RAO7PURG ;HISC/GJC-Purge order request ;9/5/97 08:58 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**18**;Mar 16, 1998 ;;last modification by SS May 9,2000 for P18 EN1(RAOIFN) ; 'RAOIFN' is the ien in file 75.1 ; Create and send HL7 Purge order request msg to CPRS N RA0,RATAB,RAVAR,RAVARBLE S RATAB=1 D EN1^RAO7UTL S RA0=$G(^RAO(75.1,RAOIFN,0)) Q:RA0']"" S RAVAR="RATMP(",RAVARBLE="RATMP" ; msh S @(RAVAR_RATAB_")")=$$MSH^RAO7UTL("ORM^O01") ;P18 event type ; pid S RATAB=RATAB+1,@(RAVAR_RATAB_")")=$$PID^RAO7UTL(RA0) ; orc S RATAB=RATAB+1 S @(RAVAR_RATAB_")")="ORC"_RAHLFS_"Z@"_RAHLFS_$P(RA0,"^",7)_"^OR"_RAHLFS_RAOIFN_"^RA" SHIP ; ship message to MSG^RAO7UTL which fires of the HL7 message to CPRS D MSG^RAO7UTL("RA EVSEND OR",.@RAVARBLE) Q EN2(RAMSG) ; Process purge message from oe/rr (cprs) to Rad/Nuc Med ; Input: RAMSG - HL7 purge request message ; ************************* Variables ********************************* ; RAMSH3=sending facility ; RAORC2=_"^OR" ; RAORC3=_"^RA" ; RAPID3=patient internal identifier (ien) ; RAPID5=patient external identifier (name) ; ********************************************************************* D BRKOUT^RAO7UTL1 ; defines RAORC2, RAORC3, RAPID3, RAPID5, RAMSH3 ; & RADIV(.119) N RAFNTDR,RAOIFN,RAORD0 S (RAERR,RALINEX,RAPURGE)=0 F S RALINEX=$O(RAMSG(RALINEX)) Q:RALINEX'>0 D Q:RAERR . S RASEG=$G(RAMSG(RALINEX)) Q:$P(RASEG,RAHLFS)="MSH" . S RAHDR=$P(RASEG,RAHLFS),RADATA=$P(RASEG,RAHLFS,2,999) . D @$S(RAHDR="PID":"PID",RAHDR="ORC":"ORC",1:"ERR") . Q Q:RAERR S RAORD0=$G(^RAO(75.1,+RAORC3,0)) S:$$ONLIN(RAORD0) RAERR=24 Q:RAERR ; last activity date for order ; is before the 'Order Data Cut-Off' for the img type S:$P(RAORD0,"^",5)>5 RAERR=24 Q:RAERR ; can't purge orders that are ; in the following stauses: active, scheduled or unreleased S:$P(RAORD0,"^",7)="" RAERR=24 Q:RAERR ; missing CPRS order pointer S:$$GET1^DIQ(100,+$P(RAORD0,"^",7)_",",.01)="" RAERR=24 Q:RAERR ; ptr ; data to file 100 (CPRS Order) is invalid S RAPUROK=$$PUROK^RAPURGE1(RAORD0,DT),RAOIFN=+RAORC3 D:RAPUROK ENPUR^RAPURGE1 Q ;returns to RAO7RO with RAPUROK set to send OK msg to CPRS ORC ; breakdown the 'ORC' segment S RAERR=$$EN3^RAO7VLD(75.1,+RAORC3) S:RAERR RAERR=22 Q:RAERR ; bad filler number S:+RAORC2'>0 RAERR=16 Q:RAERR ; bad placer number S:+RAORC2'=$P($G(^RAO(75.1,+RAORC3,0)),"^",7) RAERR=16 Q:RAERR ; bad placer number Q PID ; breakdown the 'PID' segment S RAERR=$$EN2^RAO7VLD(2,RAPID3,RAPID5) S:RAERR RAERR=2 ; bad patient id Q ERR ; error control - file 'soft' errors with CPRS N RAVAR S RAVAR("XQY0")="" D ERR^RAO7UTL("HL7 message missing 'PID' & 'ORC' segments",.RAMSG,.RAVAR) Q ; ONLIN(RAORD0) ; Check to see if order activity occurred within the number ; of days specified for an order, based on its i-type cut-off parms ; Input: RAORD0-zero node for our order (75.1) ; Output: 1-if order activity occurred later than cut-off date ; 0-if no order activity later than cut-off date ; The 18th piece of 0 node for file 75.1 is 'Last Activity Date/Time' N RAONLIN,RAX ; if no img type on order, dflt to gen'l rad img type S RAX=$G(^RA(79.2,$S($P(RAORD0,"^",3)="":+$O(^RA(79.2,0)),1:$P(RAORD0,"^",3)),.1)) S RAONLIN=-$S($P(RAX,"^",6)>29:$P(RAX,"^",6),1:90) Q:($P(RAORD0,"^",18)\1)<($$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,RAONLIN)) 0 Q 1