ;'CONTRAST MEDIA USED?' is presented to the user by the 'RA EXAM EDIT' ;& 'RA STATUS CHANGE' input templates. ; ;input: DA=expressed as DA(2), DA(1), & DA IENs for file and sub-files ;returns: placeholder for input template ; I +$O(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"CM",0)) D .W !?3,$C(7),"Deleting contrast media data associated with this exam.",! .K ^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"CM") ;'B' xrefs deleted too! .Q Q "@225" ; UPXCM(DA,X) ;set the 'CONTRAST MEDIA USED?' (#10) field to 'No' if contrast ;media data is not associated with this exam. ;called from the 'RA EXAM EDIT' & 'RA STATUS CHANGE' input templates. ; ;input: DA=expressed as DA(2), DA(1), & DA IENs for file and sub-files ; X='Y' for 'Yes', 'N' for 'No' ; K RASFM S RAIENS=DA_","_DA(1)_","_DA(2)_"," S RASFM(70.03,RAIENS,10)=X D UPDATE^DIE("","RASFM","RAIENS") K RAIENS,RASFM Q ; STUFCM70(DA,RAPRI) ;If the exam record indicates that a contrast medium ;or media was used, and the exam record does not identify the CM, ;assume the CM definition of the procedure and stuff the exam ;record (usually done initially while editing the exam record for the ;first time). ; ;Called from the following input templates: ; RA EXAM EDIT & RA STATUS CHANGE ; ;input: DA array; DA(2)-RADFN, DA(1)-RADTI, & DA-RACNI ; RAPRI: IEN of the procedure being performed ; N I K RAD3,RAIENS,RASFM S I=0 F S I=$O(^RAMIS(71,RAPRI,"CM",I)) Q:'I D .S RAD3=$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,"CM",$C(32)),-1)+1 .S RAIENS="+"_RAD3_","_DA_","_DA(1)_","_DA(2)_"," .S RASFM(70.3225,RAIENS,.01)=$P($G(^RAMIS(71,RAPRI,"CM",I,0)),U) .D UPDATE^DIE("","RASFM","RAD3") K RAD3,RAIENS,RASFM .Q Q ;