DGCV ;ALB/DW,ERC,BRM,TMK - COMBAT VET ELIGIBILTY; 10/15/05 ; 3/24/08 7:28am ;;5.3;Registration;**528,576,564,673,778**; Aug 13, 1993;Build 9 ; CVELIG(DFN) ; ;API will determine whether or not this veteran needs to have CV End ;Date set. If this determination cannot be done due to imprecise ;or missing dates, it returns which dates need editing. ;Input: ; DFN - Patient file IEN ;Output ; RESULT ; 0 - CV End Date should not be set ; 1 - CV End Date should be set ; If critical dates are imprecise return the following ; A - CV End Date should not be set, imprecise Service Sep date ; B - CV End Date should not be set, imprecise Combat To date ; C - CV End Date should not be set, imprecise Yugoslavia To date ; D - CV End Date should not be set, imprecise Somalia To date ; E - CV End Date should not be set, imprecise Pers Gulf To date ; If the Service Sep Date is missing, and there are no OEF/OIF/UNKNOWN ; OEF/OIF records on file, return the following so that it will ; appear on the Imprecise/Missing Date Report ; F - missing Service Sep Date & no OEF OIF or OEF/OIF Unknown dates ; If critical dates are missing but the corresponding indicator fields ; are set to 'YES' return the following ; G - missing Combat To Date, but Combat Indicated? = 'Yes' ; H - missing PG To Date, but PG Indicated? = 'Yes' ; I - missing Somalia To Date, but Somalia Indicator = 'Yes' ; J - missing Yugoslavia To Date, but Yugoslavia Indicator = 'Yes' ; N DG1,DG2,I,RESULT N DGCOM,DGCVDT,DGCVFLG,DGGULF,DGSOM,DGSRV,DGYUG,DGOEIF S (DG1,DG2,RESULT)=0 I $G(DFN)']"" Q RESULT I '$D(^DPT(DFN)) Q RESULT ; ;get combat related data from top-level VistA fields N DGARR,DGERR D GETS^DIQ(2,DFN_",",".327;.322012;.322018;.322021;.5294;.5295","I","DGARR","DGERR") D PARSE ; S DG1=$$CHKSSD(DFN) ;check SSD for imprecise or missing S DGDATE=$G(DGCOM)_"^"_$G(DGYUG)_"^"_$G(DGSOM)_"^"_$G(DGGULF)_"^"_$G(DGOEIF) ; I $S(DG1="F":1,1:$P(DGDATE,U,5)>$G(DGSRV)) D . ; Use OIF/OEF/UNKNOWN OEF/OIF to dt only when SSD missing or SSD less . ; than OIF/OEF/UNKNOWN OEF/OIF to dt . N DGSRV,Z . S DGSRV=$P(DGDATE,U,5),Z=$$CHKSSD(DFN) . I Z=1 S DG1=Z ; S DG2=$$CHKREST(DGDATE,$G(DGSRV)) ;check other "TO" dates for imprecise, missing or invalid S RESULT=$$RES(DG1,$G(DG2)) Q RESULT ; RES(DG1,DG2) ;determine the final RESULT code from DG1 & DG2 ;if SSD evaluates to earlier than 11/11/98, can't set CV End Date I DG1=0!($G(DG2)=0) Q 0 ;if SSD is 1 I DG1=1,($G(DG2)=1!($G(DG2)']"")) Q 1 I DG1=1,($G(DG2)=0) Q 0 I DG1=1 Q DG2 ;if SSD is imprecise or missing I DG1'=1,($G(DG2)=1) S DG2="" Q DG1_DG2 ; CHKDATE(DGDATE,I,SSD) ;check to see if date is imprecise or missing ;if imprecise check to see if the imprecision prevents CV evaluation ;if not imprecise check to see if after 11/11/98 ; Note that SSD doesn't appear to ever be used here (TMK) N RES S RES=0 I $G(DGDATE)']"",I'=5 D Q RES . S RES=$S(I=0:"F",I=1:"G",I=2:"H",I=3:"I",I=4:"J",1:"") I $E(DGDATE,6,7)="00" D . I I=0 I DGDATE>2981111 S RES="A" Q . I DGDATE=2980000!(DGDATE=2981100) D Q .. ; Note OIF/OEF/UNKNOWN OEF/OIF will not get here as these dates by .. ; definition are after 11/11/98 . . S RES=$S(I=0:"A",I=1:"B",I=2:"C",I=3:"D",I=4:"E",1:"") Q:RES="A" RES I DGDATE>2981111 S RES=1 Q RES ; SETCV(DFN,DGSRV) ;calculate CV end date ; DGSRV is the most recent of the Service Separation Date ; or the OEF/OIF To Date, called from file #2 new style ; cross reference "ACVCOM" N DGCVEDT,DGFDA,DGNDAA,DGPLUS3,DGTMPDT,DGYRS S DGNDAA=3080128 I $G(DFN)']""!