RAUTL15 ;HISC/GJC-Skeleton rpt del if no data entered. ;11/5/99 12:33 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**5,10**;Mar 16, 1998 EN3(IEN74) ;Delete the skeleton report and pointer from Rad Pt file to ; report if user has not entered any report data (i.e. user ^'d out ; of report entry/edit after the system created a skeleton record). ; If the report is deleted, a bulletin will not be generated! N RA,RAPRG74,RATXT S RA(0)=$G(^RARPT(IEN74,0)) Q:RA(0)']"" 0 I $O(^RARPT(IEN74,2005,0))>0 Q 0 S RA("I")=$S(+$O(^RARPT(IEN74,"I",0))'>0:1,1:0) S RA("P")=$S($G(^RARPT(IEN74,"P"))="":1,1:0) S RA("R")=$S(+$O(^RARPT(IEN74,"R",0))'>0:1,1:0) S RA(5)=$P(RA(0),"^",5),RA(5)=$S(RA(5)]"":RA(5),1:"Null") I $L(RA(0),"^")'>6,("dD"[RA(5)),(RA("I")),(RA("P")),(RA("R")) D Q 1 . N %,D,D0,DA,DIC,DIE,DIK,DQ,DR,X,Y . ; +++++ Delete Report Text pointer from the Examinations +++++ . ; +++++ multiple in the Rad/Nuc Med Patient file +++++ . ; +++++ if the data is xrefed, delete xref +++++ . ; del other print member's REPORT TEXT xrefs, & set ptr to #74 as null . D DEL17^RARTE2(IEN74) . ; set RADFN, RADTI & RACNI if not defined! This situation will arise . ; when this code finds an incomplete Rad/Nuc Med Report while running . ; the post-init portion of the software. . S:'$D(RADFN) RADFN=$P(RA(0),"^",2) . S:'$D(RADTI) RADTI=9999999.9999-$P(RA(0),"^",3) . S:'$D(RACNI) RACNI=+$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P","B",+$P(RA(0),"^",4),0)) . S DA(2)=RADFN,DA(1)=RADTI,DA=RACNI . D ENKILL^RAXREF(70.03,17,IEN74,.DA) . ; Delete pointers to the Rad/Nuc Med Report file i.e, '^RARPT(' . ;******* . S $P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),"^",17)="" K DA,X . ; +++++ Delete Report pntr from the Reports multiple in +++++ . ; +++++ the Reports Batches file +++++ . ; +++++ Delete Report pntr from the Report Distribution file +++++ . D UPDTPNT^RAUTL9(IEN74) . ; +++++ Delete the entry from the Rad/Nuc Med Reports file +++++ . S DA=IEN74,DIK="^RARPT(" D ^DIK . S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)=" Report not complete. Must Delete......deletion complete!" . S RATXT(3)=$C(7) D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) . Q Q 0 KMV ; kill miscellaneous variables K %DT,%I,%RET,%T K D,D0,D1,D2,D3,DA,DDER,DDH,DI,DIE,DIFLD,DIG,DIH,DISYS,DIU,DIW,DIWF,DIWL,DIWR,DIWT,DG,DK,DL,DM,DN,DR K POP Q ; CZECH(Y) ; check if an order can be cancelled, held, or scheduled. ; Y -> ien of the Rad/Nuc Med Orders file. ; Y1 -> if OE/RR > 2.5 & no order number: 1, else 0 ; Called from: VALORD subroutine N RAORDER,Y1 S Y1=0 S RAORDER(0)=$G(^RAO(75.1,+Y,0)) Q:RAORDER(0)']"" I '$P(RAORDER(0),U,7),(+$$ORVR^RAORDU()>2.5) D . N Y2 ; 'Y2' is the procedure name . S Y1=1,Y2=$P($G(^RAMIS(71,+$P(RAORDER(0),U,2),0)),U) . D INV(RAOPTN,Y2) . Q Q Y1 INV(X,X1) ; invalid action message called from the schedule/cancel or hold ; request options. ; X -> point of orgin (option) X1 -> procedure name ; Called from: CZECH subroutine S X=$$UP^XLFSTR($E(X,1,3)),X1=$S(X1]"":X1,1:"Unknown") W !!?3,"Sorry, can't "_$S(X="SCH":"schedule",X="CAN":"cancel",1:"hold") W " this request until OE/RR assigns an order number" W !?3,"for procedure: ",X1,!?3,"Please try later!" Q VALORD ; validate order data, i.e, has OE/RR order # and the site is running ; a version of OE/RR > 2.5 Called from: 2^RAORD, 3^RAORD & 4^RAORD N G1,G2,RA751 S G1=0 F S G1=$O(RAORDS(G1)) Q:G1'>0 D . S G2=$$CZECH(+$G(RAORDS(G1))) K:G2 RAORDS(G1) . Q Q DPROC(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RAOIFN) ; Determine if the ordered procedure is ; different from the registered procedure. ; Input Variables: RADFN-Patient DFN ; RADTI-inverse DT of exam (if exists) ; RACNI-IEN on the case node (if exists) ; RAOIFN-IEN of the order ; Output: null-procedures don't differ -OR- no order/exam ; not null-ordered proc_"^"_registered proc data ; registered procedure data includes imaging type, procedure ; type and CPT codes (if any) ; ; NOTE: The only time we don't set ^TMP($J,"RA DIFF PRC") is when ; we are using the 'Detailed Request Display' option and the ordered ; procedure is the same as the registered procedure. All other ; Request display options output the ordered procedure, the ; registered procedure and exam case number if the order ; is active. ; N RA7003,RA751 S RA7003=$G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)) S RA751=$G(^RAO(75.1,RAOIFN,0)) Q:$P(RA7003,"^",2)=""!($P(RA751,"^",2)="") "" ; missing order or xam I '$D(RAOPT("ORDERPRINTS")),'$D(RAOPT("ORDERPRINTPAT")) Q:$P(RA7003,"^",2)=$P(RA751,"^",2) "" ; except for 2 print options, quit if req.prc=regis.prc N RA71,RACPT,RACSE,RAITY,RAPRC,RATY,X,Y S RACSE=$$RJ^XLFSTR($P(RA7003,"^"),5) S RA71=$G(^RAMIS(71,$P(RA7003,"^",2),0)) S RACPT=$P($$NAMCODE^RACPTMSC(+$P(RA71,"^",9),DT),"^") S RAPRC=$E($$GET1^DIQ(71,+$P(RA7003,"^",2)_",",.01),1,36) S RAITY=$$GET1^DIQ(79.2,+$P(RA71,"^",12)_",",3) S RATY=$$GET1^DIQ(71,$P(RA7003,"^",2)_",",6) S RATY=$E(RATY,1)_$$LOW^XLFSTR($E(RATY,2,9999)) S X="",Y=RACSE_" "_RAPRC,Y(0)="("_RAITY_" "_RATY_" "_RACPT_")" S Y(0)=Y(0)_" "_$E($P($G(^RA(72,+$P(RA7003,"^",3),0)),"^"),1,4) S $E(X,1,42)=Y,$E(X,44,70)=Y(0) Q X