DG53568A ;ALB/RMM - POST-INSTALL ROUTINE FOR SD ENCAP ; 03/24/2004 ;;5.3;Registration;**568**;AUG 13, 1993 ; EN ; Entry point for the DG*5.3*568 Post-Install ; ; This routine will update the WORD-PROCESSING #3.5 field, in the ; OPTION (#19) File for the following options (if present): ; [ZDGYP SD GLOBAL ESTIMATOR] Global Estimator for Scheduling ; [DGYP SD GLOBAL ESTIMATOR] Global Estimator for Scheduling ; ; Get IENs from OPTION File N DGYP,ZDGYP,DGMSG,MCNT,DGNEW,DGERR,DGOUT S DGYP=+$O(^DIC(19,"B","DGYP SD GLOBAL ESTIMATOR","")) S ZDGYP=+$O(^DIC(19,"B","ZDGYP SD GLOBAL ESTIMATOR","")) ; S MCNT=1,DGMSG(MCNT)="Updating the description for option: Global Estimator for Scheduling" S:DGYP>0 MCNT=MCNT+1,DGMSG(MCNT)="IEN = "_DGYP S:ZDGYP>0 MCNT=MCNT+1,DGMSG(MCNT)="IEN = "_ZDGYP D MES^XPDUTL(.DGMSG) ; D NEWTXT D:DGYP>0 TXTUPDT(DGYP) D:ZDGYP>0 TXTUPDT(ZDGYP) ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Post-Install Complete, the option text has been updated.") Q NEWTXT ; ; Set up description array. S DGNEW("WP",1)="In previous versions of PIMS, a patient's outpatient information has" S DGNEW("WP",2)="been stored in various files in the VistA database. With the" S DGNEW("WP",3)="requirement to checkout all outpatient encounters, it was necessary" S DGNEW("WP",4)="to consolidate much of the common outpatient information into one" S DGNEW("WP",5)="outpatient encounter file." S DGNEW("WP",6)=" " S DGNEW("WP",7)="In PIMS v5.3, the data will reside in the new OUTPATIENT" S DGNEW("WP",8)="ENCOUNTER(#409.68) file as well as in the old data structures." S DGNEW("WP",9)="This file will hold encounter data for all checked out encounters." S DGNEW("WP",10)="This will include information from the following:" S DGNEW("WP",11)=" " S DGNEW("WP",12)=" o appointments: SDAPI - Appointment API" S DGNEW("WP",13)=" o add/edits : ^SDV()" S DGNEW("WP",14)=" o dispositions: ^DPT(patient,""DIS"",date/time)" S DGNEW("WP",15)=" " S DGNEW("WP",16)="The MUMPS global for this file is ^SCE." S DGNEW("WP",17)=" " S DGNEW("WP",18)=" " S DGNEW("WP",19)="Also, as part of the checkout process, questions regarding" S DGNEW("WP",20)="whether the encounter was related to a service-connected disability," S DGNEW("WP",21)="Agent Orange, ionization and environmental contaminants from the" S DGNEW("WP",22)="Persian Gulf war, will be asked when appropriate." S DGNEW("WP",23)=" " S DGNEW("WP",24)="This data will be stored in the new OUTPATIENT CLASSIFICATION" S DGNEW("WP",25)="(#409.42) file in the ^SDD(409.42) global node." S DGNEW("WP",26)=" " S DGNEW("WP",27)=" " S DGNEW("WP",28)="The purpose of this utility is the following:" S DGNEW("WP",29)=" 1. estimate a one year rate of growth for" S DGNEW("WP",30)=" ^SCE using as a base the encounter data" S DGNEW("WP",31)=" for the previous 365 days" S DGNEW("WP",32)=" " S DGNEW("WP",33)=" 2. estimate a one year rate of growth for" S DGNEW("WP",34)=" ^SDD(409.42) using as a base the encounter data" S DGNEW("WP",35)=" for the previous 365 and the patient demographic" S DGNEW("WP",36)=" information" S DGNEW("WP",37)=" " S DGNEW("WP",38)="Using these estimates, you can make a better determination" S DGNEW("WP",39)="as to where to place this new ^SCE global and how large the" S DGNEW("WP",40)="existing ^SDD global will grow." S DGNEW("WP",41)=" " S DGNEW("WP",42)="This utility will not affect the current v5.2 functionality in any" S DGNEW("WP",43)="way. However, it is recommended that it be queued to run at non-peak" S DGNEW("WP",44)="hours. After the estimations are calculated, the results will be" S DGNEW("WP",45)="reported to the user via a MailMan message." S DGNEW("WP",46)=" " S DGNEW("WP",47)="Finally, in v5.3, the site will have the ability to capture provider" S DGNEW("WP",48)="and diagnostic data as part of the checkout process. Capturing this" S DGNEW("WP",49)="data will be site selectable. It is estimated that each provider and" S DGNEW("WP",50)="each diagnosis captured for an encounter will use .05 1K blocks." S DGNEW("WP",51)=" " S DGNEW("WP",52)="NOTE: If the site does choose to capture provider data then nurses," S DGNEW("WP",53)="social workers and other providers of care will need to have entries" S DGNEW("WP",54)="in the NEW PERSON file and be assigned the PROVIDER security key." S DGNEW("WP",55)="Assigning this key will allow selection of these providers during the" S DGNEW("WP",56)="checkout process." S DGNEW("WP",57)=" " S DGNEW("WP",58)=" " S DGNEW("WP",59)="The option should be executed by the IRM staff and is locked with the" S DGNEW("WP",60)="DGYP IRM security key." Q TXTUPDT(OPTIEN) ; ; Update the Word Processing Field D WP^DIE(19,OPTIEN_",",3.5,"K","DGNEW(""WP"")","DGERR") ; ; Check for and Report any Errors I $D(DGERR) D . D BMES^XPDUTL("NOTE: An error occurred when updating the OPTION text.") . D MSG^DIALOG("AS",.DGOUT,"","","DGERR") . D MES^XPDUTL(.DGOUT) . D BMES^XPDUTL("Please contact the VistA Help Desk.") ; ; Cleanup after each OPTION is updated K DGNEW,DGERR,DGOUT,EASIEN,DGMSG ; Q