DGAINP1 ;ALB/RMO - Calculate Inpatient AMIS's 334-341 ; 27 DEC 89 1:37 pm ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ;============================================================== ;Inpatient AMIS segments are calculated by looping through the ;Ward Location file. ; ;Input: ; DGMYR -Month/Year being calculated in internal date format ; DGEOM -Last day of Month/Year in internal date format ; DGPEOM -Last day of Prior Month/Year in internal date format ;============================================================== I $D(^DGAM(334,DGMYR,"SE")) F DGSEG=0:0 S DGSEG=$O(^DGAM(334,DGMYR,"SE",DGSEG)) Q:'DGSEG D DEL F DGWI=0:0 S DGWI=$O(^DIC(42,DGWI)) Q:'DGWI I $D(^(DGWI,0)) S DGW0=^(0) D CEN I DGSEG,'DGERRFLG D CAL,UTL D PSY,^DGAINP2,^DGAINP4 ; Q K DGAA,DGAM,DGABO,DGBO,DGCE0,DGCE1,DGCP0,DGDA,DGDE,DGDO,DGDIV,DGEND,DGERRFLG,DGFE,DGGB,DGL45,DGLB,DGOB,DGPD,DGSEG,DGSTR,DGTA,DGTI,DGTO,DGW0,DGWI,I,X Q ; DEL ;Delete Previous AMIS Statistics S DA(1)=DGMYR,DA=DGSEG,DIK="^DGAM(334,"_DGMYR_",""SE""," D ^DIK K DA,DIK Q ; CEN ;AMIS Statistics are Calculated using data for Ward from Census File S DGERRFLG=0,X=$P(DGW0,"^",3),DGSEG=$S(X="P":334,X="I":335,X="M":336,X="NE":337,X="R":338,X="B":339,X="SCI":340,X="S":341,1:0) Q:'DGSEG S DGDIV=$S($P(DGW0,"^",11):+$P(DGW0,"^",11),$D(^DG(43,1,"GL")):+$P(^("GL"),"^",3),1:0) S DGCP0=$S($E(DGPEOM,4,5)="09":0,$D(^DG(41.9,DGWI,"C",DGPEOM,0)):^(0),1:"") ;Last day of prior month S DGCE0=$S($D(^DG(41.9,DGWI,"C",DGEOM,0)):^(0),1:""),DGCE1=$S($D(^DG(41.9,DGWI,"C",DGEOM,1)):^(1),1:"") ;Last day of selected month I DGCP0=""!(DGCE0="") W !!,$S(DGCP0="":"Beginning",1:"End")," of month statistics are missing for ward ",$P(DGW0,"^"),".",!,"Ward not included in AMIS ",DGSEG," calculations." S DGERRFLG=1 Q ; CAL ;Actual Calculations for AMIS Fields S DGTI=$P(DGCE0,"^",13)-$P(DGCP0,"^",13) ; Trf In S DGTA=($P(DGCE0,"^",17)-$P(DGCP0,"^",17))-DGTI ; Tot Adm S DGGB=$P(DGCE0,"^",23)-$P(DGCP0,"^",23) ; Gain Bed Sec S DGDE=$P(DGCE0,"^",15)-$P(DGCP0,"^",15) ; Deaths S DGDO=($P(DGCE0,"^",16)-$P(DGCP0,"^",16)) ; Dis OPT/NSC S DGTO=$P(DGCE0,"^",14)-$P(DGCP0,"^",14) ; Trf Out S DGDA=($P(DGCE0,"^",5)-$P(DGCP0,"^",5))-DGDE-DGDO-DGTO ;Dis All Oth S DGLB=$P(DGCE0,"^",8)-$P(DGCP0,"^",8) ; Loss Bed Sec S DGBO=$P(DGCE0,"^",2) ; BO Rem EOM S DGABO=$P(DGCE1,"^",6)+$P(DGCE1,"^",7) ; ABO Rem EOM S DGPD=$P(DGCE0,"^",3)-$P(DGCP0,"^",3) ; Pat Day Care S DGAA=$P(DGCE0,"^",9)-$P(DGCP0,"^",9) ; AA <96 Hrs S DGOB=$P(DGCE1,"^",2) ; Op Bed EOM S DGFE=$P(DGCE1,"^") ; Fem Rem EOM Q ; UTL ;Save AMIS Statistics in the Utility Global ;Note: Dial Op Beds set to 0 for Austin S DGAM=$S($D(^UTILITY($J,"DGAINP",DGMYR,DGSEG,DGDIV)):^(DGDIV),1:"") S DGSTR=DGTA_"^"_DGTI_"^"_DGGB_"^"_DGDE_"^"_DGDO_"^"_DGDA_"^"_DGTO_"^"_DGLB_"^"_DGBO_"^"_DGABO_"^"_$S(DGSEG>334:DGPD,1:"0^"_DGPD)_"^"_DGAA_"^"_DGOB_"^"_DGFE_$S(DGSEG=336:"^0",1:"") S DGEND=$S(DGSEG=334!(DGSEG=336):15,1:14) F I=1:1:DGEND S $P(DGAM,"^",I)=$P(DGAM,"^",I)+$P(DGSTR,"^",I) S ^UTILITY($J,"DGAINP",DGMYR,DGSEG,DGDIV)=DGAM Q ; PSY ;Set Utility GLobal for Psych 1-45 PDC D ^DGAINP0 F DGDIV=0:0 S DGDIV=$O(^UTILITY($J,"DGAINP",DGMYR,334,DGDIV)) Q:'DGDIV S:$D(DGL45(DGDIV)) $P(^(DGDIV),"^",11,12)=DGL45(DGDIV)_"^"_$S($P(^(DGDIV),"^",12)