DGFCPROT ;FLB/ALB-DG Field Monitor cross-reference initialing routine. ; 01 AUG 2000 ; 6/18/03 9:08am ;;5.3;Registration;**273,526,707**;AUG 13, 1993;Build 14 ; FC(DGDA,DGFILE,DGFIELD,DGTYPE,DGDTH,DGUSER,DGX,DGX1,DGX2,DGOPT) ; Field change listener ;Input: DGDA = DA array as exists during Fileman editing ;Input: DGFILE = File or subfile number where changed field resides ;Input: DGFIELD = Number of changed field ;Input: DGTYPE = Type of cross reference action ("SET" or "KILL") ;Input: DGDTH = date/time of change in $Horolog format ;Input: DGUSER = DUZ of user that made the change ;Input: DGX = X array as documented for Fileman new style x-refs ;Input: DGX1 = X1 array as documented for Fileman new style x-refs ;Input: DGX2 = X2 array as documented for Fileman new style x-refs ;Input: DGOPT = current option in "option_name^menu_text" format ; ;This utility invokes the DG FIELD MONITOR event point protocol. ;The DG variables as described above are made available to the ;subscribers of this event point. ; ;NOTE: This event point is not invoked if the action type is "KILL" ; and the old field value is null or the new value is not null. ; It is not invoked if the action type is "SET" and the new ; field value is null. ; Q:DGX="" ;Quit if setting or killing null value ; I DGTYPE="KILL",DGX2]"" Q ;Skip kill action on data update ; ;Manipulate DGTYPE value S DGTYPE=$S(DGTYPE="KILL":"DELETE",DGTYPE="SET":"ADD",1:DGTYPE) I DGX1]"",DGX2]"" S DGTYPE="UPDATE" ; S DGOPT=$P(DGOPT,U,1,2) S:DGOPT="" DGOPT="-1^Unknown" ;Current option ; ;Task off (Taskman) driver routine. N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTIO,ZTDTH,ZTSAVE,ZTSK,DGVAR,BXREF,SUBSCR,ZTREQ S ZTRTN="INIT^DGFCPROT",ZTDESC="DG Field monitor task" S ZTIO="DG FIELD MONITOR",ZTDTH=$$NOW^XLFDT F DGVAR="DGDA","DGDA(","DGFILE","DGFIELD","DGTYPE","DGDTH","DGUSER","DGX","DGX(","DGX1","DGX1(","DGX2","DGX2(","DGOPT" S ZTSAVE(DGVAR)="" ;If there are no subscribers, do not call Taskman I $D(VAFCA08) S ZTSAVE("VAFCA08")=VAFCA08 ;**707 I $D(VAFHCA08) S ZTSAVE("VAFHCA08")=VAFHCA08 ;**707 S BXREF=0,BXREF=$O(^ORD(101,"B","DG FIELD MONITOR",BXREF)) S SUBSCR=0,SUBSCR=$O(^ORD(101,BXREF,10,SUBSCR)) I 'SUBSCR Q D ^%ZTLOAD Q ; INIT N X S X=$O(^ORD(101,"B","DG FIELD MONITOR",0))_";ORD(101," D EN1^XQOR I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" K DGDA,DGFILE,DGFIELD,DGTYPE,DGDTH,DGUSER,DGX,DGX1,DGX2,DGOPT Q