DGMTCOU ;ALB/CAW - Copay Utilities ; 12/10/92 ;;5.3;Registration;**45,182**;Aug 13, 1993 ; EDT(DFN,DGDT) ;Display patients current copay test information and provide ; the user with the option of proceeding with adding a ; copay test or editing an existing copay test ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGDT Date/Time ; Output -- None ; ; N DGMTERR,SOURCE,DGMTYPT S DGMTYPT=2 ; ; obtain lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $$LOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) ; S DGMTI=+$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,DGDT,2) S DGMT0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),DGMTDT=+DGMT0 S DGMTS=$P(DGMT0,"^",3) I $$YR(DFN,DGDT,+DGMT0) S DGMTS="" G:$P($$RXST^IBARXEU(DFN,DT),U,3)=2010&('$$YR(DFN,DT,DGMTI)) EDTQ D DISP^IBARXEU(DFN,DGDT,2) W ! ; ;If test is uneditable, print error message and allow user to view test S SOURCE=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)),U,23) I SOURCE,'$P($G(^DG(408.34,SOURCE,0)),U,2) D D:$G(DGMTERR) DISPLAY^DGMTU23(DGMTI,2),PAUSE^DGMTE G EDTQ .W !,"The source of this test makes the test uneditable." .S DIR("A")="Would you like to view the copay test",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="Y" .D ^DIR K DIR S DGMTERR=Y I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) K DGMTERR,DTOUT,DUOUT ; S DIR("A")="Do you wish to "_$S(DGMTS="":"add a",1:"edit the")_" copay test at this time" S DIR("B")=$S(DGMTS=10:"YES",1:"NO"),DIR(0)="Y" W ! D ^DIR G EDTQ:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) I Y,DGMTS]"" S DGMTYPT=2,DGMTACT="EDT",DGMTROU="EDTQ^DGMTCOU" G EN^DGMTSC I Y,DGMTS="" S DGMTYPT=2,DGMTACT="ADD",DGMTROU="EDTQ^DGMTCOU" S DGMTDT=DT D ADD^DGMTA G EN^DGMTSC EDTQ K DGMT0,DGMTACT,DGMTDT,DGMTI,DGMTROU,DGMTS,DIR,Y ; ; release lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) Q ; YR(DFN,DGDT,DGMT0) ;Check to see if test is greater than 365 days ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DGDT Date/Time to check against ; DGMT0 Zeroth node of Copay test ; Output -- 1 = TEST IS 365 OR MORE DAYS OLD ; 0 = TEST IS LESS THAN 365 DAYS OLD ; N X,X1,X2,DGLDYR,DGY S DGY=1 S DGLDYR=$E(DGMT0,1,3)_"1231" I DGMTI S X1=DGDT,X2=$P(DGMT0,U,2) D ^%DTC I X<365,DGDT'>DGLDYR S DGY=0 Q DGY ; ON ; Check to see of copay software is on ; Input - none ; Output - 1 = YES ; 0 = NO I $P(^DG(43,1,0),U,41) S Y=1 Q S Y=0 Q ASKNW() ; Q 0