RAUTL6 ;HISC/GJC-Utility Routine ;2/19/98 10:52 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;;Mar 16, 1998 VARACC(DUZ) ; This subroutine will determine the Imaging Location, ; Imaging Type, and the Divisional access for a specific individual. ; Divisional Access as well as Imaging Type Access is derived from ; the Imaging Locs assigned to each Rad/Nuc Med user. If the user ; holds the RA ALLOC key, that user has access to all Imaging Locs. ; This in turn implies that the user has all Divisional and Imaging ; Type access related to each specific Imaging Location. ; Q:'+$G(DUZ) N RADIV,RAIMG,RAINDX,RAKEY,RALOC,RAMGRKEY S RAMGRKEY=0 ; ; *** RA ALLOC Key Holder *** ; If a RA ALLOC holder, set up Imaging Loc access from file 200. ; Format: RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",IEN of 79.1)=.01 of 79.1, IEN of file 44^.01 of 44 ; I $D(^XUSEC("RA ALLOC",DUZ)) S RAMGRKEY=1 D . S RAINDX=0 . F S RAINDX=$O(^RA(79.1,RAINDX)) Q:RAINDX'>0 D .. S RALOC(0)=$G(^RA(79.1,RAINDX,0)),RALOC(1)=+$P(RALOC(0),U) .. Q:RALOC(1)'>0 S RALOC(44)=$P($G(^SC(RALOC(1),0)),U) .. S RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",RAINDX)=RALOC(1)_"^"_RALOC(44) .. Q . K RALOC . Q ; ; *** Imaging Location Access *** ; If not a RA ALLOC holder, set up Imaging Loc access from file 200. ; Format: RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",IEN of 79.1)=.01 of 79.1, IEN of file 44^.01 of 44 ; I 'RAMGRKEY,($D(^VA(200,DUZ,"RAL",0))),(+$O(^VA(200,DUZ,"RAL",0))) D . S RAINDX=0 . F S RAINDX=$O(^VA(200,DUZ,"RAL",RAINDX)) Q:RAINDX'>0 D .. S RALOC(0)=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,"RAL",RAINDX,0)),RALOC(1)=+$P(RALOC(0),U) .. Q:RALOC(1)'>0 S RALOC(44)=+$P($G(^RA(79.1,RALOC(1),0)),U) .. S RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",RALOC(1))=RALOC(44)_"^"_$P($G(^SC(RALOC(44),0)),U) .. Q . Q ; ; *** Division Access *** ; Format: RACCESS(DUZ,"DIV",IEN of 79,IEN of 79.1)="DIV";1 of file 79.1, pntr to file 4^.01 of 4 ; NOTE: The first piece of the "DIV" node is a pntr to 79 (Rad Div) ; This value is DINUMED with file 4. ; ; Division is found in the Imaging Location file, ^RA(79.1 ; it is the first piece of the "DIV" node. RAINDX is the IEN ; of ^RA(79.1 I $D(RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC")) D . S RAINDX=0 . F S RAINDX=$O(RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",RAINDX)) Q:RAINDX'>0 D .. S RADIV(0)=$G(^RA(79.1,RAINDX,"DIV")),RADIV(1)=+$P(RADIV(0),U) .. Q:RADIV(1)'>0 S RADIV(2)=+$P($G(^RA(79,RADIV(1),0)),U) .. S RACCESS(DUZ,"DIV",RADIV(1),RAINDX)=RADIV(2)_"^"_$P($G(^DIC(4,RADIV(2),0)),U) .. Q . Q ; ; *** Imaging Type Access *** ; Format: RACCESS(DUZ,"IMG",IEN of 79.2,IEN