DGMTLK ;ALB/RMO - Look-up a Means Test for a Patient ;28 MAY 1992 10:41 am ;;5.3;Registration;;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; Input -- DFN Patient IEN ; DIC DIC variables as defined by FM ^DIC call ; DIC("A"), DIC("B"), DIC("S") are Optional ; Special Notes: ; - DIC(0) should NOT contain A, M or N for ; performance purposes ; - DIC("B") should be in internal format and will ; be converted to external format when displayed ; Output -- All variables as defined by FM ^DIC call ; EN ;Entry point to look-up a means test for a patient W !,$S($D(DIC("A")):DIC("A"),1:"Select DATE OF TEST: ") I $D(DIC("B")) S %=DIC("B") D DT^DGUTL K % W "// " R X:DTIME I '$T S DTOUT=1,Y=-1 G Q I X="",$D(DIC("B")) S X=DIC("B") S:X["^" DUOUT=1 I X["^"!(X="") S Y=-1 G Q I X["?" S D="ADFN"_DFN D IX^DIC K D G EN D ^DIC G EN:Y<0 Q Q