RAORD1A ;HISC/FPT-Request an Exam ;7/27/07 08:00 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**1,86**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 7 ; ;Call to WIN^DGPMDDCF (Supported IA #1246) from the SCREENW function ;Supported IA #10039 reference to ^DIC(42 ;Supported IA #10040 reference to ^SC ;Supported IA #10061 reference to ^VADPT ;Supported IA #10103 reference to ^XLFDT ; SCREEN(RAINPAT,RACPRS27) ; screen for active clinics/wards ; This code is also called from RAORD1 (screen for the Patient Location ; prompt which is a pointer to the HOSPITAL LOCATION (#44) file.) ; We want to EXCLUDE from our selection the following types of ; hospital locations: ; ; 1) Occasion of Service (OOS) locations (fld: 50.01) 'OOS' node ; 2) File Area ("F") or Imaging ("I") locations (fld: 2) ; 3) Inactivate Date (fld: 2505) 'I' node ; ; input: RAINPAT=1 if the patient is an inpatient located on a ward, else 0. ; RACPRS27=1 if the environment is running CPRS GUI v27, else 0. ; Q:$D(^SC(+Y,"OOS"))#2 0 ; #1 N RA44 S RA44=$G(^SC(+Y,0)),RA44(42)=$P($G(^SC(+Y,42)),U) Q:"^F^I^"[(U_$P(RA44,U,3)_U) 0 ; #2 ; ; if the hospital location is defined as a ward set RAWARD to 1, else 0 N RAWARD S RAWARD=0 ;check the pointer to the WARD LOCATION file. I RA44(42)>0 D Q:RAWARD=-1 0 .;Error; the HOSPITAL LOCATION cannot be of TYPE 'Clinic' & point to a ward .I $P(RA44,U,3)="C" S RAWARD=-1 Q .;Error; bad pointers between files 42 & 44 .I $P($G(^DIC(42,RA44(42),44)),U)'=+Y S RAWARD=-1 Q .;ok, set ward flag... .S RAWARD=1 .Q ; ; 1) if the hospital location is a ward check if we should screen by ward ; 2) the hosp location=ward, facility is running v26, and we have an ; outpatient quit zero (default of the $S) I RAWARD Q $S(RACPRS27!RAINPAT:$$SCREENW(+Y),1:0) ; ; if the hospital location is a clinic, we have an inpatient, and the ; facility is not running CPRS v27 return 0 I 'RACPRS27,(RAINPAT) Q 0 ; ; Check INACTIVATE DATE against REACTIVATE DATE ; inactivate date = reactivate date (allow) ; inactivate date > reactivate date (disallow) ; inactivate date < reactivate date (allow) ; N RASCA,RASCI,RASCINDE S RASCINDE=$G(^SC(+Y,"I")) S RASCI=+$P(RASCINDE,U),RASCA=+$P(RASCINDE,U,2) ; Q $S(RASCI'>0:1,RASCI>DT:1,1:RASCI'>RASCA) ; SCREENW(Y) ; check the out-of-service field of the WARD LOCATION (#42) record. ;input Y: ien of the HOSPITAL LOCATION record ; RAWHEN: DATE DESIRED (Not guaranteed) (file: 75.1, fld: 21) optional ;output : '0' if not valid, else '1' if valid N D0,DGPMOS,X S D0=+$G(^SC(Y,42)) Q:'D0 0 Q:'($D(^DIC(42,D0,0))#2) 0 ; ;WIN^DGPMDDCF (Supported IA #1246) Is the ward active? ; Input ; D0 "Dee zero" (req): IEN of WARD LOCATION file. ; DGPMOS (opt): defaults to DT. Is the ward in service on this date? ; Output ; X: 1 if out of service, 0 if in service, or -1 if input variables ; not defined properly. Be careful; note the difference in their ; boolean definition ('0'=success) and ours ('0'=failure) ; S:$D(RAWHEN)#2 DGPMOS=$P(RAWHEN,".",1) D WIN^DGPMDDCF Q 'X ;alter 'X' (the WIN^DGPMDDCF output value) to meet our ($$SCREENW) output definition ; PREG(RADFN,RADT) ; Subroutine will display the pregnancy prompt to the ; user if the patient is between the ages of 12 - 55 inclusive. ; Called from CREATE1^RAORD1. ; Input : RADFN - Patient, RADT - Today's date ; Output: Patient Pregnant? (yes, no, unknown or no default) ; Note: (may set RAOUT if the user times out or '^' out) Q:RASEX'="F" "" ; not a female S:RADT="" RADT=$$DT^XLFDT() N RADAYS,VADM D DEM^VADPT ; $P(VADM(3),"^") DOB of patient, internal S RADAYS=$$FMDIFF^XLFDT(RAWHEN,$P(VADM(3),"^"),3) Q:((RADAYS\365.25)<12) "" ; too young Q:((RADAYS\365.25)>55) "" ; too old N DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT S DIR(0)="75.1,13" D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) RAOUT="^" Q:$D(RAOUT) "" Q $P(Y,"^") ; INIMOD(Y) ; check if the user has selected the same ; modifier more than once when the order is requested. ; The 'Request an Exam' option. Called from MODS^RAORD1 ; Input: 'Y' the name of the procedure modifier ; Output: 'X' if the user has not entered this modifier in ; the past return one (1). Else return zero (0). Q:'$D(RAMOD) 1 ; must allow the selection of the first modifier ; after this, it is assumed that the RAMOD array is defined. N RACNT,X S X=1,RACNT=99999 F S RACNT=$O(RAMOD(RACNT),-1) Q:RACNT=""!(X=0) S:RAMOD(RACNT)=Y X=0 Q X ;