DG53P600 ;BAY/JAT - Patient File Updat; 6/7/04 7:13pm ; 7/16/04 3:22pm ;;5.3;Registration;**600**;Aug 13,1993 Q ; CLEANUP ;This entry point will do the update. ; N DGENSKIP S DGENSKIP=0 W !,"This is a one-time update of the Patient File." W !,"It will correct the TEST PATIENT INDICATOR flag." N X1,X2 K ^XTMP("DG53P600",$J) S X1=DT,X2=90 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,0)=X_"^"_DT_"^Patient File update" I $$DEVICE() D ENTER Q ; REPORT ;This entry point was provided for testing, so that before ;patient records are updated the site can have a list of ;the DFN's that would be affected. ; ;Use this entry point to report on what the update would do. ;No changes will be made to the database. ; N DGENSKIP S DGENSKIP=1 W !,"This is a preliminary report by DFN of the Patient file" W !,"records which would be affected by the update." N X1,X2 K ^XTMP("DG53P600",$J) S X1=DT,X2=90 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,0)=X_"^"_DT_"^Patient File update" I $$DEVICE() D ENTER Q ; ENTER ; ; D UPDATE(DGENSKIP) D:(DGENSKIP) ^%ZISC I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q DEVICE() ; ;Description: allows the user to select a device. ; ;Output: ; Function Value - Returns 0 if the user decides not to print or to ; queue the report, 1 otherwise. ; N OK,IOP,POP,%ZIS S OK=1 S %ZIS="MQ" D ^%ZIS S:POP OK=0 D:OK&$D(IO("Q")) .N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTSKM,ZTREQ,ZTSTOP .S ZTRTN="ENTER^DG53P600",ZTDESC=$S(DGENSKIP:"Report",1:"Update")_" of Patient Records" .S ZTSAVE("DGENSKIP")="" .D ^%ZTLOAD .W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"REQUEST QUEUED TASK="_ZTSK,1:"REQUEST CANCELLED") .D HOME^%ZIS .S OK=0 Q OK ; UPDATE(DGENSKIP) ; ;This will update patient records -- ; ;Input: If DGENSKIP=1, the records will not be updated, ;just reported. ; N DFN,COUNT,DGSSN,DGS,DGFLG,DGXREF,DGVAL,DGFDA,DGERR S (COUNT,DFN)=0 F S DFN=$O(^DPT(DFN)) Q:'DFN D .; merged record .I $D(^DPT(DFN,-9)) Q .; in process of being merged .I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U)["MERGING INTO" Q .I $D(^DPT(DFN,0)) D ..S DGSSN=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,9) ..Q:'DGSSN ..S DGS=$E(DGSSN,1,5) ..S DGS=$S(DGS="00000":0,1:1) ..S DGFLG=+$P($G(^DPT(DFN,0)),U,21) ..S DGXREF=$S('$D(^DPT("ATEST",DFN)):0,1:1) ..;quit if usual non-test patient ..I DGS,'DGFLG,'DGXREF Q ..;update ..I DGS,DGFLG S DGVAL=0 D UPDR Q ..I DGS,DGXREF S DGVAL=0 D UPDR Q ..I 'DGS,'DGFLG S DGVAL=1 D UPDR Q ..I 'DGS,'DGXREF S DGVAL=1 D UPDR Q ; D PRINT Q ; UPDR ; S COUNT=COUNT+1 S DGFLG=$S(DGFLG:"YES",1:"NO") S DGXREF=$S(DGXREF:"YES",1:"NO") S ^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,DFN)=DGSSN_"^"_DGFLG_"^"_DGXREF I 'DGENSKIP D .S DGFDA(2,DFN_",",.6)=DGVAL .D FILE^DIE("S","DGFDA","DGERR") .I DGVAL=0 K ^DPT("ATEST",DFN) Q PRINT ; U IO N DGDDT,DGQUIT,DGPG S DGDDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT,"D") S (DGQUIT,DGPG)=0 D HEAD I '$G(COUNT) D Q .W !!!,?20,"*** No records to report ***" W !!,"*** COUNT OF BAD PATIENT RECORDS"_$S(DGENSKIP:"",1:" UPDATED")_": ",COUNT," ***",!! S DFN=0 F S DFN=$O(^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,DFN)) Q:'DFN D Q:DGQUIT .I $Y>(IOSL-4) D HEAD .S DGSSN=$P($G(^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,DFN)),U) .S DGFLG=$P($G(^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,DFN)),U,2) .S DGXREF=$P($G(^XTMP("DG53P600",$J,DFN)),U,3) .W ?2,DFN,?15,DGSSN,?37,DGFLG,?56,DGXREF,! ; I DGQUIT W:$D(ZTQUEUED) !!,"Report stopped at user's request" Q I $G(DGPG)>0,$E(IOST)="C" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S:+Y=0 DGQUIT=1 I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" Q ; HEAD ; I $D(ZTQUEUED),$$S^%ZTLOAD S (ZTSTOP,DGQUIT)=1 Q I $G(DGPG)>0,$E(IOST)="C" K DIR S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIR S:+Y=0 DGQUIT=1 Q:DGQUIT S DGPG=$G(DGPG)+1 W @IOF,!,DGDDT,?15,"DG*5.3*600 Patient File Update Utility",?70,"Page:",$J(DGPG,5),! K X S $P(X,"-",81)="" W X,! W ! W !,?2,"DFN",?15,"SSN",?26,"Test Patient Indicator",?50,"'ATEST' crossref",! S $P(X,"-",81)="" W X,! Q