DG696PST ;BAY/JAT;cleanup of combat vet field on file 46.1 ;;5.3;Registration;**696*;Aug 13,1993 ; ; This is a post-init routine for DG*5.3*696 ; The purpose is to rewrite each entry that has a value in ; field .08 of file #46.1 by replacing "Y" with "1" and "N" with 0. ; EN ; D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating file #46.1") N DGIEN,DGSET,FDATA,DIERR S DGIEN=0 F S DGIEN=$O(^DGICD9(46.1,DGIEN)) Q:'DGIEN D .Q:$P($G(^DGICD9(46.1,DGIEN,0)),U,8)="" .S DGSET="" .I $P(^DGICD9(46.1,DGIEN,0),U,8)="Y" S DGSET=1 .I $P(^DGICD9(46.1,DGIEN,0),U,8)="N" S DGSET=0 .S FDATA(46.1,DGIEN_",",.08)=DGSET .D FILE^DIE("","FDATA","DIERR") K FDATA,DIERR Q