RAO7RO1 ;HISC/FPT-RAD/NM Error Messages ;8/28/97 14:16 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**2,75,86**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 7 ; EN1(RAERR) ; errors encountered with OE v3.0 back & frontdoor transmission S RAEMSG=$P($T(MSG+RAERR),";",4) I RAEMSG]"" Q RAEMSG Q "Error # "_RAERR_" does not exist" ; ;Note: Error code nine (9) disappears with the release of CPRS GUI V27. P86 ; MSG ; error messages ;;1;Missing/Invalid Order Control ;;2;Missing/Invalid Patient ID ;;3;Missing/Invalid Patient Location ;;4;Missing/Invalid User DUZ ;;5;Missing/Invalid REQUEST URGENCY ;;6;Missing/Invalid REQUESTING PHYSICIAN ;;7;Entered Date/Time is in the Future ;;8;Invalid Procedure, Inactive, no Imaging Type or no Procedure Type ;;9;Patient Class disagrees with Patient Location ;;10;Invalid ISOLATION PROCEDURES ;;11;Invalid MODIFIER(s) ;;12;Missing/Invalid IMAGING LOCATION or not the same as procedure's ;;13;Missing/Invalid MODE OF TRANSPORT ;;14;Missing/Invalid PREGNANT value ;;15;Missing/Invalid CLINICAL HISTORY FOR EXAM ;;16;Missing/Invalid Placer Number ;;17;Missing/Invalid OBX Value Type ;;18;Missing/Invalid CONTRACT/SHARING SOURCE ;;19;Missing/Invalid RESEARCH SOURCE ;;20;Missing/Invalid PRE-OP SCHEDULED DATE/TIME ;;21;Error Filing New Entry ;;22;Missing/Invalid Filler Number ;;23;Missing/Invalid Cancel or Hold Reason ;;24; ;;25;Current status will not permit request to be put in DISCONTINUED status ;;26;Error filing Placer Number ;;27;Missing/Invalid CATEGORY OF EXAM ;;28;Invalid REQUEST DATE (TIME optional) ;;29;CATEGORY OF EXAM cannot be Research AND Contract/Sharing ;;30;Error Filing New Entry in Request Status Times multiple ;;31;Imaging Type mismatch between the Procedure and Imaging Location ;;32;Parent procedure does not have descendents ;;33;Imaging Type mismatch between the Procedure and MODIFIER(s) ;;34;Invalid MODFIERS(s) for a series procedure ;;35;FileMan rejected date/time ;;36;Invalid Approving Rad/Nuc Med physician ;;37;Rad/Nuc Med order not placed in a DISCONTINUED status ;;38;Missing REASON FOR STUDY value ;;39;Invalid REASON FOR STUDY value