DG17204 ;BHM/RGY,ALS-Edit mapping entries ;FEB 20, 1998 ;;5.3;Registration;**172**;Aug 13, 1993 EDIT(TYPE) ; NEW DA,DIE,DR,L,TO,FR,DIC,FLDS,BY F X=0:0 S X=$O(^XTMP("DGTMP",390.2,X)) Q:'X I $P(^(X,0),"^",2)=TYPE,'$P(^(0),"^",3) Q I 'X W !!,"*** No mapping necessary! ***",! K X Q W !! D MESS($S(TYPE=11:"MARITAL",1:"RELIGION")) W ! S L=0,DIC="^XTMP(""DGTMP"",390.2,",(TO,FR)="",(BY,FLDS)="[DG172 "_$S(TYPE=11:"MARITAL",1:"RELIGION")_" MAPPING]" D EN1^DIP START ; S DIC("A")="Select Non-Standard "_$S(TYPE=11:"Marital Status: ",1:"Religion: "),DIC="^XTMP(""DGTMP"",390.2,",DIC(0)="QEAM",DIC("S")="I '$P(^(0),U,3),$P(^(0),U,2)="_TYPE D ^DIC Q:Y<0 S DA=+Y S DIE="^XTMP(""DGTMP"",390.2,",DR=$S(TYPE=11:.07,1:.06) D ^DIE K Y W ! G START BROAD ; NEW D0,DG172,TASK,XMY,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMSUB,N0,COUNT,TYPE S XMDUZ="Religion/Marital Status Conversion",XMSUB="Conversion Finished" S XMY(DUZ)="",XMTEXT="DG172(1," F TASK=0:0 S TASK=$O(^XTMP("DGTMP",390.1,TASK)) Q:'TASK D .I $P(^XTMP("DGTMP",390.1,TASK,0),"^",9)="" S XMSUB="Conversion *NOT* Finished" .Q I XMSUB["NOT" D Q .S DG172(1,1)="The conversion process appears to have been stopped." .S DG172(1,2)="To finish the conversion process, restart by using" .S DG172(1,3)="the 'Begin Religion/Marital Status Conversion' option" .S DG172(1,4)="on the CIRN Pre-Implementation Menu." .D ^XMD .Q S COUNT=1 F TYPE=11,13 D .S DG172(1,COUNT)=$S(TYPE=11:"Marital Status",1:"Religion")_" File Non-Standard Entries:",COUNT=COUNT+1 .S DG172(1,COUNT)="=========================================",COUNT=COUNT+1 .F D0=0:0 S D0=$O(^XTMP("DGTMP",390.2,D0)) Q:'D0 D ..S N0=$G(^XTMP("DGTMP",390.2,D0,0)) ..I $P(N0,"^",2)'=TYPE Q ..I '$P(N0,"^",3) S DG172(1,COUNT)=$$DESC(N0)_" (# Converted: "_(+$P(N0,"^",9))_")" ..S COUNT=COUNT+1 ..Q .S DG172(1,COUNT)=" ",COUNT=COUNT+1 .Q S DG172(1,COUNT)=" ",COUNT=COUNT+1 S DG172(1,COUNT)="All non-standard entries listed above have been removed",COUNT=COUNT+1 S DG172(1,COUNT)="from their respective files.",COUNT=COUNT+1 D ^XMD Q DESC(N0) ; NEW TYPE S TYPE=$P(N0,"^",2) I TYPE=13 Q "Entry: "_$P($G(^DIC(13,+$P(N0,"^",4),0)),"^")_" repointed to: "_$P($G(^DIC(13,+$P(N0,"^",6),0)),"^") I TYPE=11 Q "Entry: "_$P($G(^DIC(11,+$P(N0,"^",5),0)),"^")_" repointed to: "_$P($G(^DIC(11,+$P(N0,"^",7),0)),"^") Q "" MESS(M) ;Show message NEW C F C=1:1 Q:$P($T(@M+C),";;",2)="" W !,$P($T(@M+C),";;",2) Q MARITAL ; ;;This option will identify non-standard MARITAL STATUS file (#11) entries ;;and then allows the user to designate, for each non-standard entry, ;;a standard entry which this utility will re-point with associated patients. ;;For example, you will be able to map all patients with a marital status ;;of SINGLE to NEVER MARRIED. ;; ;;This mapping will be used during the re-pointing and file clean-up ;;process, the Begin Religion/Marital Status Conversion [DG172 PRE-IMP ;;START CONVERSION] option. ;; ;;The option (1) provides a list of non-standard MARITAL STATUS ;;file entries to the screen or a printer, (2) prompts the user for ;;a non-standard entry, and (3) then prompts for the standard ;;entry which the utility will re-point with associated patients. ;; RELIGION ; ;;This option will identify non-standard RELIGION file (#13) entries and ;;then allows the user to designate, for each non-standard entry, a ;;standard entry which this utility will re-point associated patients. ;;For example, you will be able to map all patients with a religion of ;;XXXXXX to UNKNOWN/NO PREFERENCE. ;; ;;This linking will be used during the mapping and file clean-up ;;process, Begin Religion/Marital Status Conversion [DG172 PRE-IMP ;;START CONVERSION] option. ;; ;;The option (1) provides a list of non-standard RELIGION file ;;entries to the screen or a printer, (2) prompts the user for ;;a non-standard entry, and (3) then prompts for the standard ;;entry which the utility will re-point with associated patients. ;; CONV ; ;;After the linking of non-standard entries is complete, this conversion ;;process is run in order to actually re-point patient records from ;;non-standard entries to the specified standard entries. ;;