of 79.1)=^.01 of 79.2 ; NOTE: The sixth piece of the "zero" node is a pntr to 79.2 (Img Type) ; ; Imaging Type is found in the Imaging Location file (#79.1) ; it is the sixth piece of the "zero" node. RAINDX is the IEN ; of ^RA(79.1 I $D(RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC")) D . S RAINDX=0 . F S RAINDX=$O(RACCESS(DUZ,"LOC",RAINDX)) Q:RAINDX'>0 D .. S RAIMG(0)=$G(^RA(79.1,RAINDX,0)),RAIMG(1)=+$P(RAIMG(0),U,6) .. Q:RAIMG(1)'>0 S RAIMG(2)=$P($G(^RA(79.2,RAIMG(1),0)),U) .. S RACCESS(DUZ,"IMG",RAIMG(1),RAINDX)="^"_RAIMG(2) .. Q . Q Q DSPDIV ; Display 'Divisional Access' data N X0,X1,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3 S X0=0,Y3=1 I '$D(RACCESS(RADUZ,"DIV")) D Q . W !?5,"Access to Radiology/Nuclear Medicine Divisional data is not " . W "authorized.",$C(7) S Y1="<<< Divisions Included >>>" W !?5,Y1 F S X0=$O(RACCESS(RADUZ,"DIV",X0)) Q:X0'>0 D . S X1=$O(RACCESS(RADUZ,"DIV",X0,0)) Q:X1'>0 . S Y0=$G(RACCESS(RADUZ,"DIV",X0,X1)) Q:Y0']"" . S Y2=$P(Y0,U,2) D PRINT . Q W ! Q DSPIMG ; Display 'Imaging Type' data N X0,X1,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3 S X0=0,Y3=1 I '$D(RACCESS(RADUZ,"IMG")) D Q . W !?5,"Access to Imaging Type data is not authorized." . W $C(7) S Y1="<<< Imaging Types Included >>>" W !?5,Y1 F S X0=$O(RACCESS(RADUZ,"IMG",X0)) Q:X0'>0 D . S X1=0 . F S X1=$O(RACCESS(RADUZ,"IMG",X0,X1)) Q:X1'>0 D .. S Y0=$G(RACCESS(RADUZ,"IMG",X0,X1)) Q:Y0']"" .. S Y2=$P(Y0,U,2) D PRINT .. Q . Q W ! Q DSPLOC ; Display 'Imaging Location' data N X0,Y0,Y1,Y2,Y3 S X0=0,Y3=1 I '$D(RACCESS(RADUZ,"LOC")) D Q . W !?5,"Access to Imaging Location data is not authorized.",$C(7) S Y1="<<< Locations Included >>>" W !?5,Y1 F S X0=$O(RACCESS(RADUZ,"LOC",X0)) Q:X0'>0 D . S Y0=$G(RACCESS(RADUZ,"LOC",X0)) Q:Y0']"" . S Y2=$P(Y0,U,2) D PRINT . Q W ! Q PRINT ; Print out data S Y3='Y3 I 'Y3 W !?5,Y2 E W ?45,Y2 Q DIVSION(RADATE,RALIFN) ; Determine the division associated with the Requesting ; Location on a Rad/Nuc Med Order. Use the PIMS utilities in VASITE. ; Returns an institution file ptr value or -1 if the division ; could not be determined. ; Input - RADATE=a valid FileMan date (internal format) ; defaults to DT if passed in null ; RALIFN=Req. Location from Rad/Nuc Med Order. ; Output - RA1DIV=valid pointer the the Institution File, else -1 N RA1DIV S:$G(RADATE)="" RADATE=DT ; note: field 3.5 in file 44 is named DIVISION & is a pntr to file 40.8 S RA1DIV=+$$SITE^VASITE(RADATE,+$$GET1^DIQ(44,RALIFN,3.5,"I")) ; if $$SITE^VASITE fails, return the medical center division of the ; primary medical center division (this is a ptr to file 40.8) S:RA1DIV=-1 RA1DIV=+$$SITE^VASITE(RADATE,+$$PRIM^VASITE(RADATE)) Q RA1DIV