($G(DGSRV)']"") Q I '$D(^DPT(DFN)) Q I $$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.5295,"I") Q D CVRULES(DFN,DGSRV,.DGYRS) Q:$G(DGYRS)'=3&($G(DGYRS)'=5) ;NDAA legislation, enacted 1/28/08, gives vets discharged ;on or after 1/28/03 (2 years previously) CV Eligibility ;for 5 years. Vets discharged before 1/28/03 get eligibility ;for 3 years after enactment (or until 1/27/2011) DG*5.3*778 S DGTMPDT=$S(DGYRS=3:DGNDAA,1:DGSRV) S DGCVEDT=($E(DGTMPDT,1,3)+DGYRS)_$E(DGTMPDT,4,7) S DGCVEDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DGCVEDT,-1) S DGFDA(2,DFN_",",.5295)=DGCVEDT D FILE^DIE(,"DGFDA") Q ; CVRULES(DFN,DGSRV,DGYRS) ;apply rules for the CV End Date ;extension project - DG*5.3*778 ;DGSRV - most recent of Service Sep Date or OEIUUF to date ; DGYRS = 3 years from NDAA or 1/27/2011 ; = 5 years from SSD or Enrollment App Date ;determine how many years extra CV eligibility to give N DGCIEN,DGCUTOFF,DGENRDT,DGPIEN,DGPRI,DGQT,DGSTAT ;determine if veteran has an enrollment record prior ;to 1/28/2008 (the NDAA date) and no CV End Date for ;this enrollment S DGYRS=5 S (DGPRI,DGQT)=0 S DGCUTOFF=3030128 S DGCIEN=$$FINDCUR^DGENA(DFN) I $G(DGCIEN),($D(^DGEN(27.11,DGCIEN,0)))]"" D . S DGENRDT=$$GET1^DIQ(27.11,DGCIEN_",",75.01,"I") Q:$G(DGENRDT)']"" . I $P(DGENRDT,".",1)RESULT:RESULT_"^1",1:RESULT_"^0") ; if treatment date is earlier or equal to end date, veteran is eligible S RESULT=$S($G(RESULT):1_"^"_RESULT,1:0) Q RESULT ; PARSE ;GETS^DIQ called in CVELIG - in this subroutine stuff results into array S DGSRV=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.327,"I")) S DGCOM=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.5294,"I")) ;Combat To Date S DGGULF=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.322012,"I")) ;Persian Gulf To Date S DGSOM=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.322018,"I")) ;Somalia To Date S DGYUG=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.322021,"I")) ;Yugoslavia To Date S DGCVDT=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.5295,"I")) ;CV End Date ; get last OIF/OEF/UNKNOWN OEF/OIF episode from multiple S DGOEIF=$P($$LAST^DGENOEIF(DFN),U) Q ; CHKSSD(DFN) ;check the Serv Sep Date [Last] ; DGSRV=last SSD ; Output - RESULT ; 1 - Date is present and after 11/11/1998 ; 0 - Date is present but before 11/11/1998 ; A - Date is imprecise & either is or potentially is after 11/11/98 ; F - Date is missing N DG1 I $G(DGSRV)']"" Q "F" S DG1=$$CHKDATE(DGSRV,0) I $G(DG1)']"" S DG1=0 Q DG1 ; CHKREST(DGDATE,SSD) ; ; SSD = optional, = to the last serv sep date N DG3,DG4,DGDT,DGFLG,DGLEN,DGQ,DGR,DGRES,DGX S (DG3,DG4,DGR,DGRES)="" S DGQ=0 ;loop terminator S DGFLG=0 ;flag to indicate that one of the dates is missing (no ; need to check this for OIF/OEF/UNKNOWN OEF/OIF since ; by definition, these must always be post 11/11/98) F DGX=1:1:5 D . S DGDT=$P(DGDATE,U,DGX) D . . I DGX'=5,$G(DGDT)']"" S DGFLG=1 . . S DG4=$$CHKDATE(DGDT,DGX,$G(SSD)) . . I $G(DG4)'=0 S DG3=$G(DG3)_$G(DG4) S DGLEN=$L(DG3) S DGQ=0 F DGX=1:1:DGLEN S DGCHAR=$E(DG3,DGX) D Q:DGQ=1 . I DGCHAR=1 S DG3=DGCHAR,DGQ=1 Q . I "BCDE"[DGCHAR S DGR=DGR_DGCHAR,DGQ=2 I DGQ=1 Q 1 I DGQ=2 Q $E(DGR) I DGFLG=1 S DGRES=$$MISS(DFN,DGLEN,DG3) Q DGRES ; MISS(DFN,DGLEN,DGRES) ;there is at least one missing date, and in order to ;return a RESULT of a missing date, need to check to see if the ;corresponding indicator field is set to 'YES' N DGARR,DGCHAR,DGERR,DGQ,DGR,DGX N DGCIND,DGPGIND,DGSIND,DGYIND S (DGCHAR,DGQ,DGR)=0 D GETS^DIQ(2,DFN_",",".32201;.322019;.322016;.5291","I","DGARR","DGERR") S DGCIND=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.5291,"I")) ;Combat Service Indicated S DGYIND=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.322019,"I")) ;Yugo service indicated S DGSIND=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.322016,"I")) ;Somalia service indicated S DGPGIND=$G(DGARR(2,DFN_",",.32201,"I")) ;Pers Gulf service indicated F DGX=1:1:DGLEN S DGCHAR=$E(DGRES,DGX) D Q:DGQ=1 . I DGCHAR="G",($G(DGCIND)="Y") S DGR="G",DGQ=1 Q . I DGCHAR="H",($G(DGYIND)="Y") S DGR="H",DGQ=1 Q . I DGCHAR="I",($G(DGSIND)="Y") S DGR="I",DGQ=1 Q . I DGCHAR="J",($G(DGPGIND)="Y") S DGR="J" Q DGR DELCV(DFN) ;called by the Kill logic of the ACVCOM cross reference ;if $$CVELIG^DGCV returns a 0 the CV End Date should be deleted ;because this would indicate that fields have been changed and ;CV eligibility is no longer appropriate ; N DGCV,DGFDA K DGCVFLG S DGCVFLG=0 I $G(DFN)']"" Q I '$D(^DPT(DFN)) Q S DGCV=$$GET1^DIQ(2,DFN_",",.5295,"I") I $G(DGCV)']"" Q S DGCVFLG=1 S DGFDA(2,DFN_",",.5295)="@" D FILE^DIE(,"DGFDA") Q