RTYDPST ;ALB/ABR - PULL LIST FILE NAME CLEANUP ; SEP 28 1995 ;;v 2.0;Record Tracking;**23**;10/22/91 EN ; N ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTQUEUED,ZTSK,I,X W !!,"<>",! I '$G(DUZ)!'$D(DTIME)!'$D(U) W !!,*7,">> USER NOT DEFINED. CANNOT CONTINUE" Q F I=1:1 S X=$P($T(TEXT+I),";;",2) Q:X="QUIT" W !,X QUE S ZTRTN="CLN^RTYDPST",ZTDESC="PULL LIST FILE NAME CLEAN-UP",ZTIO="" D ^%ZTLOAD W:$D(ZTSK) !!,">>>Task "_ZTSK_" has been queued." Q CLN ;entry point from Queue N RTI,RTPULL,RTSTART,DA,DIE,DR S RTI=0,RTSTART=$$HTE^XLFDT($H) S DIE="^RTV(194.2," F S RTI=$O(^RTV(194.2,RTI)) Q:'RTI D:$D(^(RTI,0)) .S RTPULL=$P(^RTV(194.2,RTI,0),U) I RTPULL'?.E1L.E Q .S RTPULL=$$UP^XLFSTR(RTPULL),DA=RTI,DR=".01///"_RTPULL .D ^DIE I '$D(ZTQUEUED) W ">> DONE!",! D MAIL Q ; MAIL ; N RTTEXT,DIFROM S RTTEXT(1)="The PULL LIST file clean-up began on "_RTSTART S RTTEXT(2)="and ran to completion on "_$$HTE^XLFDT($H)_"." S RTTEXT(3)=" ",RTTEXT(4)="** Please delete the RTYD* routines at this time. **" S XMSUB="PULL LIST File Clean-up Complete",XMTEXT="RTTEXT(" S XMDUZ=.5,XMY(DUZ)="" D ^XMD Q TEXT ;display text ;;This routine will loop through the PULL LIST file, changing all Pull List names ;;to all UPPER CASE. ;; ;;THIS CLEAN-UP WILL TAKE SOME TIME AND MUST BE QUEUED!! ;; ;;QUIT Q