RAWKLU1 ;HISC/GJC-physician workload statistics by wRVU or CPT ;10/26/05 14:57 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**64,77**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 7 ;03/28/07 KAM/BAY Remedy Call 179232 Patch RA*5*77 ; Add note to header if current calendar year data was ; not used used in the report creation and add default ; scaling factors to print ; ;DBIA#:2541 ($$KSP^XUPARAM) returns the DEFAULT INSTITUTION (#217) ; from the KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS (#8989.3) file. ;DBIA#:2171 ($$NAME^XUAF4) resolves the DEFAULT INSTITUTION value into ; the name of the facility ;DBIA#:10063 ($$S^%ZTLOAD) ;DBIA#:10103 ($$FMTE^XLFDT) & ($$NOW^XLFDT) ; EN ;entry point; called from RAWKLU... S RAFAC=$$NAME^XUAF4(+$$KSP^XUPARAM("INST")) S:RAFAC="" RAFAC="***undefined facility name***" S $P(RALN,"-",IOM+1)="",(RACNT,RAPG)=0 S RAHDR="IMAGING PHYSICIAN WORKLOAD SUMMARY BY " I RARPTYP="CPT" S RAHDR=RAHDR_"NUMBER OF CPT CODES" I RARPTYP="RVU" S RAHDR=RAHDR_$S(RASCLD=1:"SCALED ",1:"")_"PROFESSIONAL COMPONENT CMS RVU" S RARDATE=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"1D") ; ;$O through physician names; print totals... I RARPTYP="RVU" S RATMP="("_$S(RASCLD'=1:"un-s",1:"S")_"caled wRVU)" S RAPCE=$S(RARPTYP="CPT":3,RARPTYP="RVU"&(IOM=132):5,1:7) S RATRUNC=$S(RARPTYP="CPT":20,RARPTYP="RVU"&(IOM=80):23,1:27) S RAWDTH=$S(RARPTYP="CPT":5,1:8),RADEC=$S(RARPTYP="RVU":2,1:0) D HDR S RAX="" F S RAX=$O(^TMP($J,"RA BY STFPHYS",RAX)) Q:RAX="" D Q:RAXIT .S RACNT=RACNT+1,RAY=$G(^TMP($J,"RA BY STFPHYS",RAX)),RATOT=0 .;did the user stop the task? Check every five hundred records... .S:RACNT#500=0 (RAXIT,ZTSTOP)=$$S^%ZTLOAD() Q:RAXIT .W !,$E(RAX,1,RATRUNC) ;physician name .D WRITE(RAPCE,0,RAY,RAWDTH,RADEC) .S RAFMAT=$P($T(CFMAT+10),";;",2,99) .;single physician total for all i-types - adj RAWDTH for totals .W ?$P(RAFMAT,U,RAPCE),$J(RATOT,$S(RAWDTH=8:10,1:6),RADEC) .I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D HDR .Q ;print the imaging type and physician totals... I RAXIT D XIT Q I 'RACNT W !,$$CJ^XLFSTR("No data found for this report",IOM) D XIT Q I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D HDR S RAY=$G(^TMP($J,"RA BY I-TYPE")),RATOT=0 W !!,"Physician Total" D WRITE(RAPCE,0,RAY,RAWDTH,RADEC) S RAFMAT=$P($T(CFMAT+10),";;",2,99) ;total for all physicians for all i-types - adj RAWDTH for totals W ?$P(RAFMAT,U,RAPCE),$J(RATOT,$S(RAWDTH=8:10,1:6),RADEC) ;physician total for all i-types I RASCLD=1 S RASFACTR="" D .I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D HDR .W !!,"For calendar year "_($E(DT,1,3)+1700)_" the following scaling factors apply:" .S I=0 . ;04/13/07 KAM/BAY RA*5*77 Modified next line to loop thru all imaging types .F S I=$O(^RA(79.2,I)) Q:'I D Q:RAXIT ..S I(0)=$G(^RA(79.2,I,0)) ..I $Y>(IOSL-4) S RAXIT=$$EOS^RAUTL5() Q:RAXIT D HDR .. ;04/13/07 KAM/BAY Added $S to next line for default .. W !,$P(I(0),U),?34,$P(I(0),U,3),?49,$S($O(^RA(79.2,I,"CY",0))>0:$$SFCTR^RAWRVUP(I,DT),1:"1.00 (default)") ..Q .Q XIT ;exit and kill variables K I,RACNT,RADEC,RAFAC,RAFMAT,RAHDR,RAI,RALN,RAPCE,RAPG,RARDATE,RASFACTR,RATAB,RATMP,RATOT K RATRUNC,RAWDTH,RAX,RAY Q ; HDR ; Header for our report W:RAPG!($E(IOST,1,2)="C-") @IOF S RAPG=RAPG+1 W !?