RTYAFIX ;ALB/MLI - Set NOKILL node in OPTION file for RT ; 12/6/95 [12/6/95 4:30pm] ;;v 2.0;Record Tracking;**24**;10/22/91 ; ; This routine will loop through all package namespaced RT options ; and set the NOKILL node of the option file to: ; RTAPL,RTDIV,RTFR,RTSYS ; ; This will cause KILL^XUSCLEAN to maintain (or NEW) these variables ; if the uers goes from RT to another application and back. ; EN ; start processing N I,J,X F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" D . S J=0 . F S J=$O(^DIC(19,"B",X,J)) Q:'J D . . I '$D(^DIC(19,J,0)) Q . . S ^DIC(19,J,"NOKILL")="RTAPL,RTDIV,RTFR,RTSYS" . . W !,"Node set for option: ",X Q ; ; TEXT ; text lines holding menu option names ;;RT MAS-EXPED-MENU ;;RT MAS-FILE-CLERK-MENU ;;RT MAS-SUPER-MENU ;;RT OVERALL ;;RT PULL-MENU ;;RT RAD-FILE-CLERK-MENU ;;RT RAD-SUPER-MENU ;;RT TRANS-MENU ;;QUIT