DG53E451 ;BRM - Patch DG*5.3*451 Install Utility Routine #2 ; 4/14/04 8:16am ;;5.3;Registration;**451**; Aug 13,1993 ; Q ; EDITINC ; edit a few entries to the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6) N DGK,DGWP,ROOT,DGFDA,DGWP,DGIEN,DGERR,DGTITL D BMES^XPDUTL(" >> Editing entries 37-40 in the INCONSISTENT DATA ELEMENTS file (#38.6)") F DGK=37:1:40 D .K DGFDA,ROOT,DGWP .S ROOT="DGFDA(38.6,"""_DGK_","")" .D @DGK Q:'$D(DGFDA) .S DGIEN(1)=DGK .S DGTITL=@ROOT@(.01) .D UPDATE^DIE("E","DGFDA","DGIEN","DGERR") .I $D(DGERR) D BMES^XPDUTL(" >>> ERROR! "_DGTITL_" could not be edited in file #38.6"),MES^XPDUTL(DGERR("DIERR",1)_": "_DGERR("DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) Q .D BMES^XPDUTL(" "_DGTITL_" successfully edited.") Q 37 ; S @ROOT@(.01)="POW DATA MISSING OR INCOMPLETE" S @ROOT@(2)="PRISONER OF WAR STATUS INDICATED, RELATED DATA MISSING OR INCOMPLETE" S @ROOT@(3)=3 S @ROOT@(50)="DGWP" S DGWP(1,0)="Inconsistency results when the user responds YES to the WERE YOU A" S DGWP(2,0)="PRISONER OF WAR prompt and any (or all) of the following prompts are" S DGWP(3,0)="left unanswered: POW WAR, POW FROM DATE, POW TO DATE. This inconsistency " S DGWP(4,0)="also results when an imprecise date (without at least month and year " S DGWP(5,0)="precision) is entered." Q 38 ; S @ROOT@(.01)="POW DATES INCONSISTENT" S @ROOT@(2)="'PRISONER OF WAR' STATUS INDICATED, TO DATE PRECEDES FROM DATE" S @ROOT@(3)=3 S @ROOT@(50)="DGWP" S DGWP(1,0)="Inconsistency results when the user responds YES to the WERE YOU A" S DGWP(2,0)="A PRISONER OF WAR prompt and the 'from' date does not precede the 'to'" S DGWP(3,0)="date." Q 39 ; S @ROOT@(.01)="COMBAT DATA MISSING/INCOMPLETE" S @ROOT@(2)="COMBAT SERVICE INDICATED, RELATED DATA MISSING OR INCOMPLETE" S @ROOT@(3)=3 S @ROOT@(50)="DGWP" S DGWP(1,0)="Inconsistency results when the user responds YES to the IN COMBAT (Y/N)" S DGWP(2,0)="and any (or all) of the following prompts are left unanswered: COMBAT" S DGWP(3,0)="WHERE, COMBAT FROM DATE, COMBAT TO DATE. This inconsistency also results" S DGWP(4,0)="when an imprecise date (without at least month and year precision) is" S DGWP(5,0)="entered." Q 40 ; S @ROOT@(.01)="COMBAT DATES INCONSISTENT" S @ROOT@(2)="COMBAT SERVICE INDICATED, TO DATE PRECEDES FROM DATE" S @ROOT@(3)=3 S @ROOT@(50)="DGWP" S DGWP(1,0)="Inconsistency results when the COMBAT (Y/N) prompt is answered YES" S DGWP(2,0)="but the 'to' date precedes the 'from' date of service." Q