DG53P597 ; BAY/JAP- Patch DG*5.3*597 Post-Installation ; 04/19/2004 ;;5.3;Registration;**597**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ;be sure that all existing 1010EZ applications in 1010EZ HOLDING file (#712) ;are linked to file #2 thru the new field MOST RECENT 1010EZ (#1010.156); ;also update APPOINTMENT REQUEST ON 1010EZ field (#1010.159) using data from field #4.4/file #712 ;and EMAIL ADDRESS field (#.133) using data from field #4.3/file #712 ;in the applicant's file #2 record. ; POST ; ;queue the task to background for 5:00 AM following date of install ;ZTRTN="QUE^DG53P597" N QUETIME,X1,X2 S X1=DT,X2=1 D C^%DTC S QUETIME=X_".05" S ZTDTH=QUETIME S ZTIO="",ZTDESC="DG*5.3*597 POST-INSTALLATION TASK" S ZTRTN="QUE^DG53P597" D ^%ZTLOAD I '$G(ZTSK) W !!,"POST-INSTALL BACKGROUND TASK NOT QUEUED",! D NOTASK Q ; QUE ;entry point from TaskManager ; ;only update file #2 with data from file #712 record if date filed exists ;(#3.4) LINK TO FILE #2 [10P:2] ;(#4.3) APPLICANT E-MAIL [4F] ;(#4.4) APPOINTMENT REQUESTED [5S] ;(#7.1) FILING DATE [5D] S START=$$NOW^XLFDT() S REC712=0,TOTAL=0,UPDATES=0 F S REC712=$O(^EAS(712,REC712)) Q:'REC712 D .S TOTAL=TOTAL+1,NEW=0 .S DFN=+$P(^EAS(712,REC712,0),U,10),FILED=+$P($G(^EAS(712,REC712,2)),U,5) .Q:'DFN .Q:'$D(^DPT(DFN,0)) .Q:'FILED .S EMAIL=$P($G(^EAS(712,REC712,1)),U,4),APPTREQ=$P($G(^EAS(712,REC712,1)),U,5) .I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,1010.15)),U,6)="" S NEW=1 .S IENS=DFN_"," .K DATA S DATA(2,IENS,.133)=EMAIL,DATA(2,IENS,1010.156)=REC712,DATA(2,IENS,1010.159)=APPTREQ .K ERRMSG D FILE^DIE("","DATA","ERRMSG") .I '$D(ERRMSG),NEW S UPDATES=UPDATES+1 ;when process of file #712 is complete D MESS(TOTAL,UPDATES,$G(ZTSK),START) Q ; MESS(TOTAL,UPDATES,ZTSK,START) ; ;send MailMan message to members of G.VA1010EZ as well installer of patch ;to inform that job has completed and number of file #2 records updated. ; S Y=START D DD^%DT S START=Y I $G(ZTSK) S MSG(1)="The post-installation background task (#"_ZTSK_") for DG*5.3*597," I '$G(ZTSK) S MSG(1)="A post-installation update process for DG*5.3*597," S MSG(2)="which started on "_START_", has completed." S MSG(3)=" " S MSG(4)="A total of "_TOTAL_" records in the 1010EZ HOLDING file (#712)" S MSG(5)="were processed." S MSG(6)=" " S MSG(7)=UPDATES_" records in the PATIENT file (#2) were updated as follows:" S MSG(8)=" Field #.133 from #712/#4.3" S MSG(9)=" Field #1010.156 from #712 IEN" S MSG(10)=" Field #1010.159 from #712/#4.4" S MSG(11)=" " K XMY S XMDUZ=.5,XMTEXT="MSG(",XMY(DUZ)="",WHERE=^XMB("NETNAME"),XMY("G.VA1010EZ@"_WHERE)="" S XMSUB="DG*5.3*597 Post-Installation Task Complete" D ^XMD K DFN,MSG,NEW,REC712,TOTAL,UPDATES,WHERE,XMZ,XMY,XMDUZ Q ; NOTASK ; ;send MailMan message to members of G.VA1010EZ as well installer of patch ;to inform that post-install job was not successfully tasked. ; S MSG(1)="The post-installation background job for DG*5.3*597" S MSG(2)="was not successfully queued." S MSG(3)=" " S MSG(4)="Please have a member of IRM Service at your facility" S MSG(5)="run the post-installation update directly from" S MSG(6)="programmer mode by entering the following command:" S MSG(7)=" " S MSG(8)="D QUE^DG53P597" S MSG(9)=" " S MSG(10)="The process should take less than 30 minutes to complete." K XMY S XMDUZ=.5,XMTEXT="MSG(",XMY(DUZ)="",WHERE=^XMB("NETNAME"),XMY("G.VA1010EZ@"_WHERE)="" S XMSUB="DG*5.3*597 Post-Installation Failure" D ^XMD K MSG,WHERE,XMZ,XMY,XMDUZ Q