DGEN1 ;ALB/RMO - Patient Enrollment Protocols;16 JUN 1997 01:30 pm ;;5.3;Registration;**121,147,624**;08/13/93 ; EP ;Entry point for DGEN ENROLL PATIENT protocol ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; Output -- VALMBCK R =Refresh screen ; ;send an enrollment/eligibility query I $$SEND^DGENQRY1(DFN) W !!,"Enrollment/Eligibility Query sent...",!! ; N DGENOUT S VALMBCK="" D FULL^VALM1 ; ;Enroll patient I '$$ENRPAT^DGEN(DFN,.DGENOUT) D . I '$G(DGENOUT) D . . W !!,">>> Patient enrollment record was not created." . . D PAUSE^VALM1 ELSE D . ;Re-build enrollment screen . D BLD^DGENL D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; CE ;Entry point for DGEN CEASE ENROLLMENT protocol ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; Output -- VALMBCK R =Refresh screen N DGENOUT,DGENR,DGENRIEN S VALMBCK="" D FULL^VALM1 ; ;Ask patient if s/he would like to cease enrollment I $$ASK^DGEN("cease enrollment",.DGENOUT) D . ;If 'Yes' cancel current enrollment . ;Find current enrollment . S DGENRIEN=$$FINDCUR^DGENA(DFN) Q:'DGENRIEN . ;Get current enrollment array . I $$GET^DGENA(DGENRIEN,.DGENR) D . . ;Cancel current enrollment . . I '$$CANCEL^DGEN(DFN,.DGENR) D . . . W !!,">>> Patient's enrollment was not ceased." . . . D PAUSE^VALM1 . . ELSE D . . . ;Re-build enrollment screen . . . D BLD^DGENL D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; EH ;Entry point for DGEN EXPAND HISTORY protocol ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; Output -- VALMBCK R =Refresh screen N DGI,DGSELY S VALMBCK="" ; ;Select entries to expand D EN^DGENLR(XQORNOD(0),"EH",.DGSELY) I $D(DGSELY("^"))!($D(DGSELY("ERR"))) G EHQ D FULL^VALM1 ; ;Expand history for selected entries S DGI=0 ;Loop through selection F S DGI=$O(DGSELY(DGI)) Q:'DGI D . N DGLINE,DGENRIEN . S DGLINE=+$O(^TMP("DGENIDX",$J,"EH",DGI,0)),DGENRIEN=+$G(^(DGLINE)) . W !!,^TMP("DGEN",$J,DGLINE,0) . ;Load patient enrollment history screen . D EN^DGENLEH(DFN,DGENRIEN) D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) S VALMBCK="R" EHQ Q ; SP ;Entry point for DGEN SELECT PATIENT protocol ; Input -- None ; Output -- DFN Patient IEN ; VALMBCK R =Refresh screen N DGDFN S VALMBCK="" D FULL^VALM1 ; ;Get Patient File (#2) IEN D GETPAT^DGRPTU(,,.DGDFN,) ; ;If a patient is selected I DGDFN>0 D . ;Reset DFN to selected patient . S DFN=DGDFN . ;Re-build enrollment screen for selected patient . D BLD^DGENL D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) S VALMBCK="R" SPQ Q ; QUERY ;entry point for DGEN SEND ENROLLMENT QUERY protocol I '$$ON^DGENQRY W "sending of enrollment queries turned off" Q N NOTIFY,DIR,ERROR S DIR("A")="Do you want to be notified when the reply is received" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("?")="If YES, you will be mailed notification when the reply is received." D ^DIR I '$D(DIRUT) D .K DIR .I Y=1 S NOTIFY=$G(DUZ) .I $$SEND^DGENQRY1(DFN,$G(NOTIFY),,.ERROR) D ..W !!,"Enrollment/Eligibility query sent ..." .E D ..W !!,"Failure to send Query: ",ERROR .D PAUSE^VALM1 D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) S VALMBCK="R" Q ; CHECK ;Entry point for the DGEN CHECK QUERY STATUS protocol I $$PENDING^DGENQRY(DFN) D .W !!,"Query still pending ..." .D PAUSE^VALM1 .D MESSAGE^DGENL(DFN) E D .W !!,"Query is not pending ..." .D PAUSE^VALM1 .D BLD^DGENL S VALMBCK="R" Q ; PEZ ;Entry point for DGENUP PRINT 1010EZ-EZR protocol (DG*5.3*624) N RPTSEL,DGTASK,MTIEN D FULL^VALM1 S (RPTSEL,DGTASK,MTIEN)="" S RPTSEL=$$SEL1010^DG1010P("") ;*Select 1010EZ/R form to print D:RPTSEL'="-1" .S MTIEN=$$MTPRMPT^DG1010P(DFN,"") ;select mt to print .S DGTASK=$$PRT1010^DG1010P(RPTSEL,DFN,MTIEN) ;*Print 1010EZ/R S VALMBCK="R" Q