DGCRP3 ;ALB/RJS - BRIDGE ROUTINE TO IBCF13 FROM A/R TO IB ; 20-OCT-92 ;;Version 2.0 ; INTEGRATED BILLING ;; 21-MAR-94 ; ;Entry point for Ar to print 2nd and 3rd notice bills ;Device handling to be done by calling routine ;Requires Input: - PRCASV("ARREC") = internal number of bill ; - PRCASV("NOTICE") = number of notice ;Outputs: - DGCRAR("ERR") = error message ; - DGCRAR("OKAY") = 1 normal finish, 0 not finished ; REPRNT ; D REPRNT^IBCF13 S DGCRAR("OKAY")=IBAR("OKAY") I $D(IBAR("ERR")) S DGCRAR("ERR")=IBAR("ERR") K IBAR Q