DGGECSA ;ALB/RMO - Auto Generate Code Sheets for MAS AMIS(s) ; 13 AUG 90 8:52 am ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ;============================================================== ;Entry Points: ; ASK -Prompt user to generate AMIS code sheets ; QUE -Queue generation of AMIS code sheet to default printer ;============================================================== ASK ;Prompt user to generate AMIS code sheets ; Input -- None Required ; Output -- %=1 user entered 'YES' ; %=2 user entered 'NO' ; %<0 user timeout or entered an '^' S %=0,DGCODPRT=$S($D(^DG(43,1,0)):$P(^(0),"^",25),1:"") G Q:DGCODPRT="" W !!,"Do you wish to generate code sheets if segments are balanced" S %=2 D YN^DICN G Q:%<0 I '% W !!?3,"Enter 'YES' to generate code sheets, or 'NO' not to." G ASK I %=1 W !!?3,"NOTE: AMIS Code Sheets will be queued to print on ",DGCODPRT,"." Q K DGCODPRT Q ; QUE ;Queue generation of AMIS code sheet to default MAS code sheet printer ; Input -- DGSEG Segment Number ie, 334 ; DGDIV Medical Ctr Div File (#40.8) IFN ie, 1 ; DGMYR Month/Year in internal date format ie, 2900200 ; Output -- Task is Queued to Generate a Code Sheet S ZTRTN="START^DGGECSA",ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("DGTTF")=DGSEG,ZTSAVE("DGDIV")=DGDIV,ZTSAVE("DGMYR")=DGMYR S ZTDESC="GENERATE AMIS CODE SHEET" S ZTIO=$S($D(^DG(43,1,0)):$P(^(0),"^",25),1:"") D ^%ZTLOAD:ZTIO'="" K ZTSK,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE,ZTDESC Q ; START ;Auto generation of AMIS code sheet U IO Q:'$D(DGTTF)!('$D(DGDIV))!('$D(DGMYR)) S SDABORT=0,DGSTR="",DGSTA=$S('$D(^DG(40.8,+DGDIV,0)):0,$P(^(0),"^",2)'="":$P(^(0),"^",2),$D(^DIC(4,+$P(^(0),"^",7),99)):$P(^(99),"^",1),1:0) I DGTTF'>399 D BLD^DGGECS,GEN^DGGECS:'SDABORT I DGTTF>399 F I=401:1:420 S DGAMS(I)="" I DGTTF>399 D START^DGGECS K DGSTA,DGSTR,DGTTF,SDABORT,I,DGAMS Q