DGENUPL3 ;ALB/CJM,ISA/KWP,AEG,BRM,TDM - PROCESS INCOMING (Z11 EVENT TYPE) HL7 MESSAGES ; 9/29/06 12:51pm ;;5.3;REGISTRATION;**147,230,232,377,404,451,653**;Aug 13,1993;Build 2 ; ; ADDMSG(MSGS,MESSAGE,TOHEC) ; ;Description: Used to add a message to an array of messages to be sent. ; ;Input: ; MSGS - the array to store the message (pass by reference) ; MESSAGE - the message to store ; TOHEC - a flag, if set to 1 it means that HEC should also receive notification ; ;Output: none ; I MESSAGE["DATE OF DEATH" Q S MSGS(0)=($G(MSGS(0))+1) S MSGS(MSGS(0))=MESSAGE I ($G(TOHEC)=1) S MSGS("HEC")=1 Q ; ; NOTIFY(DGPAT,MSGS) ; ;Description: This is used to send a message to the local mail group ;defined by the MAS Parameter ELIGIBILITY UPLOAD MAIL GROUP.The ;notification is to be used when specific problems or conditions ;regarding the upload of the enrollment or eligibility data. ; ;Input: ; OLDPAT -used if the DGPAT elements have not been built ; DGPAT - patient array (pass by reference) ; MSGS - the an array of messages that should be included in the ; notification (pass by reference). If MSGS("HEC")=1 ; it means that HEC should also receive notification. ; ;Output: none ; N TEXT,XMDUZ,XMTEXT,XMSUB,XMSTRIP,XMROU,XMY,XMZ,XMDF,COUNT N HEADER,NSC,POW,TMPSTR,MAILGRP,ELIG,CD ; ;if there are no alerts, then quit Q:'$G(MSGS(0)) ; ;Get reason for alert. If there is more than one reason decide which ;reason to display. 'NON-SERVICE' alerts have a higher priority than ;other alerts and are therefore displayed before other alerts in the ;subject line, followed by 'POW' alerts in priority. S (ELIG,NSC,POW,CD)=0 S COUNT=0 F S COUNT=$O(MSGS(COUNT)) Q:'COUNT!NSC D .I MSGS(COUNT)["PREVIOUSLY ELIGIBLE" S ELIG=1 Q .I MSGS(COUNT)["NON-SERVICE" S NSC=1 Q .I MSGS(COUNT)["POW" S POW=1 Q .I MSGS(COUNT)["CD EVALUATION" S CD=1 Q .S HEADER=MSGS(COUNT) .Q D .I ELIG S HEADER="Ineligibility Alert: " Q .I NSC S HEADER="NSC Alert: " Q .I POW&'NSC S HEADER="POW Alert: " Q .I CD S HEADER="CD Alert: " Q .Q ; S XMDF="" S (XMDUN,XMDUZ)="Registration Enrollment Module" ;Phase II Re-Enrollment ;DGPAT("SSN") is built by the parser. DGPAT("NAME"),DGPAT("SEX"),DGPAT("DOB")(are merged into DGPAT from OLDPAT. ;The checks below are to setup the DGPAT elements from OLDPAT if NOTIFY is called before the merge. I '$D(DGPAT("NAME")) S DGPAT("NAME")=$G(OLDPAT("NAME")) I '$D(DGPAT("SEX")) S DGPAT("SEX")=$G(OLDPAT("SEX")) I '$D(DGPAT("DOB")) S DGPAT("DOB")=$G(OLDPAT("DOB")) S TMPSTR=" ("_$E(DGPAT("NAME"),1,1) S TMPSTR=TMPSTR_$E(DGPAT("SSN"),$L(DGPAT("SSN"))-3,1000)_")" S XMSUB=$E(HEADER,1,30)_$E(DGPAT("NAME"),1,25)_TMPSTR ; ; send msg to local mail group specified in IVM SITE PARAMETER file S MAILGRP=+$P($G(^IVM(301.9,1,0)),"^",9) S MAILGRP=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(301.9,.09,"F",MAILGRP) I MAILGRP]"" S XMY("G."_MAILGRP)="" ; ; if flag is set, send msg to remote mail group specified in ; the IVM SITE PARAMETER file I $G(MSGS("HEC"))=1 D .S MAILGRP=$P($G(^IVM(301.9,1,0)),"^",10) .S MAILGRP=$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(301.9,.10,"F",MAILGRP) .I MAILGRP]"" S XMY("G."