RAUTL13 ;HISC/CAH-Utility OMA Loc selector, Pt Loc change, Submit-to loc scrn ;9/5/96 07:52 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 IPOP ;Determine if current pt loc is different than requesting loc ;INPUT VARIABLES: ; RAORD0=Zeroeth node of order record from file 75.1 ;OUTPUT VARIABLES: ; RALOCN=Name of current loc (or 'UNKNOWN' if not definable) ; RARLOCN=Defined only if requesting loc different from current loc. ; Value is Name of requesting loc ;To update pt loc, get requesting loc, determine if IP or OP ;RARLOC=IEN of req'g loc in File 44, RARLOCN=Req'g loc name ;RARIPOP="I" if inpatient req. loc, "O" if outpatient req. loc S RARLOC=+$P(RAORD0,U,22),RARLOCN=$S($D(^SC(RARLOC,0)):$P(^(0),"^"),1:"UNKNOWN") K RARIPOP S X=$G(^SC(RARLOC,42)) S RARIPOP=$S($L($G(^DIC(42,+X,0))):"I",1:"O") ;RAIPLOC=IEN of Inp Loc in File 42, RAIPLOCN=Name of Inp Loc ;RACIPOP="I" if currently inpatient, or "O" if currently Outpatient S DFN=RADFN D INP^VADPT S RAIPLOC=$P($G(VAIN(4)),U,1),RAIPLOCN=$P($G(VAIN(4)),U,2),RACIPOP=$S($L(RAIPLOC):"I",1:"O"),RAIN44=+$G(^DIC(42,+RAIPLOC,44)) I '$L(RAIPLOC) D OP G IPOPQ ;If pt currently outp ;Continue only if patient currently inp. I RAIN44'=RARLOC S RALOCN=RAIPLOCN G IPOPQ ;if loc change I RAIN44=RARLOC S RALOCN=RAIPLOCN K RARLOCN G IPOPQ ;if no change Q OP I RARIPOP="O",RACIPOP="O" S RALOCN=RARLOCN K RAIPLOCN,RAIPLOC,RARLOCN Q I RARIPOP="I",RACIPOP="O" S RALOCN="DISCHARGED" Q IPOPQ K RAIN44,RAIPLOC,VAIN,RAIPLOCN,RACIPOP,RARIPOP,RARLOC,RALOC,X Q ; OMA ;Select One/Many/All locations within current imaging type ;INPUT VARIABLES: RACCESS array must be defined if imaging location ; access is to be screened. Otherwise, use gets to choose from ; all imaging locations ; RAIMGTY must be defined if imaging locations access is to be ; screened by sign-on imaging type ; RANOSCRN - if defned no screening is done regardless of whether ; RAIMGTY and RACCESS are defined ;OUTPUT VARIABLES: RALOC(Rad loc name, IEN of 79.1) array ; ;I '$D(RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC")) W !,"You do not have access to any Imaging Locations. See your ADPAC." K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S RAQUIT=1 G Q K ^TMP($J,"RADLOCS") ;If user can access more than one loc of current imaging type, ;prompt user to select loc(s) I '$G(RALOC1) D . N RAARRY,RADIC,RAUTIL . S RADIC="^RA(79.1,",(RAARRY,RAUTIL)="RADLOCS",RADIC(0)="QEAMZ" . S RADIC("A")="Select Imaging Location(s): " . I $D(RAIMGTY),'$D(RANOSCRN) S RADIC("S")="I (+$P(^(0),""^"",6)=+$O(^RA(79.2,""B"",RAIMGTY,0)))" . D EN1^RASELCT(.RADIC,RAUTIL,RAARRY) . Q S I="" F S I=$O(^TMP($J,"RADLOCS",I)) Q:I="" S J="" F S J=$O(^TMP($J,"RADLOCS",I,J)) Q:J="" S RALOC(I,J)="" Q K I,J,RADIC,RAUTIL,RAARRY,^TMP($J,"RADLOCS") Q SUBMIT(DA,Y) ;Called from file 75.1, field 20 (imaging location) screen ; returns 1 if location being screened has same imaging type as ; procedure ordered. ; DA is the IEN of file 75.1, Y is the IEN of the entry in file ; 79.1 that is being screened. Q:$P($G(^RA(79.1,+Y,0)),U,19)]"" 0 ; inactive location N RALOC,RALOCI,RAPROC,RAPROCI S RALOC=$G(^RA(79.1,+Y,0)) S RALOCI=$G(^RA(79.2,$P(RALOC,U,6),0)) I '$L(RALOCI) Q 0 S RAPROC=+$P($G(^RAO(75.1,DA,0)),U,2),RAPROCI=+$P($G(^RAMIS(71,RAPROC,0)),U,12) I RAPROCI=$P(RALOC,U,6) Q 1 Q 0 SUBMITQ(DA,Y) ;Called from file 71.3, field 8 (imaging location) screen ; returns 1 if location being screened has same imaging type as ; the common procedure. ; DA is the IEN of file 71.3, Y is the IEN of the entry in file ; 79.1 that is being screened. N RALOC,RALOCI,RAPROC,RAPROCI S RALOC=$G(^RA(79.1,+Y,0)) Q:$P(RALOC,"^",19)]"" 0 ; inactive location S RALOCI=$G(^RA(79.2,+$P(RALOC,U,6),0)) I '$L(RALOCI) Q 0 S RAPROC=+$P($G(^RAMIS(71.3,DA,0)),U) S RAPROCI=+$P($G(^RAMIS(71,RAPROC,0)),U,12) I RAPROCI=$P(RALOC,U,6) Q 1 Q 0 INLO(X) ; Determine if the Imaging Location is inactive ; Pass in the IEN of the Imaging Location (most of the time +RAMLC) ; Pass back '1' if inactive, '0' if active. Q $S($P($G(^RA(79.1,+X,0)),U,19)']"":0,1:1)