DGENRPC1 ;ALB/CJM - Enrollees by Status, Priority, Preferred Facility Report; May 12, 1999 ;;5.3;Registration;**147,232**;Aug 13,1993 ; REPORT ; N DGENRP,DGENFLG ; ;Control variables used in generating report ;DGENRP("LIST")=1 if patients should be listed ;DGENRP("PRIORITY",)="" ;DGENRP("PRIORITY","ALL")=1 means to include all ;DGENRP("STATUS",)="" ;DGENRP("STATUS","ALL")=1 means to include all ;DGENRP("FACILITY",)="" ;DGENRP("FACILITY","ALL")=1 means to include all ; G:'$$ASKINST(.DGENRP) EXIT ; G:'$$ASKLIST(.DGENRP) EXIT I DGENRP("LIST") D G:'DGENFLG EXIT .S DGENFLG=$$ASKSTATS(.DGENRP) Q:'DGENFLG .S DGENFLG=$$ASKPRTY(.DGENRP) ; ; I $$DEVICE() D PRINT^DGENRPC2 EXIT ; Q ; DEVICE() ; ;Description: allows the user to select a device. ;Input: none ; ;Output: ; Function Value - Returns 0 if the user decides not to print or to ; queue the report, 1 otherwise. ; N OK S OK=1 S %ZIS="MQ" W !,"*** This report requires a 132 column printer. ******" D ^%ZIS S:POP OK=0 D:OK&$D(IO("Q")) .S ZTRTN="PRINT^DGENRPC2",ZTDESC="Enrollments by Status, Priority, Preferred Facility REPORT",ZTSAVE("DGENRP(")="" .D ^%ZTLOAD .W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"REQUEST QUEUED TASK="_ZTSK,1:"REQUEST CANCELLED") .D HOME^%ZIS .S OK=0 Q OK ; ASKLIST(DGENRP) ; ;Description: Asks user if he wants patient listing and sets to DGENRP("LIST") ; ;Outpu: Function returns 1 on success, 0 on failure (i.e., user "^" out) ; N DIR S DGENRP("LIST")=0 S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want a list of selected patients" S DIR("?")="Answer NO if you just want the summary statistics." S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q 0 S DGENRP("LIST")=Y Q 1 ; ASKSTATS(DGENRP) ; ;Description: ask status codes to include ; N DIR S DGENRP("STATUS","ALL")=0 S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to include all Enrollment Statuses in the patient listing" S DIR("?")="Answer NO if the report should include only selected Enrollment Statuses." S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q 0 I Y S DGENRP("STATUS","ALL")=1 Q 1 F Q:'$$STATUS(.DGENRP) I '$O(DGENRP("STATUS",0)) Q 0 Q 1 ; STATUS(DGENRP) ; ;Description: Ask user to select a status code N DIR S DIR(0)="27.11,.04O" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) 0 S DGENRP("STATUS",+Y)="" Q 1 ; ASKPRTY(DGENRP) ; ;Description: ask enrollment priorities to include ; N DIR S DGENRP("PRIORITY","ALL")=0 S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to include all Enrollment Priorities in the patient listing" S DIR("?")="Answer NO if the report should inlclude only selected Enrollment Priorities." S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q 0 I Y S DGENRP("PRIORITY","ALL")=1 Q 1 F Q:'$$PRIORITY(.DGENRP) I '$O(DGENRP("PRIORITY",0)) Q 0 Q 1 ; ; PRIORITY(DGENRP) ; ;Description: Asks user to select an Enrollment Priority N DIR S DIR(0)="27.11,.07O" D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) 0 S DGENRP("PRIORITY",Y)="" Q 1 ; ASKINST(DGENRP) ; ;Description: ask preferred facilities to include ; N DIR S DGENRP("FACILITY","ALL")=0 S DIR(0)="Y" S DIR("A")="Do you want to include all Preferred Facilities" S DIR("?")="Answer NO if you want all enrollments found regardless of when the patient's Preferred Facility." S DIR("B")="NO" D ^DIR I $D(DIRUT) Q 0 I Y S DGENRP("FACILITY","ALL")=1 Q 1 F Q:'$$FACILITY I '$O(DGENRP("FACILITY",0)) Q 0 Q 1 ; ; FACILITY() ; ;Description: Asks user to select an institution N DIR S DIR(0)="PO^4:AEM" S DIR("A")="Preferred Facility" S DIR("?")="Selection of Preferred Facilities to include is made from the Institution file." D ^DIR Q:$D(DIRUT) 0 S:+Y DGENRP("FACILITY",+Y)="" Q 1 ;