DGMTDD2 ;ALB/RMO,LBD - Income Relation file (#408.22) Data Dictionary Calls ;13 MAR 1992 3:00 pm ;;5.3;Registration;**33,45,518**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ID ;Identifier for Income Relation file N DGIN0,DGPRI,Y S DGIN0=$G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P($G(^(0)),U,2),0)) S DGPRI=+$P(DGIN0,U,2),Y=+DGIN0 X ^DD("DD") W " ",Y W:$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)'=1 " Relation: ",$$NAME^DGMTU1(DGPRI)," (",$$REL^DGMTU1(DGPRI),")" W ! Q ; FUN ;"Trigger" Cross-reference on the Married field (#.05) and ;Dependent Children field (#.08) to delete funeral and burial ;expenses ; If the test is a LTC Copay test do not delete the funeral and ; burial expenses. Added for LTC Phase III (DG*5.3*518) N DGFLD,DGIN0,DGINI,DGVAL,DGMT S DGINI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),U,2),DGIN1=$G(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,1)) S DGMT=+$G(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,"MT")) I DGMT,$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMT,0)),U,19)=3 Q S DGFLD=1.02,DGVAL=$P(DGIN1,U,2) I DGVAL]"" D KILL S $P(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,1),U,2)="" Q ; SP ;"Trigger" Cross-reference on the Amount Contributed to Spouse field ;(#.07) to delete net worth on file for a spouse N DFN,DGIN2,DGINI,DGLY,DGREL,DGVAL S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)) S DFN=+DGIR0,DGLY=+$G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)) D .N DA,X .D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"S",DGLY,$S($G(DGMTI):DGMTI,1:"")) S DGINI=+$$IAI^DGMTU3(+$G(DGREL("S")),DGLY) S DGIN2=$G(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,2)) F DGFLD=2.01:.01:2.05 S DGVAL=$P(DGIN2,U,(DGFLD-2)/.01) I DGVAL]"" D .D KILL .S $P(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,2),U,(DGFLD-2)/.01)="" Q ; INC ;"Trigger" Cross-reference on the Child Had Income field (#.11) and ;Income Available To You field (#.12) to delete educational expenses ;on file for a child N DGINI S DGINI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),U,2) I $P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,0)),U,14)]"" D .N DGFLD,DGVAL .I $P($G(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,1)),U,3)]"" S DGVAL=$P(^(1),U,3),DGFLD=1.03 D KILL S $P(^DGMT(408.21,DGINI,1),U,3)="" Q KILL ;Kill Cross-Reference N DA,DGIX,X S DA=DGINI,X=DGVAL,DGIX=0 F S DGIX=$O(^DD(408.21,DGFLD,1,DGIX)) Q:'DGIX X ^(DGIX,2) S X=DGVAL Q ; MAR ;Input Transform check for the Married field (#.05) ;for an active spouse N DFN,DGIR0,DGLY,DGREL S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)) S DFN=+DGIR0,DGLY=+$G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)) D .N DA,X .D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"S",DGLY,$S($G(DGMTI):DGMTI,1:"")) I $D(DGREL("S")) W !?5,"An active spouse exists. Married cannot be 'NO'.",!?5,"You have to use the 'Expand Dependent' action and inactive first." K X Q ; DEP ;Input Transform check for the Dependent Children field (#.08) ;for active children N DFN,DGDEP,DGIR0,DGLY,DGREL S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)) S DFN=+DGIR0,DGLY=+$G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)) D .N DA,X .D GETREL^DGMTU11(DFN,"C",DGLY,$S($G(DGMTI):DGMTI,1:"")) I $D(DGREL("C")) W !?5,"Active children exist. Dependent Children cannot be 'NO'." K X Q ; LIV ;Input Transform check for Lived With Patient field (#.06) N DGIR0,DGPRI S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)),U,2) I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)=1,'$P(DGIR0,U,5) W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in unless the patient is married." K X Q ; AMT ;Input Transform check for Amount Contributed To Spouse field (#.07) N DGIR0,DGPRI S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)),U,2) I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)=1,('$P(DGIR0,U,5)!($P(DGIR0,U,6)'=0)) W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in unless the patient was married",!?5,"and did not live with his or her spouse." K X Q ; CON ;Input Transform check for Contributed To Support field (#.1) N DGIR0,DGPRI S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)),U,2) I "^3^4^5^6^"[(U_$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)_U),$P(DGIR0,U,6)'=0 W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in unless the child did not",!?5,"live with the patient." K X Q ; AVL ;Input Transform check for Income Available To You field (#.12) I '$P($G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),U,11) W !?5,"This field does not need to be filled in unless the child has income." K X Q ; NAM ;Output Transform for Individual Annual Income field (#.02) N DGIN0,DGPRI S DGIN0=$G(^DGMT(408.21,Y,0)),DGPRI=+$P(DGIN0,U,2),Y=+DGIN0 X ^DD("DD") S Y=Y_" "_$$NAME^DGMTU1(DGPRI) Q ; LIVHLP ;Help for Lived With Patient field (#.06) N DGIR0,DGPRI S DGIR0=$G(^DGMT(408.22,DA,0)),DGPRI=+$P($G(^DGMT(408.21,+$P(DGIR0,U,2),0)),U,2) I $P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)=1 W !?5,"Enter in this field whether the veteran resided with his or her spouse",!?5,"last calendar year. If they were living apart because one was",!?5,"hospitalized or in a nursing home, enter 'YES'." I "^3^4^5^6^"[(U_$P($G(^DGPR(408.12,DGPRI,0)),U,2)_U) W !?5,"Enter in this field whether the child resided with the veteran last",!?5,"calendar year." W ! Q