DGMTE ;ALB/RMO,CAW,LD,SCG - Edit an Existing Means Test ;03 APR 2002 2:00 pm ;;5.3;Registration;**33,45,182,344,332,433,624**;Aug 13, 1993 ; EN ;Entry point to edit an existing means test N DGMDOD S DGMDOD="" I DGMTYPT=1 S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,14)" I DGMTYPT=2!(DGMTYPT=4) S DIC("S")="I $D(^DGMT(408.31,""AID"",DGMTYPT,+Y))" I $D(DGMTDFN)#2 D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DGMTDFN) K DGMTDFN S DIC="^DPT(",DIC(0)="AEMQ" W ! D ^DIC K DIC G Q:Y<0 S (DFN,DGMTDFN)=+Y I $P($G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),U)'="" S DGMDOD=$P(^DPT(DFN,.35),U) I $G(DGMDOD) W !,"Patient died on: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGMDOD,"1D") Q ; ; check if income test upload in progress D CKUPLOAD^IVMCUPL(DFN) ; ; obtain lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $$LOCK^DGMTUTL(DFN) ; DT S DIC("A")="Select DATE OF TEST: " N FUTFLG,VSITE S FUTFLG=0,VSITE=+$P($$SITE^VASITE(),U,3) I $D(^DGMT(408.31,+$$FUT^DGMTU(DFN,"",DGMTYPT),0)),+$P($G(^(2)),U,5)=VSITE S DIC("B")=$P(^(0),"^"),FUTFLG=1 I 'FUTFLG I $D(^DGMT(408.31,+$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,"",DGMTYPT),0)) S DIC("B")=$P(^(0),"^") S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,2)=DFN,$P(^(0),U,19)=DGMTYPT" S:DGMTYPT'=4 DIC("S")=DIC("S")_" I $G(^(""PRIM""))!($P(^(0),U,1)>DT)" S DIC="^DGMT(408.31,",DIC(0)="EQZ" W ! D EN^DGMTLK K DIC G Q:Y<0 S DGMTI=+Y,DGMTDT=$P(Y,"^",2),DGMT0=Y(0) ; ;If test is uneditable, print error message and allow user to view test ;or print 10-10EZ/EZR ; I '$P($G(^DG(408.34,+$P(Y(0),U,23),0)),U,2) D D:$G(DGMTERR) VIEWPRT G EN .W !!?3,*7,"Warning: Uneditable "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"means",1:"copay")_" test. The source of this test is "_$S($$SR^DGMTAUD1(Y(0))]"":$$SR^DGMTAUD1(Y(0)),1:"UNKNOWN") .W !?12,"which has been flagged as an uneditable source.",! .S DIR("A")="Would you like to view the "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"means",1:"copay")_" test or print the 10-10EZR/EZ",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="Y" .D ^DIR K DIR S DGMTERR=Y I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) K DGMTERR,DTOUT,DUOUT I "^3^10^"[("^"_$P(Y(0),"^",3)_"^") W !?3,*7,$S(DGMTYPT=1:"Means",1:"Copay")_" test is NO LONGER "_$S(DGMTYPT=1:"REQUIRED",1:"APPLICABLE")_", it cannot be edited." G EN I DGMTYPT=4,$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2)),U,8) D I $G(DGOUT) K DGOUT G EN .N DGMT,DGT S DGMT=$P(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,2),U,8),DGT=$P($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMT,0)),U,19) .I DGT,DGT>2 Q .W !!,?3,"This LTC copay exemption test is linked to the ",$$FTIME^DGMTUTL(+^DGMT(408.31,DGMT,0)),$S(DGT=1:" means",1:" RX copay")," test." .W !,?3,"Changes should be made using the 'Edit an Existing ",$S(DGT=1:"Means",1:"Copay Exemption")," Test'" .W !,?3,"menu option." .S DGOUT=1 D DISPLAY^DGMTU23(DGMTI,DGMTYPT),PAUSE I $D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) K DTOUT,DUOUT G EN ; ;hardship determination, once granted, will remain unless deleted by ;hardship option ;I $P(DGMT0,"^",20),'$$EDIT() G EN ; if hardship ; S DGMTACT="EDT",DGMTROU="EN^DGMTE" G EN^DGMTSC ; Q K DFN,DGMTACT,DGMTDT,DGMTERR,DGMT0,DGMTI,DGMTROU,DGMTYPT,DGMTX,DGOUT,DTOUT,DUOUT,X,Y ; ; release lock used to synchronize local MT/CT options with income test upload I $D(DGMTDFN)#2 D UNLOCK^DGMTUTL(DGMTDFN) K DGMTDFN Q ; PAUSE S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR Q ; VIEWPRT ; Select 1 to view an uneditable means test or 2 to print a 10-10EZ/EZR ; S DIR(0)="S^1:View Means Test;2:Print Means Test 10-10EZR/EZ",DIR("A")="Select Choice" D ^DIR S DGMTANS=Y G:$D(DTOUT)!($D(DUOUT)) VIEWPRTQ I DGMTANS=1 D EN1^DGMTV I DGMTANS=2 D .N RPTSEL,DGTASK .D FULL^VALM1 .S (RPTSEL,DGTASK)="" .I $D(DGFINOP) DO ..W !!,"Options for printing financial assessment information will follow." ..W !,"Generally, you should answer 'YES' to 'PRINT 10-10EZR?' after updating" ..W !,"patient demographic or financial information. Answer 'YES' to 'PRINT" ..W !,"10-10EZ?' after entering new patient demographic and financial information." .S RPTSEL=$$SEL1010^DG1010P("EZR/EZ") ;*Select 1010EZ/R form to print .S:RPTSEL'="-1" DGTASK=$$PRT1010^DG1010P(RPTSEL,DFN,DGMTI) ;*Print 1010EZ/R ; VIEWPRTQ ; K DGMTANS,DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,Y Q ; EDIT() ; want to edit even though MT is hardship? ; ; Output: 1 if user wants to edit, 0 otherwise ; N DIR,DTOUT,DUOUT,DIRUT,DIROUT,I,X,Y S DIR("?",1)="WARNING: You are about to access a means test for which a hardship has" S DIR("?",2)=" been authorized. If you proceed, the hardship will be removed" S DIR("?",3)=" and the means test category will be recalculated! To avoid" S DIR("?",4)=" this problem, enter NO at the next prompt and use the 'View" S DIR("?",5)=" a Past Means Test' option should you need to see details of" S DIR("?",6)=" this means test." S DIR("?",7)=" " S DIR("?")="Enter NO to stop editing this means test. Enter YES to continue" F I=1:1 Q:'$D(DIR("?",I)) W !,DIR("?",I) S DIR("A")="Do you want to continue editing this means test? ",DIR("B")="NO",DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR Q Y