DG53231P ;ISA/Zoltan - Post-install for DG*5.3*231;April 7, 1999 ;;5.3;Registration;**231**;Aug 13, 1993 ; POST ; Re-compiles print and input templates for those fields ; included in the patch. N FLDLIST,FLD,PTEMP,ETEMP,TEMPLATE,ROUTINE,MAXSIZE,X,Y,DMAX D LOADFLDS(.FLDLIST) ; Obtain list of fields being sent. S FLD="" ; For each field... F S FLD=$O(FLDLIST(FLD)) Q:FLD="" D . M PTEMP=^DIPT("AF",2,FLD) ; ...note affected print templates... . M ETEMP=^DIE("AF",2,FLD) ; ...note affected edit templates. ; Determine maximum routine size... S MAXSIZE=$$ROUSIZE^DILF ; Recompile print templates... D BMES^XPDUTL(" *****************************") D BMES^XPDUTL(" * Compiling Print Templates *") D BMES^XPDUTL(" *****************************") S TEMPLATE="" F S TEMPLATE=$O(PTEMP(TEMPLATE)) Q:TEMPLATE="" D . S ROUTINE=$G(^DIPT(TEMPLATE,"ROU")) ; Note Routine Name . I ROUTINE="" Q ; Not a compiled template. . ; Set up bulletproof FileMan call. . S X=ROUTINE,Y=TEMPLATE,DMAX=MAXSIZE . S $E(X)="" ; Remove initial ^. . ; This NEW only lasts for one loop iteration... . N ROUTINE,TEMPLATE,MAXSIZE,PTEMP,ETEMP . D EN^DIPZ ; Classic FileMan--Trust No One. ; Recompile edit templates... D BMES^XPDUTL(" ") D BMES^XPDUTL(" *****************************") D BMES^XPDUTL(" * Compiling Input Templates *") D BMES^XPDUTL(" *****************************") S TEMPLATE="" F S TEMPLATE=$O(ETEMP(TEMPLATE)) Q:TEMPLATE="" D . S ROUTINE=$G(^DIE(TEMPLATE,"ROU")) ; Note Routine Name . I ROUTINE="" Q . ; Set up bulletproof FileMan call. . S X=ROUTINE,Y=TEMPLATE,DMAX=MAXSIZE . S $E(X)="" ; Remove initial ^. . ; This NEW only lasts for one loop iteration... . N ROUTINE,TEMPLATE,MAXSIZE,PTEMP,ETEMP . D EN^DIEZ ; Classic FileMan--Trust No One. Q LOADFLDS(ARR) ; Load field list. N FNUM,FNAME,LINE,TEXT F TEXT=1:1 S LINE=$T(FLDS+TEXT) Q:$P(LINE," ")'="" D . S FNUM=$P(LINE,";",3) . S FNAME=$P(LINE,";",4) . S ARR(FNUM)=FNAME Q FLDS ; Fields included in this patch. ;;.02;SEX ;;.03;DATE OF BIRTH ;;.05;MARITAL STATUS ;;.08;RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE ;;.09;SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER ;;.111;STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1] ;;.1112;ZIP+4 ;;.112;STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2] ;;.113;STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3] ;;.114;CITY ;;.115;STATE ;;.117;COUNTY ;;.131;PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE] ;;.132;PHONE NUMBER [WORK] ;;.211;K-NAME OF PRIMARY NOK ;;.219;K-PHONE NUMBER ;;.2403;MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME ;;.301;SERVICE CONNECTED? ;;.302;SERVICE CONNECTED PERCENTAGE ;;.31115;EMPLOYMENT STATUS ;;.323;PERIOD OF SERVICE ;;.351;DATE OF DEATH ;;391;TYPE ;;1901;VETERAN END ;End of field list.