DGENDBS ;ALB/RMO/CJM - Database Server Utilities; [ 03/23/95 11:08 AM ] ;;5.3;Registration;**122,147,182**;08/13/93 ; UPD(FILE,DGENDA,DATA,ERROR) ;File data into an existing record. ; Input: ; FILE - File or sub-file number ; DGENDA - New name for traditional DA array, with same meaning. ; Pass by reference. ; DATA - Data array to file (pass by reference) ; Format: DATA()= ; ; Output: ; Function Value - 0=error and 1=no error ; ERROR - optional error message - if needed, pass by reference ; ; Example: To update a record in subfile 2.0361 in record with ien=353, ; subrecord ien=68, with the field .01 value = 21: ; S DATA(.01)=21,DGENDA=68,DGENDA(1)=353 I $$UPD^DGENDBS(2.0361,.DGENDA,.DATA,.ERROR) W !,"DONE" ; N FDA,FIELD,IENS,ERRORS ; ;IENS - Internal Entry Number String defined by FM ;FDA - the FDA array as defined by FM ; I '$G(DGENDA) S ERROR="IEN OF RECORD TO BE UPDATED NOT SPECIFIED" Q 0 S IENS=$$IENS^DILF(.DGENDA) S FIELD=0 F S FIELD=$O(DATA(FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D .S FDA(FILE,IENS,FIELD)=$G(DATA(FIELD)) D FILE^DIE("K","FDA","ERRORS(1)") I +$G(DIERR) D .S ERROR=$G(ERRORS(1,"DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) E D .S ERROR="" ; I $S(+$G(DIERR):0,1:1) D CLEAN^DILF Q 1 E D CLEAN^DILF Q 0 ; ADD(FILE,DGENDA,DATA,ERROR,IEN) ; ;Description: Creates a new record and files the data. ; Input: ; FILE - File or sub-file number ; DGENDA - New name for traditional FileMan DA array with same ; meaning. Pass by reference. Only needed if adding to a ; subfile. ; DATA - Data array to file, pass by reference ; Format: DATA()= ; IEN - internal entry number to use (optional) ; ; Output: ; Function Value - If no error then it returns the ien of the created record, else returns NULL. ; DGENDA - returns the ien of the new record, NULL if none created. If needed, pass by reference. ; ERROR - optional error message - if needed, pass by reference ; ; Example: To add a record in subfile 2.0361 in the record with ien=353 ; with the field .01 value = 21: ; S DATA(.01)=21,DGENDA(1)=353 I $$ADD^DGENDBS(2.0361,.DGENDA,.DATA) W !,"DONE" ; ; Example: If creating a record not in a subfile, would look like this: ; S DATA(.01)=21 I $$ADD^DGENDBS(867,,.DATA) W !,"DONE" ; N FDA,FIELD,IENA,IENS,ERRORS ; ;IENS - Internal Entry Number String defined by FM ;IENA - the Internal Entry Numebr Array defined by FM ;FDA - the FDA array defined by FM ;IEN - the ien of the new record ; S DGENDA="+1" S IENS=$$IENS^DILF(.DGENDA) S FIELD=0 F S FIELD=$O(DATA(FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D .S FDA(FILE,IENS,FIELD)=$G(DATA(FIELD)) I $G(IEN) S IENA(1)=IEN D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IENA","ERRORS(1)") I +$G(DIERR) D .S ERROR=$G(ERRORS(1,"DIERR",1,"TEXT",1)) .S IEN="" E D .S IEN=IENA(1) .S ERROR="" D CLEAN^DILF S DGENDA=IEN Q IEN ; TESTVAL(FILE,FIELD,VALUE) ; ;Description: returns 1 if VALUE is a valid value for FIELD in FILE ; Q:(('$G(FILE))!('$G(FIELD))) 0 ; N DISPLAY,VALID,RESULT S VALID=1 ; ;if there is no external value then it is not valid S DISPLAY=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(FILE,FIELD,"F",VALUE) I (DISPLAY="") S VALID=0 ; I VALID,$$GET1^DID(FILE,FIELD,"","TYPE")'["POINTER" D .D CHK^DIE(FILE,FIELD,,VALUE,.RESULT) I RESULT="^" S VALID=0 Q Q VALID