DGCVEXP ;ALB/ERC - FIND VETS WIITH EXPIRED CV STATUS; 12/11/02 ;;5.3;Registration;**576**; Aug 13, 1993 ; ;this API will list any veterans who have Combat Vet status that has ;expired. This API will be called by IB to look for any vets who have ;been billed for treatment on the last day of their CV eligibility. ; EN ; N DGC,DGE,DGEX,DGFILE K ^TMP("DGCVEX") S DGC="" S DGFILE=2 F S DGC=$O(^DPT("E",DGC)) Q:DGC'>0 D . S DGE="" . F S DGE=$O(^DPT("E",DGC,DGE)) Q:DGE'>0 D . . S DGEX=$$GET1^DIQ(DGFILE,DGE_",",.5295,"I") . . I $G(DGEX)']"" Q . . I DT'>DGEX Q . . S ^TMP("DGCVEX",$J,DGE,DGEX)="" Q