(IOM-$L(RAHDR)\2),RAHDR W !,"Run Date: ",RARDATE,?68,"Page: ",RAPG W !,"Facility: ",$E(RAFAC,1,40),?41,"Date Range: ",RABGDTX_" - "_RAENDTX ;03/28/07 KAM/BAY RA*5*77/179232 Added next 2 lines I $G(RACYFLG) D . W !,?7,"***This report was prepared with "_$$LASTCY^FBAAFSR()_" Calendar Year RVU Data***" ;header formatting logic for CPT & RVU reports W:RARPTYP="RVU" !,$$CJ^XLFSTR(RATMP,IOM) W:RARPTYP="CPT" ! ;CPT report N RAPCE S RAPCE=$S(RARPTYP="CPT":2,RARPTYP="RVU"&(IOM=132):4,1:6) I '$D(RASFACTR)#2 D .W !,"Physician" D WRITE(RAPCE,1) W:$D(RASFACTR)#2 !,"Imaging Type",?34,"Abbreviation",?49,"wRVU scaling factor" W !,RALN Q ; STRTDT(RADATE,RAEARLY) ;Prompt the user for the starting date report verified ;RADATE-Today's date; DT-implicitly defined as today's date(internal format) ;RAEARLY-Earliest conceivable starting date W ! K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y N RARSLT S DIR(0)="DA^"_RAEARLY_":"_"DT:PEX" S DIR("A",1)="Calculate physician workload over a date range; enter a start date" S DIR("A")="of: " S DIR("?",1)="Workload is assigned on the date the report is verified, not the date" S DIR("?",2)="the report is dictated.",DIR("?",3)="" S DIR("?",4)="This is the date from which our search will begin. The starting" S DIR("?",5)="date must not precede: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(RAEARLY,"1D")_" and must not come after: "_RADATE_"." S DIR("?")="Dates associated with a time will not be accepted." S DIR("B")=RADATE D ^DIR S:$D(DIRUT) RARSLT=-1 S:'$D(DIRUT) RARSLT=Y_U_Y(0) K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q RARSLT ; ENDDT(RABGDTI,RABGDTX) ;Prompt the user for the ending date report verified (no greater than a ;year after the start date input by the user) ;DT-implicitly defined as today's date(internal format) ;RABGDTI-The search start date (selected by the user; internal format) ;RABGDTX-The search start date (selected by the user; external format) W ! K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y N RAEND,RARSLT ;is today's date 365 days or more past the start date? If yes, calculate end date ;by adding a year to the start date selected by the user I $$FMDIFF^XLFDT(DT,RABGDTI,1)'<365 S RAEND=$$FMADD^XLFDT(RABGDTI,365,0,0,0) ;if not, default using DT (today's date) S:'$D(RAEND)#2 RAEND=DT S DIR(0)="DA^"_RABGDTI_":"_RAEND_":PEX" S DIR("A")="Enter an end date of: " S DIR("?",1)="Workload is assigned on the date the report is verified, not the date" S DIR("?",2)="the report is dictated.",DIR("?",3)="" S DIR("?",4)="This is the date in which our search will end. The ending date" S DIR("?",5)="must not precede: "_RABGDTX_" and must not exceed: "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(RAEND,"1D")_"." S DIR("?")="Dates associated with a time will not be accepted." S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(RAEND,"1D") D ^DIR K DIR S:$D(DIRUT) RARSLT=-1 S:'$D(DIRUT) RARSLT=Y_U_Y(0) K DIR,DIROUT,DIRUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y Q RARSLT ; WRITE(RAPCE,HDR,RAY,RAWDTH,RADEC) ;Write out the column headers and the data for our reports. ;input: RAPCE=the piece of data referenced from the format string defined in CFMAT (req'd) ; HDR=1 if called from the HDR subroutine, else HDR is 0 (req'd) ; RAY=data to be printed; not a label (optional) ; RAWDTH=field width; right justified (optional) ; RADEC=number of decimal places; either zero or two (optional) S RANGE=$S(HDR=1:10,1:9) F RAI=1:1:RANGE S RAFMAT=$P($T(CFMAT+RAI),";;",2,99) D .S RATAB=$P(RAFMAT,U,RAPCE) S:HDR=0 RATOT=RATOT+$P(RAY,U,RAI) .I $P(RAFMAT,U)="NUC",((RAPCE=6)!(RAPCE=7)) W ! ;RVU on 80 .W ?RATAB,$S(HDR=1:$P(RAFMAT,U),1:$J(+$P(RAY,U,RAI),RAWDTH,RADEC)) .Q K RANGE Q ; CFMAT ;ImgTyp Abbr^colabbr-cpt80^col-data80^colabbr-rvu132^col-data132^colabbr-rvu80^col-data80 ;;RAD^23^21^34^29^30^25 ;;MRI^29^27^45^40^40^35 ;;CT^36^33^56^50^51^45 ;;US^42^39^66^60^61^55 ;;NUC^47^45^75^70^14^9 ;;VAS^53^51^85^80^25^20 ;;ANI^59^57^95^91^36^31 ;;CARD^64^63^104^100^46^42 ;;MAM^70^67^115^110^58^53 ;;Total^75^74^125^120^70^65 ;;