DGMTA ;ALB/RMO/CAW/LD/SCG/AEG/PHH - Add a New Means Test ; 07/06/2004 ;;5.3;Registration;**33,45,137,166,177,182,290,344,332,433,458,535,612,564**;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN ;Entry point to add a new means test N DGMDOD S DGMDOD="" S DGADDF=1 I $D(DGMTDFN)#2 D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DGMTDFN) K DGMTDFN S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMQ" W ! D ^DIC K DIC G Q:Y<0 S (DFN,DGMTDFN)=+Y I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U)'="" S DGMDOD=$P(^DPT(DFN,.35),U) I $G(DGMDOD) W !,"Patient died on: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGMDOD,"1D") Q ; ; check if income test in progress D CKUPLOAD^IVMCUPL(DFN) ; ; obtain lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $$LOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) ; I DGMTYPT=1 N DGDOM1 D EN^DGMTR I 'DGREQF,'$G(DGDOM1) W !,*7,"A means test can only be added for patients who require one.",! K DGDOM1 G EN ; N FUTMT S FUTMT=$$FUT^DGMTU(DFN,"",DGMTYPT) I FUTMT D FTST G EN ; ;if a test was auto-completed, DGADDF gets set to 0 I 'DGADDF W !!,*7,"A means test already exists and is in effect" G EN ; K:DGMTYPT=1 DGDOM1 I DGMTYPT=2 D EN^DGMTCOR I 'DGMTCOR S I=$P($T(WHY+DGWRT),";",3,99) W !!,*7,"A copay exemption test can only be added for applicable veterans.",!,I G EN S DGLDT=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,"",DGMTYPT),DGLD=$P(DGLDT,U,2),DGLDYR=$E(DGLD,1,3)_"1231" ; DT S %DT("A")="DATE OF TEST: ",%DT="AEX",%DT(0)="-NOW",%DT("B")="NOW" W ! D ^%DT K %DT G Q:Y<0 S DGMTDT=Y I DGMTDT<$S(DGMTYPT=1:2860701,1:2921029) W !?3,*7,"The date of test cannot be before "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"7/1/1986.",1:"10/29/1992.") G DT I DGLD,DGMTDTDGLDYR D G EN .W !?3,*7,"An annual date of test already exists on " S Y=DGLD X ^DD("DD") W Y,"." .S DGTTYP=$S(DGMTYPT=1:"Means ",1:"Copay Exemption ") .W !,$S($P($G(^DG(408.34,+$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,+DGLDT,0)),U,23),0)),U)="VAMC":" Use the 'Edit an Existing "_DGTTYP_"Test' Option.",1:" Use the 'View a Past Means Test' Option.") ; ;Means Test cannot be added for patient on a DOM ward on date of test I DGMTYPT=2 G PRINT N VAINDT,VADMVT,DGDOM,DGDOM1 S VAINDT=DGMTDT D DOM1^DGMTR I $G(DGDOM1) D K VAINDT,VADMVT,DGDOM,DGDOM1 G EN .W !,*7,"A Means Test cannot be added for patients on a DOM ward on date of test.",! K VAINDT,VADMVT,DGDOM,DGDOM1 ; ;A warning message is displayed if last means test for patient is ;from a prior year and has a status of required. The user is given ;the option to continue or stop adding a new means test. N % I DGLD,DGMTDT>DGLDYR,$P(DGLDT,"^",4)="R" D Q:%=-1 I %=2 K % G EN .W !?3,*7,"WARNING - last means test on " S Y=DGLD X ^DD("DD") W Y," has a status of required." DT2 .W !?3,"Do you still want to continue adding new test" .S %=2 D YN^DICN .I %=0 W !?3,"Answer 'Y'es to continue adding new test." G DT2 .Q K % ; PRINT I "^P^A^C^G^"[(U_$P(DGLDT,U,4)_U) S %=1 W !,"Do you wish to print the prior means test" D YN^DICN G:%=-1 Q I %Y["?" W !!,"This will print the prior means test information.",! G PRINT I $G(%)=1 S DGX=DGMTDT,DGMTDT=DGLD,DGMTI=+DGLDT,DGOPT="" D