DGCRNS ;ALB/AAS - IS INSURANCE ACTIVE ; 22-JULY-91 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;**28**; 21-MAR-94 ; ;Input - DFN = patient ; - DGCRINDT = (optional) date to check ins active for or today if not defined ; - DGCROUTP = (optional) 1 if want active insurance returned in DGCRDD(insurance company)=node in patient file ; - = 2 if want all ins returned ; ;Output - DGCRINS = 1 if has active ins., 0 if no active ins. ; - DGCRDD() = internal node in patient file of valid ins. ; - DGCRDDI() = internal node in patient file of invalid ins. ; % N J,X S DGCRINS=0 K DGCRDD,DGCRDDI S J=0 F S J=$O(^DPT(DFN,.312,J)) Q:'J I $D(^DPT(DFN,.312,J,0)) S X=^(0) D CHK Q ; CHK ; ;Input - DGCRI = entry in insurance multiple ; S Z=$S($D(DGCRINDT):DGCRINDT,1:DT),Z1=$S($D(DGCROUTP):DGCROUTP,1:0) G:'$D(^DIC(36,+X,0)) CHKQ S X1=^(0) ;insurance company entry doesn't exist I $P(X,"^",8) G:Z<$P(X,"^",8) CHKQ ;effective date later than care I $P(X,"^",4) G:Z>$P(X,"^",4) CHKQ ;care after expiration date I $P($G(^IBA(355.3,+$P(X,"^",18),0)),"^",11) G CHKQ ;plan is inactive G:$P(X1,"^",5) CHKQ ;insurance company inactive G:$P(X1,"^",2)="N" CHKQ ;insurance company will not reimburse S DGCRINS=1 I Z1 S DGCRDD(+X)=X CHKQ S:Z1=2&('$D(DGCRDD(+X))) DGCRDDI(+X)=X K X,X1,Z,Z1 Q ; DD ; - called from input transform and x-refs for field 101,102,103 ; - input requires da=internal entry number in 399 ; - outputs dgcrdd(ins co.) array N DFN S DFN=$P(^DGCR(399,DA,0),"^",2),DGCROUTP=1,DGCRINDT=$S(+$G(^DGCR(399,DA,"U")):+$G(^("U")),1:DT) D % DDQ K DGCROUTP,DGCRINDT Q ; ; DISP ; -Display all insurance company information ; -input DFN ; Q:'$D(DFN) D:'$D(IOF) HOME^%ZIS S DGCROUTP=2 D DGCRNS ; D HDR I '$D(DGCRDD),'$D(DGCRDDI) W !,"No Insurance Information" G DISPQ ; S X="" F S X=$O(DGCRDD(X)) Q:X="" S IBINS=DGCRDD(X) D D1 ;active insurance S X="" F S X=$O(DGCRDDI(X)) Q:X="" S IBINS=DGCRDDI(X) D D1 ;inactive ins ; DISPQ K DGCRDD,DGCRDDI,DGCRX Q ; HDR W !?4,"Insurance Co.",?22,"Policy #",?40,"Group",?52,"Holder",?60,"Effective",?70,"Expires" S X="",$P(X,"=",IOM-4)="" W !?4,X Q ; ; D1 N X Q:'$D(IBINS) W !?4,$S($D(^DIC(36,+IBINS,0)):$E($P(^(0),"^",1),1,16),1:"UNKNOWN") W ?22,$E($P(IBINS,"^",2),1,16),?40,$E($S($P(IBINS,"^",15)'="":$P(IBINS,"^",15),1:$P(IBINS,"^",3)),1,10) S X=$P(IBINS,"^",6) W ?52,$S(X="v":"SELF",X="s":"SPOUSE",1:"OTHER") W ?60,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",8)),?70,$$DAT1^IBOUTL($P(IBINS,"^",4)) Q