DG53625P ;TDM - Patch DG*5.3*625 Install Utility Routine ; 10/19/04 10:40am ;;5.3;Registration;**625**; Aug 13,1993 ; Q ADDMGRP ;Check for IB MEANS TEST mail group and add if not already there. N MGRP,WPARY,FDA,ERR S MGRP="IB MEANS TEST" ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Add '"_MGRP_"' mail group.") K FDA,ERR I $$FIND1^DIC(3.8,"","X",MGRP) D BMES^XPDUTL("'"_MGRP_"' entry already exists!") Q S WPARY(1,0)="This mail group will receive Means Test error messages from integrated billing." S WPARY(2,0)="errors and the editing/deletion of records which are associated with" S WPARY(3,0)="Means Test/Category C billing." ; S FDA(3.8,"+1,",.01)=MGRP S FDA(3.8,"+1,",3)="WPARY" S FDA(3.8,"+1,",4)="PU" S FDA(3.8,"+1,",5)=.5 ; D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","","ERR") I $D(ERR) D BMES^XPDUTL(MGRP_" not added! ERROR:"),MES^XPDUTL(ERR("DIERR",1)_": "_ERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) Q D MES^XPDUTL("'"_MGRP_"' successfully added.") Q