DGENCDRP ;ISA/Zoltan - Catastrophic Disability Eligibily Code Report;6/24/99 ;;5.3;Registration;**232**;Aug 13,1993 REPORT ; Print a report of all patients having the CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED ; Eligibility code. W:$X !! W "This routine will print a report of all patients having the",! W "inactivated CATASTROPHIC DISABILITY eligibility code.",! N PFX,L,DIC,FLDS,BY,DIOBEG,DIOEND D DT^DICRW ; Set up FM required variables. S PFX="^TMP($J,""DGENCDRP""," ; Partial global reference. S DIOBEG="D MAKELIST^DGENCDRP(""^TMP($J,""""DGENCDRP"""")"",$J'="_$J_")" S DIOEND="K ^TMP($J,""DGENCDRP"")" S L=0 ; No SORT prompt. S DIC="^DPT(" ; Global prefix. S FLDS="[DGENCD ELIG CODE]" ; Fields to print. S BY(0)=PFX ; Sorted list. S L(0)=2 ; Number of subscripts in sorted list. D EN1^DIP Q MAKELIST(ARR,SILENT) ; ; Returns a list of patients having the CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED ; Eligibility code as either their PRIMARY or SECONDARY Eligibility. K @ARR S SILENT=''$G(SILENT,0) ; Suppress screen output. N ELIG,DFN,X I 'SILENT D . W "Creating list of patients having the CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED",! . W "Eligibility Code..." S ELIG="" F S ELIG=$O(^DIC(8,"B","CATASTROPHICALLY DISABLED",ELIG)) Q:ELIG="" D . ; "AEL" index ^DPT("AEL",DFN,elig)="" . ; Note this inex contains both primary eligibility (#.361) and . ; Patient eligibilities (#361). . S DFN="" . F X=1:1 S DFN=$O(^DPT("AEL",DFN)) Q:DFN="" W:X#10000'!SILENT "." I $D(^DPT("AEL",DFN,ELIG)) D ADD(ARR,DFN) Q ADD(ARR,DFN) ; Add Patient to array. N NAME S NAME=$P(^DPT(DFN,0),"^",1) S @ARR@(NAME,DFN)="" Q