RAORR2 ;HISC/CAH,FPT,GJC AISC/DMK-Verify a request from OERR ;9/12/94 11:11 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 K RAERR I $S('$D(ORPK):1,'ORPK:1,'$D(ORVP):1,'$L(ORVP):1,'$D(^RAO(75.1,ORPK,0)):1,1:0) S RAERR=1 G FAIL S RAIPROC=$P(^RAO(75.1,ORPK,0),"^",2) I 'RAIPROC S RAERR=1 G FAIL I '$D(^RAO(75.1,"AP",+ORVP,RAIPROC)) S RAERR=1 G FAIL S RATIME=$O(^RAO(75.1,"AP",+ORVP,RAIPROC,0)) I $P(RATIME,".")>(9999999-DT) S RAERR=2 G FAIL ; S RAS3=+ORVP,X=RAIPROC,RAQUIT=1 D ORDPRC1^RAUTL2,STATUS:'$D(RAQUIT) K RAERR,RAIPROC,RAO(0),RARDT,RAROIFN,RATIME,RAQUIT,RAQUIT,X,RAMDV Q ; STATUS S RAERR=3 D FAIL H 1 Q Q ; FAIL W !!,$P($T(ERR+RAERR),";;",2),! I RAERR=1 S OREND=1 Q ERR ;Error messages if the order fails the verify process(ORGY=10) ;;Invalid or missing information needed to verify the order. ;;Request Date for this order is in the past. May want to cancel the order. ;;You may want to cancel this order. Q