_MAILGRP)="" ; ; S XMTEXT="TEXT(" S TEXT(1)="The enrollment/eligibility upload produced the following alerts:" S TEXT(2)=" " S TEXT(3)="Patient Name : "_DGPAT("NAME") S TEXT(4)="SSN : "_DGPAT("SSN") S TEXT(5)="DOB : "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(2,$$FIELD^DGENPTA1("DOB"),"F",DGPAT("DOB")) S TEXT(6)="SEX : "_$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(2,$$FIELD^DGENPTA1("SEX"),"F",DGPAT("SEX")) S TEXT(7)=" " ; S TEXT(8)=" ** Alerts **" S TEXT(9)=" " S COUNT=0 F S COUNT=$O(MSGS(COUNT)) Q:'COUNT S TEXT(10+COUNT)=COUNT_") "_MSGS(COUNT) ; D ^XMD Q ; BEGUPLD(DFN) ; ;Description: Sets a lock used to determine if an eligibility/enrollment ;upload is in progress. ; ;Input: ; DFN - ien, Patient record ; ;Output: ; Function value - returns 1 if the lock was obtained, 0 otherwise. ; Q:'$G(DFN) 1 L +^DGEN("ELIGIBILITY UPLOAD",DFN):3 Q $T ; ENDUPLD(DFN) ; ;Description: Releases the lock obtained by calling $$BEGUPLD(DFN) ; Q:'$G(DFN) L -^DGEN("ELIGIBILITY UPLOAD",DFN) Q ; CKUPLOAD(DFN) ; ;Description: Checks if an upload is in progress. If so, it pauses ;until it is completed. ;The enrollment/eligibility upload can take a while to accomplish. ;If the lock is not obtained initially, it is assumed that the upload ;is in progress, and a message is displayed to the user. ; ;Input: DFN ;Output: none ; N I I '$$BEGUPLD(DFN) D .W !!,"Upload of patient enrollment/eligibility data is in progress ..." .D UNLOCK^DGENPTA1(DFN) .F I=1:1:50 Q:$$BEGUPLD(DFN) W "." .W !,"Upload of patient enrollment/eligibility data is completed.",! D ENDUPLD(DFN) Q ; ;ZMH code moved here from DGENUPL2 - DG*5.3*653 ZMH ;Purple Heart, POW, OEF/OIF Conflict Loc ;ONLY PROCESS PH, OEF/OIF & POW FROM ZMH Q:$S(SEG(2)="PH":0,SEG(2)="OEIF":0,SEG(2)="POW":0,1:1) I SEG(2)="PH" D Q ;Process Purple Heart from ZMH . S DGPAT("PHI")=$P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH)) . S DGELG("PH")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH))) . S DGPAT("PHST")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH),2)) . S DGPAT("PHRR")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH),3)) ; I SEG(2)="OEIF" D Q . S DGOEIF("COUNT")=$G(DGOEIF("COUNT"))+1 . S DGOEIF("LOC",DGOEIF("COUNT"))=$E($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH)),1,3) . S DGOEIF("SITE",DGOEIF("COUNT"))=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH),2),"INSTITUTION") . S DGOEIF("FR",DGOEIF("COUNT"))=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(4),$E(HLECH)),"DATE") . S DGOEIF("TO",DGOEIF("COUNT"))=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(4),$E(HLECH),2),"DATE") . S DGOEIF("LOCK")=1 ; I SEG(2)="POW" D ;Process POW from ZMH . S DGPAT("POWI")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH))) ;POW STATUS INDICATED . S DGELG("POW")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH))) . S DGPAT("POWLOC")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(3),$E(HLECH),2)) . I DGPAT("POWLOC")'="@" S DGPAT("POWLOC")=$$POWLOC(DGPAT("POWLOC"),.ERROR) ;POW CONFINEMENT LOCATION . I ERROR D Q . . D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),"BAD VALUE, ZMH SEGMENT, SEQ 3, POW CONFINEMENT LOCATION",.ERRCOUNT) . S DGPAT("POWFDT")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(4),$E(HLECH)),"DATE",.ERROR) ;POW FROM DATE . I ERROR D Q . . D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),"BAD VALUE, ZMH SEGMENT, SEQ 4, POW FROM DATE",.ERRCOUNT) . S DGPAT("POWTDT")=$$CONVERT^DGENUPL1($P(SEG(4),$E(HLECH),2),"DATE",.ERROR) ;POW TO DATE . I ERROR D Q . . D ADDERROR^DGENUPL(MSGID,$G(DGPAT("SSN")),"BAD VALUE, ZMH SEGMENT, SEQ 4, POW TO DATE",.ERRCOUNT) Q ; POWLOC(LOC,ERROR) ;POW Confinement Location mapping with HL7 table VA023 ; Input: LOC - HL7 code for location ; Output: ERROR - Return error 1 on failure ; IEN22 - IEN of file 22 N TBL023 S ERROR=0 ;Uncomment following line for EVC R2 ;I LOC="" S ERROR=1 Q "" I LOC="" Q "" ;Remove this line for EVC R2 S TBL023(4)="WWI",TBL023(5)="WWII-EUROPE",TBL023(6)="WWII-PACIFIC" S TBL023(7)="KOREAN",TBL023(8)="VIETNAM",TBL023(9)="OTHER" S TBL023("A")="PERSIAN GULF",TBL023("B")="YUGOSLAVIA" S IEN22=$O(^DIC(22,"C",TBL023(LOC),"")) I IEN22="" S ERROR=1 Q IEN22 ;