DEV^DGMTP,CLOSE^DGUTQ S DGMTDT=DGX K DGX D ADD G EN:DGMTI<0 S DGMTACT="ADD",DGMTROU="EN^DGMTA" G EN^DGMTSC ; Q K DA,DFN,DGADDF,DGBL,DGFL,DGFLD,DGIRO,DGLD,DGLDT,DGLDYR,DGMTACT,DGMTCOR,DGMTDT,DGMTI,DGMTROU,DGREQF,DGTTYP,DGMTYPT,DGVI,DGVO,X,X1,X2,Y ; ; release lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $D(DGMTDFN)#2 D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DGMTDFN) K DGMTDFN Q ; ADD ;Add means test ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGMTDT Date ; DGMTYPT Type of Test 1=MT 2=COPAY 4=LTC ; Output -- DGMTI Annual Means/Copay/LTC Test IEN N DA,DD,DIC,DIK,DINUM,DLAYGO,DO,DS,X,D0,DGSITE ; ; obtain lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $$LOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) E Q ; ; Check for Linked test and don't loose the link. S LINK="",CURIEN=+$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DGMTDT,DGMTYPT) I CURIEN S LINK=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,CURIEN,2)),U,6) ; S DGSITE=$$GETSITE^DGMTU4(.DUZ) S X=DGMTDT,(DIC,DIK)="^DGMT(408.31,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=408.31 ; ; The DIC("DR") string is built in this specific order so that ; all triggers and "M" x-refs fire correctly. Should not be ; modified without an in-depth review of DD of file #408.31. ; I DGMTYPT=2 D .S DIC("DR")="2////"_(DGMTYPT'=4)_";2.05////"_DGSITE_";2.06////"_LINK .S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";.02////"_DFN_";.019////"_DGMTYPT_";.23////1" E D .S DIC("DR")="2////"_(DGMTYPT'=4)_";2.05////"_DGSITE_";2.06////"_LINK .S DIC("DR")=DIC("DR")_";.019////"_DGMTYPT_";.02////"_DFN_";.23////1" K DD,DO D FILE^DICN S DGMTI=+Y ; ; release lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) ; ADDQ Q ; FTST ; Build message for future tests that are added to the system, but ; were not performed by the VAMC trying to add a new MT. N SITE,DGMTYPT,DGTTYP,SRC,SCT S SCT=$P(^DGMT(408.31,+FUTMT,2),U,5),SITE=$$INST^DGENU() S DGMTYPT=$P(^DGMT(408.31,+FUTMT,0),U,19) S DGTTYP=$S(DGMTYPT=1:"Means ",1:"Copay Exemption ") W !?3,*7,"A future test already exists on " S Y=$P(FUTMT,U,2) X ^DD("DD") W Y,"." ; This site performed the MT I SITE=SCT D .W !?3,"Use the 'Edit an Existing "_DGTTYP_"Test' Option." ; ; The MT was added by another VAMC I SITE'=SCT D .S SRC=$P(FUTMT,U,5) .I SCT W !?3,"The "_DGTTYP_"Test was conducted at Site: ",SCT .W !?3,"Please contact " .W $S($D(^DIC(4,+SCT,0)):$P(^DIC(4,+SCT,0),U),SRC=2:"IVM",SRC=3:"the HEC",1:"the site") .W ",",!?3,"if it is necessary to edit the test." Q WHY ;Why Copay Test cannot be added ;;Patient is not a veteran. ;;Patient does not have a Primary Eligibility Code. ;;Patient is Service Connected 50-100%. ;;Means Test options must be used instead of Copay options. ;;Patient is receiving Aid and Attendance, automatically exempted. ;;Patient is receiving Housebound Benefits, automatically exempted. ;;Patient is receiving a VA Pension, automatically exempted. ;;Patient is in a DOM ward, automatically exempted. ;;Patient is an inpatient, automatically exempted. ;;Patient was a POW, automatically exempted. ;;Patient is Unemployable, automatically exempted.