DGENA4 ;ISA/KWP - Enrollment API - Retrieve data; 05/11/99 ;;5.3;Registration;**232**;Aug 13, 1993 ;Phase II API's CATEGORY(DFN,STATUS) ; ;Description: Returns ENROLLMENT CATEGORY from the patient's current ; enrollment. ;Input: ; DFN - Patient IEN ; STATUS - Optional. If passed will get the CATEGORY for ; this status otherwise the Current enrollment status is used, ;Output: ; Returns patients ENROLLMENT CATEGORY or the ENROLLMENT CATEGORY ; of the status passed if available ; otherwise defaults to "NOT ENROLLED" category. ; E-Enrolled ; N-Not Enrolled ; P-In Process ; I $G(STATUS)="" S STATUS="" N CATEGORY S:STATUS="" STATUS=$$STATUS^DGENA($G(DFN)) Q:'STATUS "N" S CATEGORY=$P($G(^DGEN(27.15,STATUS,0)),"^",2) I CATEGORY="" Q "N" Q CATEGORY ; ENRSBGRP(DFN) ; ;Description: Returns ENROLLMENT SUBGROUP for patient's current ; enrollment. ENROLLMENT PRIORITY 7 will be the only priority ; group stratified into ENROLLMENT SUBGROUPS. ;Input: ; DFN - Patient IEN ;Output: ; Function Value - Returns the current ENROLLMENT SUBGROUP if defined ; otherwise returns NULL. ; N DGENRIEN S DGENRIEN=$$FINDCUR^DGENA($G(DFN)) Q:'DGENRIEN "" Q $P($G(^DGEN(27.11,DGENRIEN,0)),"^",12) ; EXTCAT(CATEGORY) ; ;Description: Returns the external name for the defined ENROLLMENT ; CATEGORY flag. ; ;Input: ; CATEGORY - Category flag ;Output: ; Function Value - Returns the external name for the defined CATEGORY ; flag otherwise returns NULL. ; Q $$EXTERNAL^DILFD(27.15,.02,"F",CATEGORY)